What does this mean??

The son of perdition (Lucifer) in Ezekiel 28 is just an image of a man made a god upon dying in the seas (Rome).
Ezekiel 28:14-15 states he'd be deemed perfect (sinless) and called the anointed (Christ)
cherub (guardian in Hebrew Nazarei/Nazarene).
Why is this a problem for humanity?
Because through this whitewashed perfect image you are told by and through his ego (their affiliation pride) that you are saved instead of the deeds and restoration it takes to be where you could and should be in life.
This is why the iconographs show the fallen one holding down the scales of justice manipulating your judgment & hampering the weight of your deeds and nature of your being(spirit).
You will find the son of perdition in Ezekiel 14. He speaks with God's own voice. Though Noah, Daniel, and Job were in his time, only himself could he save. He is the Scapegoat.
You will find the son of perdition in Ezekiel 14. He speaks with God's own voice. Though Noah, Daniel, and Job were in his time, only himself could he save. He is the Scapegoat.
Perdition (to fall to the pit),
which the Roman created icon Jesus character did do 1 Peter 3:19,
Acts 2:27 and the Apostles creed.
The warning in Ezekiel 14 about setting up these idols is all over the Bible.
Isaiah 44:10,
The Temple Scroll:​
(IIQT=IIQ19,20, 4Q365a)
Column II (The Covenant)
You must not bring any abominable idol into your house and come under the ban together with it.
You shall detest and abominate it for it is under the ban.
The rest talks about taking care not to make a covenant with the people who whore after their idol gods and sacrifice to it inviting them to do the same.
Metal idols in Leviticus 19:4
"`Do not turn to idols or make gods of cast metal for yourselves. I am the LORD your God.
1 Kings 14:9, Isaiah 48:5
Isaiah 44:10
Who hath formed a god, or molten a graven image that is profitable for nothing?
The prophets (including Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel) were spokesmen for God to the people and to their leaders: they often disagreed with the men in power and had no fear of expressing their messages from God -- generally directing against the idolatry and "false gods." Jeremiah warned the people not to use idols such as totem-pole-like "gods"
Idols: it has Imigrated into Men’s minds from the dogma’s of the churches philosophies, also from the wrong path of the Hierarchy that imposes the control. It is in the way they bow to the cross, burn candles, kiss medalions and worship a Prophet as God Himself in place of God. One of the things that G0D forbids is idols, worship using images gods or even of G0D himself (Exodus 20:4 and Leviticus 26:1). Man, as it is written, was created as an image of G0D (Genesis 1:27). And, so, worshipping a man as G0D is idolatry.
After all, G0D himself says that "G0D is not a man" (in Isaiah 2:22, 14:13, I Samuel 15:29, Numbers 23:19, and Hosea 11:9).

In Isiah44;9 It states they that make a graven image are all of them vanity and their delectable things shall not profit; and they are their own witnesses;(christians) they see not; nor know; that they may be ashamed. Still confused well here is some more. Isaiah44;13(notice it is 13) The carpenter(Who is that was Jesus not considered a carpenter) strecheth out his rule(over the world)he marketh it out with a line;he fitteth it with planes and he marketh it out with a compass, and maketh it after the fiqure of a man(JESUS);according to the beauty of a man;that it mat remain in the house(Maybe over your bed?) One more passage Isiah44;17 And the residue thereof he maketh a god(JESUS)Even his graven image(AGAIN JESUS);He falleth down unto it and worshippeth it. and prayeth unto it and saith Deliver me; for this art my god(JESUS the idol god).

One of the first lessons about idols we learn in Oral Traditions is about Abraham and his Idol shop.
Oral tradition on Abraham's idol shop realization talks of a woman visiting his shop to buy an idol, because some thieves stole her other one and she needed a replacement to protect her house.
Abraham said these words of wisdom in reply:
"Is it not foolish to think that an idol that could not save itself, will save you?"
Take these words of Abraham and place them on the idol Jesus:
Is it not foolish to think Jesus, an image of a man who couldn't save himself, his friends, the apostles, and followers, then and now, could somehow save you by your affiliation, bowing to his statue, or saying his made up name over and over like some beetle juice character?
you are a sad case nipper.


what sins are you talking about - ones you can not overcome. surly you are not a murderer.
what ethical atheist is there who is - sinful ...
So, You have NEVER used the LORD's name in vain? YOU never talked back to your parents? YOU never wished that you had what someone else owned? The Bible says that if you break just ONE commandment, you broke them ALL!
Though I'm a Christian and read the Bible, there are some rare parts that stop me in my tracks. This is one of them?

Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. - Matthew 5:48

So, God creates a planet full of imperfect humans, then along comes Jesus who commands them to "be perfect"

- - and just how are they supposed to do that??
Hebrews 10:14
Verse Concepts
For by one offering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified.

Source: 27 Bible verses about People Made Perfect
So, You have NEVER used the LORD's name in vain? YOU never talked back to your parents? YOU never wished that you had what someone else owned? The Bible says that if you break just ONE commandment, you broke them ALL!
not sure you understand, nipper - and no many of those i am not guilty of and the others have been corrected.

the point of the prescribed religion of antiquity is to understand your failings, correct them and never repeat them again - in triumph (over evil) if accomplished will be judged for its value and if correct will be granted admission to the Everlasting.

through the individuals own initiative. dreamland is a messiah that does that for you.
Show me an ethical atheist and I will show you one who knows he isn't sinless.
Get out of your own basement and go look for them yourself. They are out there. And unlike you, Atheists don't believe for one second they are Sinless. You, do. Clearly...

You didn't address any of my points. You really should start to worry about your own loads and let those who don't believe in your little tiny insecure deity (and it cetainly isn't Christ) take care of theirs.

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