What evidence is there that Steve Bannon is a racist?

Racist = I don't agree with you.

The terms is actually funny... it seems to be so fluid in its meaning.
Evidence ? Ever read his trash fake news website ??

Regularly. Which I doubt you have ever done. It is not trash or fake. Do they get some stories wrong absolutely, but they do it less the CNN or MSNBC.

It is also not racist in the least. They have Asian, Hispanic, black and Jewish writers.

It is a great and honorable news organization

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Its funny you keep asking for proof of something that you cant provide any examples of proof. How about you ask for something you can explain instead of this "whos on first" routine you got going?
So what you are trying to say is that you believe Bannon is racist absent any proof. He simply is because you deemed it so.

Step right up!

What is proof that someone is racist? Your turn.
I laid out specific actions that would indicate that a person is a racist. Thus far, not only have I seen none of those actions demonstrated, I see you continue to demand standards of proof while ignoring what I posted.

You seem to not understand what the word PROOF means. The OP asked for PROOF not "actions that would indicate". Try again.

When you find out you cant then you'll realize how stupid it is to ask for proof of racism
Its funny you keep asking for proof of something that you cant provide any examples of proof. How about you ask for something you can explain instead of this "whos on first" routine you got going?
So what you are trying to say is that you believe Bannon is racist absent any proof. He simply is because you deemed it so.

Step right up!

What is proof that someone is racist? Your turn.
I laid out specific actions that would indicate that a person is a racist. Thus far, not only have I seen none of those actions demonstrated, I see you continue to demand standards of proof while ignoring what I posted.

You seem to not understand what the word PROOF means. The OP asked for PROOF not "actions that would indicate". Try again.

When you find out you cant then you'll realize how stupid it is to ask for proof of racism
IOW, you can't even produce "actions that would indicate" that he's a racist, much less that would prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt, thus making your already weak case much weaker. As long as you insist that you're the arbiter of what makes a person a racist and can apply whatever arbitrary criteria you want to at the time, you're not going to make any headway.

And here's a hint, I'm not even asking for absolute proof (you don't get to hide behind that), I'm simply asking for things that he has done that would cause a casual bystander to say, "That is the action of a racist".
Nearly a hundred posts into this thread.

Full disclosure, I was pretty much assuming there would be at least SOME kind of damning evidence.

There isn't any. Mac I take racism and racists very seriously. But the left has thrown out that word so many times they've made it meaningless.

First Bannon was called anti Semetic. That was a charge put out there by a former Obama staffer who heads up the ADL now.

The Zionists of America who endorsed Bannon as Trump's pick made that wretched soul apologize for his lies.

But the left started running with Bannon being anti Semetic. Except they made one big mistake. Andrew Brietbart a friend and confidant of Bannon's was a Jew.

Left didn't research. :) They didn't know either that Larry Solov the co founder of Brietbart News was Jew. Nor did they know that Joel Pollack mega Editor at Brietbart was guess what? An Orthodox Jew.

Gee. While claiming Bannon was this big anti Semetic bigot...whoopsies they hadn't researched that Steve helped fullfil Andrew's dream of Brietbart Israel.

As to racist and Islamaphobe, whoopsies again. Bannon personally flew to Britain to grab this wonderful young man to RUN Brietbart London who just happens to be a black Muslim.

The list is endless. Oh and he hired Milo. Yes that Milo.

Not many white supremicists could handle this many Jews/blacks/Muslims and gays around them unless they were a total masochist.


All the loons have left is name calling. The pity of it is they actually really truly want to just damage a good soul's character.

I call that evil.

"I'm not racist, some of my best friends are black which absolves me from any and all predjuidce."

Supposedly when you claim you have black friends that means you're racist. Of course that makes no sense, but consider the accusers. Imagine..........."I like Cadillac and have one in my driveway"........"Fuck you bigoted prick, you're a Volkswagen loving NAZI".
Its funny you keep asking for proof of something that you cant provide any examples of proof. How about you ask for something you can explain instead of this "whos on first" routine you got going?
So what you are trying to say is that you believe Bannon is racist absent any proof. He simply is because you deemed it so.

Step right up!

What is proof that someone is racist? Your turn.
I laid out specific actions that would indicate that a person is a racist. Thus far, not only have I seen none of those actions demonstrated, I see you continue to demand standards of proof while ignoring what I posted.

You seem to not understand what the word PROOF means. The OP asked for PROOF not "actions that would indicate". Try again.

When you find out you cant then you'll realize how stupid it is to ask for proof of racism

So, are you contending that is OK to label someone a racist with zero evidence to support said assertion?
Its funny you keep asking for proof of something that you cant provide any examples of proof. How about you ask for something you can explain instead of this "whos on first" routine you got going?
So what you are trying to say is that you believe Bannon is racist absent any proof. He simply is because you deemed it so.

Step right up!

What is proof that someone is racist? Your turn.
I laid out specific actions that would indicate that a person is a racist. Thus far, not only have I seen none of those actions demonstrated, I see you continue to demand standards of proof while ignoring what I posted.

You seem to not understand what the word PROOF means. The OP asked for PROOF not "actions that would indicate". Try again.

When you find out you cant then you'll realize how stupid it is to ask for proof of racism

So, are you contending that is OK to label someone a racist with zero evidence to support said assertion?

I'm saying that asking for proof when you cant identify ONE piece of proof of someone being racist means you want someone else to do what you are incapable of.

Here, I'll make it easier for you. Is there any instance you can think of when someone has MOST DEFINITELY been racist in the last 20 years? Anything?
Its funny you keep asking for proof of something that you cant provide any examples of proof. How about you ask for something you can explain instead of this "whos on first" routine you got going?
So what you are trying to say is that you believe Bannon is racist absent any proof. He simply is because you deemed it so.

Step right up!

What is proof that someone is racist? Your turn.
Something that shows they view one race as inferior or superior to others. Hatred based on race or the idea that one race need to be eliminated.

Proving someone is racist is rather simple. Here are some easy examples:

Blatant hate and violence.

Or something less overt that tries to paint a positive spin on hatred:

Clearly made by a racist.

And another:

And sometimes it can be extremely difficult. The far right has, for example, learned to use words to hide the fact that they mean something else. So the BNP in the UK for example talked about "British" but they meant "white British".

Sometimes it can.

I do not see how that absolves one of the onus of proof when they go around screaming someone is a racist. It also does not mean that you should level that term carte-blanch at anyone that you disagree with. Here, in this thread, I have already been given an excuse that proving such is impossible so we should just accept that he is, indicators of racism are holding political positions that one poster is against and now you with an excuse that it is 'difficult.'

Yet no real case has been presented. That is not a case of difficult - it is a case of believing something because you want it to be true and refusing to see the obvious.
Actually, Israel is made up of dozens of races. Ethiopian Jews, Ashkanazi (European) Jews, Middle Eastern Jews, et al.

So why do they not elect a black guy as a president in Israel?
Non-white Jews are underrepresented in Israeli political establishment, and that is the reason why European Jews are so hated in Israel.

Non-white Jews in Israel complain about the racism of white Jews, almost all Israeli politicians are white Ashkenazi. Black Ethiopian women were treated with Depo Provera, that treatement was forced by white Israeli doctors.

This way they managed to reduce the fertility of non-white Jews in Israel to a minimum.

And Israel's Interior Minister Yishai even openly told that Israel belongs to the white man.

While the Israeli Black Panthers no longer exist,[49] the Mizrahi Democratic Rainbow Coalition and many other NGOs carry on the struggle for equal access and opportunity in housing, education, and employment for the country's underprivileged populace – still largely composed of Sephardim and Mizrahim, joined now by newer immigrants from Ethiopia and the Caucasus Mountains.
Jewish ethnic divisions - Wikipedia

So there is not only racism against non-Jews in Israel, there is also racism against non-white Jews.

What would all these leftist "fighters against racism" say if white American doctors forced black American women to take Depo-Provera in order to reduce their fertility?

There would be no end of whining, but if this happens in Israel, nobody cares about it.
So what you are trying to say is that you believe Bannon is racist absent any proof. He simply is because you deemed it so.

Step right up!

What is proof that someone is racist? Your turn.
I laid out specific actions that would indicate that a person is a racist. Thus far, not only have I seen none of those actions demonstrated, I see you continue to demand standards of proof while ignoring what I posted.

You seem to not understand what the word PROOF means. The OP asked for PROOF not "actions that would indicate". Try again.

When you find out you cant then you'll realize how stupid it is to ask for proof of racism

So, are you contending that is OK to label someone a racist with zero evidence to support said assertion?

I'm saying that asking for proof when you cant identify ONE piece of proof of someone being racist means you want someone else to do what you are incapable of.

Here, I'll make it easier for you. Is there any instance you can think of when someone has MOST DEFINITELY been racist in the last 20 years? Anything?

Yeah, David Duke comes to mind.
So what you are trying to say is that you believe Bannon is racist absent any proof. He simply is because you deemed it so.

Step right up!

What is proof that someone is racist? Your turn.
I laid out specific actions that would indicate that a person is a racist. Thus far, not only have I seen none of those actions demonstrated, I see you continue to demand standards of proof while ignoring what I posted.

You seem to not understand what the word PROOF means. The OP asked for PROOF not "actions that would indicate". Try again.

When you find out you cant then you'll realize how stupid it is to ask for proof of racism

So, are you contending that is OK to label someone a racist with zero evidence to support said assertion?

I'm saying that asking for proof when you cant identify ONE piece of proof of someone being racist means you want someone else to do what you are incapable of.

Here, I'll make it easier for you. Is there any instance you can think of when someone has MOST DEFINITELY been racist in the last 20 years? Anything?
I provided you 3. You still cant handle it.

Interesting now that you want to try and hide behind the word proof while, yet again, misconstruing what the word actually means.

Hell, according to your logic there is no proof for AGW. Nice work. Thus far you have provided nothing at all once again showing that you have declared one racist simply because you deem it so.
Step right up!

What is proof that someone is racist? Your turn.
I laid out specific actions that would indicate that a person is a racist. Thus far, not only have I seen none of those actions demonstrated, I see you continue to demand standards of proof while ignoring what I posted.

You seem to not understand what the word PROOF means. The OP asked for PROOF not "actions that would indicate". Try again.

When you find out you cant then you'll realize how stupid it is to ask for proof of racism

So, are you contending that is OK to label someone a racist with zero evidence to support said assertion?

I'm saying that asking for proof when you cant identify ONE piece of proof of someone being racist means you want someone else to do what you are incapable of.

Here, I'll make it easier for you. Is there any instance you can think of when someone has MOST DEFINITELY been racist in the last 20 years? Anything?
I provided you 3. You still cant handle it.

Interesting now that you want to try and hide behind the word proof while, yet again, misconstruing what the word actually means.

Hell, according to your logic there is no proof for AGW. Nice work. Thus far you have provided nothing at all once again showing that you have declared one racist simply because you deem it so.

Hell, dude...You quoted yourself claiming you answered my question without answering anything...Heres the chain

Me:What is proof that someone is racist? Your turn.
You: I laid out specific actions that would indicate that a person is a racist. Thus far, not only have I seen none of those actions demonstrated, I see you continue to demand standards of proof while ignoring what I posted.

Where did you lay anything out to me? The only thing you've done is say over and over you answered but according to the quotes you didnt.
I hear on most media that Steve Bannon is a white racist but never hear where the get that view. Is there actually something in his background that makes him one or is it just another democrat ploy to attempt to weaken President Trump's administration?
Did you just get back to planet earth?
So, are you contending that is OK to label someone a racist with zero evidence to support said assertion?

The word "racist" was first invented by Commies, it was Trotzki who first talked about "racism".

Commies used emotional triggering as weapons to destroy their opponents.

Bolsheviks were a minority, financed by Wall Street Banksters.

How was it possible for this minority to subdue Russia?

Well, you can do this if you support minorities and fight the majority.

Non-Russian minorities in Russia got privileges, and the Russian majority was called "racists", who presumably discriminated and hated the non-Russian minorities in Russia.

Russian peasants were told that they are guilty!!!

This way the ethnic Russians in Russia lost any opportunity to defend their national interests, Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote a lot about this phenomenon.

Bolsheviks talked about "peace", "freedom", "love", and they claimed that they were fighting against "haters" and "racists".

This way they managed to kill dozens of millions in Russia, in fact Bolsheviks and Commies killed more innocent civilians, than any other totalitarian regimes in the 20th century.

This way, talking about "love" and "freedom", a tiny number of Bolsheviks managed to subdue the huge Russian majority, to destroy the best representatives of the Russian nation in their GULAG-System.

The Bolsheviks just called their victims "enemies of the people", "haters" and "racists".

But this trend changed during WWII.

Stalin was destroying Churches, but the German Wehrmacht was restoring the Russian, Belorussian and Ukrainian churches on the occupied territory. That was the reason why so many people welcomed the German occupation.

Stalin realised that he has to stop his anti-Russian policies, that he has to stop blaming Russians of "racism", that he has to restore Russian national pride, if he wants to save his own ass and motivate Russians to fight against Germans.

Nobody was ready to die for "Communism", and Stalin could understand this.

That was the beginning of the revival of Russian nationalism in the Soviet Union. The persecution of the Russian Church stopped, the Russian national heroes were restored.

After WWII Stalin tried to revers the trend, but it was too late.

In a nutshell:

The neo-Commies just use the old and tested in Russia tactics now in western countries, and this time they believe that there is no need in any revival of nationalism, so they go on with calling the majority "racists" and destroy the national symbols and heroes.

But at some point there will be a reaction to any action.

It is a silly fish that is caught twice with the same bait, but I hope that people in the West learn something from history.
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