What Does It Mean To "Make America Great Again?"

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
I think Democrats and even some GOP fans still cannot grasp why their favorite Establishment Candidate was not able to rise to the top and become the next President Of The United States. To use a quote from another election: IT'S THE ECONOMY, STUPID!

When you have 105 Million on Foodstamps, 93 Million Non Participants who have given up finding work and have exhausted benefits, and an average 1% Growth over 8 Years while Doubling The National Debt from 9 Million to 20 Million Dollars, and Healthcare Costs Skyrocketing and the Bill for the ACA yet to come due, and have NOTHING to show for it, people may not understand the mechanics and nuances of all of this, but they feel it when they look in the refrigerator and working people see little to eat there, (A record number of children in the US live in poverty and are at risk for hunger and this has not been seen since THE GREAT DEPRESSION.

Americans are hungry and broke, and they see their neighbors on Welfare and Food Stamps seem to have food coming out of their noses. They look in their driveway and see a beat up 15 year old car, a house in disrepair (if they still have theirs) and both parents (if the family is still intact) working 2-3 jobs a piece to make ends meet.

Or worse yet a car payment they cannot really afford but have no choice to pay it so they can keep working, and a mortgage and property taxes that take up every last cent they have just to keep a roof over their heads. And of course they are forced to buy health coverage that barely covers anything and that they cannot afford or face a fine that they cannot afford if they choose not to buy health insurance. Sometimes a family has to choose between a insurance premium and food on the table. What kind of person makes a family make a choice like that?

You can cook the books, and shuck and jive, hoodwink and bamboozle your way in to convincing some people you did a good job as president, but when you have 93 Million out of work with NO Unemployment Benefits, who are not counted in The Obama Regime's "cooked book statistics", all you are doing is operating as an Actor on an Episode of West Wing. Obama is no different than Meryl Streep. He should get a Lifetime achievement award for accomplishing nothing but destruction, while portraying A Fake President, trying to convince us of his Fake Narrative.
These are people Establishment Policies have hurt, not numbers on a ledger sheet.

NAFTA, Sino-American Trade Deal, Korean Trade deal all were championed by Democrats as The Gold Standard of Trade deals, starting with Jimmy Carter who single handedly destroyed our Steel Mills, Textile Industry and Electronics Manufacturing Sector.

But Dems are Globalists, and Globalists believe that you have to dismantle American Manufacturing in order to impose Globalism so it is no surprise that every Dem since Carter has committed High Treason against the US Economy and American Worker.

I will also go on record here that I do not place blame on any single party or person. We have elected nothing but traitors and bums, actors if you will to sell us out since Reagan. Bought and paid for by Wall Street, these Actors, dismantled the only barriers we had that ensured Fair Trade, in exchange for Free Trade, which is just another word for selling out Americans for 30 pieces of Silver.

Any Republican that continued Dem Trade Policy in my opinion is also a Traitor to this Nation. Both George Bush Senior and Junior were also Globalists and Committed Treason against The American Worker as did Carter, Bill Clinton, and Obama Bin Lying.

Unlike some of my Conservative Brethren, I am not afraid to fix blame towards both The Dem and GOP Corrupt Establishment who have sold America out for Globalists. BTW, this is exactly why Left and Right Establishment were frothing at the mouth opposed to Trump who promised To Put America First.

If you think Wall Street and US Corporations don't take Donald Trump's Promises seriously, then think on this, why is Ford, Apple, Fiat, Chrysler, Carrier and others, all canceling their plans to invest Billions in Mexico, and instead re-invest in US plants here. Even GM will eventually come to heel once the GOV appointed CEO is forced to step in line.

And if you want statistical evidence or some hard cold facts on how we were sold out over the last few decades, I have posted some articles below. There are many of them, and I did not even touch the Carter Era where his trade deals decimated our Textiles, Steel, and Electronics Manufacturing Industries.

Report: US Lost 28% Of High-Tech Manufacturing Jobs

Arlington, VA — The United States lost 28 percent of its high-technology manufacturing jobs over the last decade, as the nation’s rapidly shrinking lead in science and technology in the global marketplace was accompanied by a toll on U.S. high-tech jobs, according to a new study released today by the National Science Board (NSB), the policy making body for the National Science Foundation.

One of the most dramatic signs of this trend was the loss of 687,000 high-technology manufacturing jobs.
Report: US Lost 28% Of High-Tech Manufacturing Jobs

7,231,000 Lost Jobs: Manufacturing Employment Down 37% From 1979 Peak

Median household income of an American householder who has completed four years of high school peaked in 1973 at $56,395 in constant 2013 dollars. By 2013, it was down to $40,701. That is a drop of $15,694--or 27.8 percent.
7,231,000 Lost Jobs: Manufacturing Employment Down 37% From 1979 Peak

Manufacturing Job LossTrade, Not Productivity, Is the Culprit

The United States lost 5 million manufacturing jobs between January 2000 and December 2014. There is a widespread misperception that rapid productivity growth is the primary cause of continuing manufacturing job losses over the past 15 years. Instead, as this report shows, job losses can be traced to growing trade deficits in manufacturing products prior to the Great Recession and then the massive output collapse during the Great Recession.
Manufacturing Job Loss: Trade, Not Productivity, Is the Culprit

China Trade, Outsourcing and JobsGrowing U.S. trade deficit with China cost 3.2 million jobs between 2001 and 2013, with job losses in every state

Since China entered the World Trade Organization in 2001, the massive growth of trade between China and the United States has had a dramatic and negative effect on U.S. workers and the domestic economy. Specifically, a growing U.S. goods trade deficit with China has the United States piling up foreign debt, losing export capacity, and losing jobs, especially in the vital but under-siege manufacturing sector. Growth in the U.S. goods trade deficit with China between 2001 and 2013 eliminated or displaced 3.2 million U.S. jobs, 2.4 million (three-fourths) of which were in manufacturing. These lost manufacturing jobs account for about two-thirds of all U.S. manufacturing jobs lost or displaced between December, 2001 and December 2013.

Among specific industries, the trade deficit in the computer and electronic parts industry grew the most, and 1,249,100 jobs were lost or displaced, 39.6 percent of the 2001–2013 total. As a result, many of the hardest-hit congressional districts were in California, Texas, Oregon, Massachusetts, and Minnesota, where jobs in that industry are concentrated. Some districts in New York, Georgia, and Illinois were also especially hard-hit by trade-related job displacement in a variety of manufacturing industries, including computer and electronic parts, textiles and apparel, and furniture.

The growing trade deficit with China has cost jobs in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Using a new model and new congressional district data to estimate the job impacts of trade for the 113th Congress, this study also finds that job losses occurred in every congressional district but one.1
China Trade, Outsourcing and Jobs: Growing U.S. trade deficit with China cost 3.2 million jobs between 2001 and 2013, with job losses in every state

Washington helped China snare U.S. manufacturing jobs, study says

The United States lost 3.5 million manufacturing jobs from the end of the 2000 to the end of 2007 and China was almost entirely to blame, a new research paper says.

The constant threat of tariffs – basically a tax on imported goods – largely ended in 2000. The Clinton White House and Republican-led Congress agreed to grant China the permanent right to be treated like other U.S. trading partners such as Europe or Japan. While tariffs can still be applied, the process is more complicated and takes longer to deploy, sometimes involving U.S. or international court hearings.

The new level of policy certainty, Pierce and Schott argue, spurred more U.S. manufacturers to shift plants and jobs to China to take advantage of lower labor costs. They no longer had to worry about sudden increases in tariffs when exporting their goods back to America.

The loss of U.S. manufacturing jobs accelerated sharply after China’s trading status was upgraded. Manufacturing employment fell to 13.7 million in 2007 from 17.2 million in 2000, according to the U.S. Labor Department.

Before 2000, the number of U.S. manufacturing jobs had barely changed in 20 years.

The erosion in manufacturing is also a big reason why the U.S. economy failed to add many jobs in the first two years after the 2001 recession. The economy only started to add jobs at a faster clip in 2004 and 2005 as growth in other sectors offset the loss of manufacturing employment.
Washington helped China snare U.S. manufacturing jobs, study says

China Industrial Production Gains 6.1% In October

11/13/2016 9:15 PM ET

Industrial production in China expanded 6.1 percent on year in October, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Monday.

That was unchanged from the previous month, although it missed expectations for a gain of 6.2 percent.

The bureau also said that retail sales were up an annual 10.0 percent - also beneath expectations for 10.7 percent, which would have been unchanged from the September reading.

Fixed-asset investment gained 8.3 percent on year, beating forecast for a gain of 8,2 percent, which would have been unchanged.

China Industrial Production Gains 6.1% In October

China PMI: Chinese manufacturing gains for third month

China PMI: Chinese manufacturing gains for thrid month

China’s Manufacturing PMI Hits Multi-Year High in November; Service Activity Gains Momentum
December 1, 2016 01:02 GMT
China's Manufacturing PMI Hits Multi-Year High in November; Service Activity Gains Momentum

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1,000 lost seats for the Democrats.
Harry Reid going away.
Barak Obama leaving office.
Over 1 million jobs created / saved without nearly $1 trillion / 7,000 pieces of pork to do so
No more Un-Constitutional Treaties or middle-of-the-night ransoms for hostages
No more Un-Authorized, Un-Constitutional personal wars
No more helping terrorists, especially those who have killed 3,000 Americans in the past
No more funding, supplying, supporting, arming, training, and protecting Terrorists & Drug Cartels
Russian point of view:

For the first time we have a clear and ideologically completed alternative to the policy of the last decades , which even Americans consider to be a failure .

Trump’s ideology is a departure from the destructive globalization of recent years in favor of a healthy American isolationism.

Like any normal American isolationist , Trump calls for strengthening America. Its military domination has to be the undisputed.

His vision is based on the fact that America needs to pursue its own interests and not impose its values .

No matter what you think about Trump one has to admit : his brief declaration of foreign policy is the only intelligible coherent and adequate one to the reality of American doctrine in the last 30 years.

Trump formulated the American anti-globalization and patriotic alternative. An alternative to the forces and interests that have been activated by Ukrainian coup, which goal was to create a self-reproducing mechanism of the Cold War. Trump’s attempt to stifle this mechanism promises not to be good for Trump. However, the failure of this attempt does not promise anything good for America.

Translated from:
Аналитическая программа «Однако» с Михаилом Леонтьевым. Новости. Первый канал
Trump has always been against what the US has done since Reagan....The policy of enrichment of the upper class...The destruction of the working class.....let us hope Trump succeeds in dismantling 35 years of destructive policy...
The reality is and also remains to be seen, is that Trump is technically an independent, arguably the first true independent we have elected to the office. He is beholden to neither The GOP, or DNC Establishment or Wall Street. If his promises of being a President of All The People, and his work to put America First succeeds, he will be considered one of the most successful presidents of our time, and it won't be done with smoke and mirrors and cooked books, and expanding profit margins at the expense of domestic manufacturing jobs.
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But Dems are Globalists, and Globalists believe that you have to dismantle American Manufacturing in order to impose Globalism so it is no surprise that every Dem since Carter has committed High Treason against the US Economy and American Worker.
The OP talks about foodstamps, loss of jobs, Americans underwater with house and car payments, etc. Do you really think elimination of globalism will cure these problems?

Almost every item you see in a department store boils down to energy and labor. Even materials costs are energy and labor. Steel, copper, etc, require energy and labor from digging it up, refining it, shaping it, and transporting it.

All manufactures want to reduce costs to increase profits. They can't control the cost of energy much, but they can control the costs of labor by an increasing use of automation. Jobs disappear. Service jobs are disappearing through computers and AI using voice recognition, text parsing and self-driving vehicles. McDonalds is even testing automated burger machines. Departments stores and jobs are disappearing because of automated warehouses at Amazon.

Suppose we are successful at globalization to bring jobs back to America. What jobs? Tech jobs in the automation and AI industries will not disappear. Unskilled labor will disappear. And these are the people that the OP laments.

What will happen to the unskilled while America is being made great again? Globalization is only part of the problem. The new paradigm of a robotic world has to be addressed.
Do I think ending Globalist Policies in The US will bring jobs back?


Ask Apple, Ford, Carrier, Fiat, Chrysler and others who are coming back to The US even before Trump takes office, because of Trump's Influence. He is just getting started, and he hasn't even been sworn in yet. He did this simply by personal influence.
Do I think ending Globalist Policies in The US will bring jobs back?


Ask Apple, Ford, Carrier, Fiat, Chrysler and others who are coming back to The US even before Trump takes office, because of Trump's Influence. He is just getting started, and he hasn't even been sworn in yet. He did this simply by personal influence.
Ask those companies if they are going to hold off automation to keep those jobs.

Do I think ending Globalist Policies in The US will bring jobs back?


Ask Apple, Ford, Carrier, Fiat, Chrysler and others who are coming back to The US even before Trump takes office, because of Trump's Influence. He is just getting started, and he hasn't even been sworn in yet. He did this simply by personal influence.
Ask those companies if they are going to hold off automation to keep those jobs.

That is just a red herring and straw man that has nothing to do with bringing jobs back to America. China has added some 30 Million Jobs to its economy and The US has lost some 20 Million Total Jobs over the same time period. Do you think anyone cares about automation at this point?

What about tax revenue and the associated jobs investment in this country generates? There are nothing but positives in bringing our jobs back in to this country.

Quit being a dimwit and tying to piss on this because your candidate lost.
Same goes with the idiots claiming some unforeseen catastrophe such as inflation or a trade war once Trump takes office.

You really should just move to Mexico if you are so Hell bent on hoping our president fails.
I am so ashamed at what some mouth breathers find admirable. No one but Nazis take pride in what the Alabama cops did.
Another cuck. REAL americans aka WHITE MEN AND WOMEN love what they did! I guess you prefer America today eh? It was SOOOOO horrible then to keep an obvious irresponsible and lazy and incompetent race under control its better today with widespread crime,drugs,single parent households,teen pregnancy etc etc etc....As a WONDERFUL man stated

I am so ashamed at what some mouth breathers find admirable. No one but Nazis take pride in what the Alabama cops did.
Another cuck. REAL americans aka WHITE MEN AND WOMEN love what they did! I guess you prefer America today eh? It was SOOOOO horrible then to keep an obvious irresponsible and lazy and incompetent race under control its better today with widespread crime,drugs,single parent households,teen pregnancy etc etc etc....As a WONDERFUL man stated

View attachment 105974
Repressing voting rights is authoritarian, not American. Believing in the 'supremacy of one race over another is Nazism, not freedom. And those who advocate such measures are not Americans but thugs who need to be repressed themselves once they take repressive actions. You make America ashamed, not proud. You are revolting, not admirable. Your attitudes are sickening, not noble. And from where I stand, you ain't superior to anyone.
So I take it here that not one Liberal wants to actually discuss the merits of this post or the supporting articles and statistics?
Somehow they want to focus on their hate of Cops?
I am so ashamed at what some mouth breathers find admirable. No one but Nazis take pride in what the Alabama cops did.
Another cuck. REAL americans aka WHITE MEN AND WOMEN love what they did! I guess you prefer America today eh? It was SOOOOO horrible then to keep an obvious irresponsible and lazy and incompetent race under control its better today with widespread crime,drugs,single parent households,teen pregnancy etc etc etc....As a WONDERFUL man stated

View attachment 105974
Repressing voting rights is authoritarian, not American. Believing in the 'supremacy of one race over another is Nazism, not freedom. And those who advocate such measures are not Americans but thugs who need to be repressed themselves once they take repressive actions. You make America ashamed, not proud. You are revolting, not admirable. Your attitudes are sickening, not noble. And from where I stand, you ain't superior to anyone.
Like I said. You are a cuck. No surprise the left has beaten down a lot of the white race to feel guilty for being white and now they are nothing but a shell of a person filled with white guilt and hatred for their own people.The White Race IS superior and that's been well documented....the negroid race can't maintain a society much less invent anything worthwhile etc. Back to groveling at the negroids foot cuck.
That is just a red herring and straw man that has nothing to do with bringing jobs back to America. China has added some 30 Million Jobs to its economy and The US has lost some 20 Million Total Jobs over the same time period. Do you think anyone cares about automation at this point?

What about tax revenue and the associated jobs investment in this country generates? There are nothing but positives in bringing our jobs back in to this country.

Quit being a dimwit and tying to piss on this because your candidate lost.
Same goes with the idiots claiming some unforeseen catastrophe such as inflation or a trade war once Trump takes office.

You really should just move to Mexico if you are so Hell bent on hoping our president fails.
You don't need to get emotional over this. I certainly want America great again, and more jobs, but the issue is far more complex than simply anti-globalization. And I hope Trump addresses that.

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