What does the way you see color say about you?


Retired Mod
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 10, 2008
The Optimist

You tend to always look on the bright side of life, no matter what obstacle is in your way! You are a constant ray of light to all in your life!

What does the way you see color say about you?
Yep, it it silly. But, with all the nasty, I like silly now and then.
The test says I'm an optimist too. Maybe being an optimist is easier than we think!
I thought maybe EVERYONE got called an optimist (that's what I got, too) so I played again, giving the exact opposite responses to the ones I picked the first time.
It said I was a realist. Which is interesting, since the answers I picked had NOTHING to do with the colors on the swath.
Some of you need to get your eyes checked. Or your computer screens adjusted.
Interesting results.
The test is bullshit! It calls me an optimist. I'm just good with color, that's all.

Worked with it for many years though. I took a test from a color lab (graphics) and aced it, 40 shades from fuchsia to pink in crummy lighting. She said she'd hire me if I was available, few could do it.
I thought maybe EVERYONE got called an optimist (that's what I got, too) so I played again, giving the exact opposite responses to the ones I picked the first time.
It said I was a realist. Which is interesting, since the answers I picked had NOTHING to do with the colors on the swath.
Uh-oh...the damn Russians again!

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