Debate Now What does MAGA mean ? Specifically ?

And how do you know that ?

I quickly looked something up and it said.......

View attachment 932354
But that does not mean anything.

And what say we define a "secure border". I already had this discussion with Cyote who said that we never had it. I asked how she knew that.
Apprehended and most turned away/required to remain in Mexico. Because of Trump policies, the Border Patrol was allowed to do its job. Because of Trump policies the wall was being built much to the GREAT appreciation of the CBP. Because of Trump policies Mexico had more than 25,000 of their military on their southern border stopping the caravans from coming north. Because of Trump policies there were not hundreds of thousands of 'got-a-ways' that bypassed the CBP entirely. Because of Trump's policies many children were separated from adults not related to them and who were either using them to gain entry or were trafficking them. Because of Trump's policies we didn't have MS-13 gang members coming into the country. We didn't have more than 25,000 Chinese military aged single men coming into the country. And we damn sure didn't have migrants being flown here from other countries bypassing the border entirely.

And we didn't have mega billions of American resources being drained away by providing for tens of millions of migrants now inside the USA unsupervised, unvetted, many here for God knows what reason.

MAGA means our sovereign country has a border and others are required to respect our laws. Under Biden we have no border at all.
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One last time, these are forum rules.

And they allow you to make thread rules.

You are incomplete violation of all of them.

It is not about the "board".

You are no conservative. That is for sure.

Conservatives value the rule of law which means you follow the rules and get disciplined if you don't.
Rational American/Christian Pastor in Step with Our Founding Generation Supports Abortion Issue One in OHIO. 231107 {post•16}
Jeremiah 1:5

What does MAGA mean Specifically 240414 {post •40}. theHawk Apr’24 Swdmms: It’s not about identifying some specific year and saying everything was great then. thvhvwk 240414 Swdmms00040

What does MAGA mean Specifically 240415 {post•186}

Then why does the second “A” represent “Again”?

When did the lapse in greatness begin?

nfbw 240415 Swdmms00186
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On Trump's Bible 240329 {post•1} Woodznutz Mar’24 Sotbyz: “It seems that many Christians as well as Trump's detractors are about the only ones on the earth who don't believe that America is a land blessed by God (of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob). wdzntz 240329 Sotbyz00001



Majority of Americans say U.S. special to God | Baptist Press

LifeWay Research reports that most Americans believe God has a special relationship with the United States, sand they're optimistic the best is yet to come.

America once was great, as in "a great nation", feared by our enemies, loved and respected by our allies and others. America was once "strong" and "good". It was said that America was great because America was good. We need to return to being good. Then we will be great again.

For America to be great again, Saint Woodnutz Do you believe there must be a white Christian revival or Great Awakening that America can be a land blessed by the God (of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob)?

How many born again white Christians will it take to Make America Great Again in the image of the God (of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob)?

But since the Great Depression your link says the Democrats favors the projeny of freed slaves.

From your link Saint Thehawk:

Since Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected president in 1932, the Democratic Party has promoted a social liberal platform that includes support for Social Security and unemployment insurance.[5][24][25]The New Deal attracted strong support for the party from recent European immigrants but diminished the party's pro-business wing.[26][27][28] From late in Roosevelt's administration through the 1950s, a minority in the party's Southern wing joined with conservative Republicans to slow and stop progressive domestic reforms.[29] Following the Great Society era of progressive legislation under Lyndon B. Johnson, which was often able to overcome the conservative coalitionin the 1960s, the core bases of the parties shifted, with the Southern states becoming more reliably Republican and the Northeastern states becoming more reliably Democratic.[30][31] The party's labor union element has become smaller since the 1970s,[32][33] and as the American electorate shifted in a more conservative direction following Ronald Reagan's presidency, the election of Bill Clinton marked a move for the party toward the Third Way, moving the party's economic stance towards market-based economic policy.[34][35][36] Barack Obama oversaw the party's passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010. During Joe Biden's presidency, the party has adopted an increasingly progressive economic agenda.[37]
Starting in the New Deal era, the party's traditional support base consisted of organized labor, Catholics, mainline Protestants, American Jews, and African Americans.[38] On social issues, it advocates for abortion rights,[39]the legalization of marijuana,[40] and LGBT rights.[41] On economic issues, the party favors significant increases in healthcare coverage, universal child care, paid sick leave, and supporting unions.[42][43][44][45] In foreign policy, the party supports liberal internationalism, as well as tough stances against China and Russia.[46][47][48]
on the lighter side, it means:
Millionare Asshole Golfing Again.
Mexicans Always Get Across.
Making Attorneys Get Attorneys.

but in all seriousness, its a thought stopping cliche. These are used in cults. Its necessary to stuff out dissent, and justify false reasoning. "america first" is another one.

I like that phrase. And it is so true.

I called it a sales pitch.

Just like Build Back Better.

What side is that commentary on?

President Trump continued the trend of pushing the deficit higher as he sought massive tax cuts and increased defense spending. His first budget for the 2018 fiscal year recorded a deficit of $779 billion.
The deficit reached $984 billion in 2019 under Trump and it hit more than $1 trillion in 2020 before Congress passed a $2 trillion stimulus package to fight the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic.

You are full of it.

I stand corrected.

I thought it was coming down before COVID. It's been a while since I've looked at it.

Thank you for the DATA.
HikerGuy83 Apr’24 Swdmms: “If America can be made great "again", it was great once before.” hkrgy 240414 Swdmms00075

If you want to know when white evangelical Christian’s believe America was great “before trump” you could listen to

The consensus in the Republican Evangelical Community of when America was at first “great” was when the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock. For it was the passengers on the Mayflower who made the Covenant with the God of Abraham that all the settlers arriving in the New World were the chosen people by HIM.

In the link see the phrase “restoring American Culture to its moral foundations”. If you truly want to understand what MAGA means.
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Apprehended and most turned away/required to remain in Mexico. Because of Trump policies, the Border Patrol was allowed to do its job. Because of Trump policies the wall was being built much to the GREAT appreciation of the CBP. Because of Trump policies Mexico had more than 25,000 of their military on their southern border stopping the caravans from coming north. Because of Trump policies there were not hundreds of thousands of 'got-a-ways' that bypassed the CBP entirely. Because of Trump's policies many children were separated from adults not related to them and who were either using them to gain entry or were trafficking them. Because of Trump's policies we didn't have MS-13 gang members coming into the country. We didn't have more than 25,000 Chinese military aged single men coming into the country. And we damn sure didn't have migrants being flown here from other countries bypassing the border entirely.

And we didn't have mega billions of American resources being drained away by providing for tens of millions of migrants now inside the USA unsupervised, unvetted, many here for God knows what reason.

MAGA means our sovereign country has a border and others are required to respect our laws. Under Biden we have no border at all.

I will do some research, but a link would be great. Especially one with numbers.

Oh, and BTW: I would prefer you not let this thread devolve into a "Why Biden sucks compared to Trump" thread.

I am asking what MAGA stands for.

You have stirred some thought which I appreciate.

But I am very interested (as I think I said in the OP) specifics that can be measured.

That Biden's situation is worse than Trumps does not necessarily say that Trumps situation made America Great. I know you get that logic.

You just seem put off by the fact that I am whacking away at the term MAGA.

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