"What Do You Want Me To Say About Slavery"? Bye Nikki

So, then, Whites are killing minorities all the time.

Gunny, I know you are a traitor to our country. You support and you condone the violence of 01-06. You should lose your pension. But White Kill Minorities in this country everday. Keep justifying your racism.
Nikki Haley on Wednesday was asked about the cause of the Civil War, and her reply went viral in the worst way.

Hey Nikki, repeat after me: It - Was - About - Slavery

Great question. It should be asked over and over again to all of the candidates, so the country can watch them cringe as they answer ir it wrong.
Nikki Haley thinks she is smart. That answer of hers was a dog whistle to the MAGA voters. She knew what she was doing.
Everyone knows it was about a state's right to leave the Union.

A Union held together at the point of a bayonet by the threat of invasion is just a hostage situation.
It was about a state's right to have legalized slavery. There. Fixed it for ya.
That suggests that tariffs weren't why the South seceded.

The right for each state to self-govern is why they seceeded. That is clearly stated first and foremost in each of the articles of secession. Maybe you should try reading the articles of secession instead of just handpicked paragraphs. Start with SC’s and notice how they lay out, in depth, the history from 1776 onward and why they feel they have to right to govern themselves.

Again, I am not arguing for slavery and I am not arguing that slavery wasn’t one of the primary reasons for the war. I am arguing that they felt that slavery was a state right and they had the right to self-govern.

1) It was ONLY about slavery.

LOL..this is just SO stupid. No, it was very much about the economy as well, for the big banks in the North in particular. Talk about revisionist history.

2) That you were willing to destroy the union so a few rich white people could keep owning slaves is something you ought to be ashamed of.

Newsflash, the North didn’t got to war to remove slavery, it went to war to prevent the severe economic consequences of a break in the union.

You Trump supporters like to pretend that 2020 didn't happen.

No, TDS folks like to pretend that COVID didn’t happen. If you think veggie Joe would have done anything other than dole out even more free money to people, then I have some beautiful ocean front property for sale in Wyoming that you may be interested in.
The right for each state to self-govern is why they seceeded. That is clearly stated first and foremost in each of the articles of secession. Maybe you should try reading the articles of secession instead of just handpicked paragraphs. Start with SC’s and notice how they lay out, in depth, the history from 1776 onward and why they feel they have to right to govern themselves.

Every Article of Secession specifically cited Slavery as the reason why they were seceding.

Again, I am not arguing for slavery and I am not arguing that slavery wasn’t one of the primary reasons for the war. I am arguing that they felt that slavery was a state right and they had the right to self-govern.

Then they were stupid. Sadly, irrationally hating black people is a hallmark of your part of the country.

Newsflash, the North didn’t got to war to remove slavery, it went to war to prevent the severe economic consequences of a break in the union.

Which was only being broken up because they were afraid the north WOULD abolish slavery.

No, TDS folks like to pretend that COVID didn’t happen. If you think veggie Joe would have done anything other than dole out even more free money to people, then I have some beautiful ocean front property for sale in Wyoming that you may be interested in.

Sure, Biden would have done a whole lot of things better had he been president.

He wouldn't have antagonized China to the point where they stopped cooperating, to start with.
He wouldn't have quit the WHO
He wouldn't have disbanded the Pandemic Response Team
He wouldn't have thrown out the Pandemic Response Plan
He wouldn't have lied and told people that it would be gone by Easter.
He wouldn't have told people to inject bleach
He wouldn't have encouraged gun nuts to storm state capitols because they couldn't go to Applebee's
The right for each state to self-govern

If that holds true, then why are ReNaziKlans bitching and moaning P01135809 being removed from the ballot in two states? It is the state, NOT federal government that regulates state elections. It is up to the state, NOT federal government to decide can appear on their state ballot.

States Rights means exactly, the state has the right to decide, not Federal Government.
If that holds true, then why are ReNaziKlans bitching and moaning P01135809 being removed from the ballot in two states? It is the state, NOT federal government that regulates state elections. It is up to the state, NOT federal government to decide can appear on their state ballot.

States Rights means exactly, the state has the right to decide, not Federal Government.
wrong the House of representatives controls elections they simply allow the states to make their own rules within reason.
what was "wrong" about the answer? Anyone who imagines that slavery was the only reason for the Civil War is wrong
The Civil War was initially fought to preserve the Union, not to end slavery. However, by 1862, President Lincoln began to consider emancipation as a necessary step to winning the war.

The North's goal was to preserve the Union, not to end slavery. Soldiers fight for many reasons, including to stay alive and support their comrades.

The North's determination to contain slavery in the South and prevent its spread into the western territories was part of the effort to preserve civil rights and free labor in the nation's future.

Despite the opposition, however, the president remained firm. On January 1, 1863, he issued the final Emancipation Proclamation. With it he officially freed all slaves within the states or parts of states that were in rebellion and not in Union hands. This left one million slaves in Union territory still in bondage.

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