What do you mean, nobody likes Kamala?

So she hasn't had much to do with foreign policy/trips or any of the other traditional VP duties. So Right-Wing World can't point to something she has done to hate her so much. That leaves her being a woman, Black, Indian.
You forgot incredibly stupid, bad disposition, can't get anyone to work for her despite the prestige of the White House, and can't talk plain. And she's a VP for a very elderly president, and all that makes me VERY very nervous. If she actually has to jump into the presidency, I think we're all doomed.
The only thing you got right about me is homophobia. I hate homos more than cancer. Almost as much as I hate progressive liberal creeps.

Hoss, I gotta say, you are being highly unfair to yourself. Even you may have fallen subject to their constant gaslighting. Just quit using the word "hate" that they have seeded into the vernacular of your mind to use against you instead of the correct, much more accurate word--- REPULSED.

One should not have to justify nor explain or apologize for being REPULSED by the bad qualities, habits nor disposition of some bad actor.

Especially with a group of people who literally made being repulsed by Donald Trump a cottage industry of theirs for the past eight years.

The part which we truly hate is that it isn't enough to give them a pass of acceptance and tolerance they said they were after! Instead, they try to force this crap down everyone else's throats to like and accept while pretending that there is something very wrong with YOU instead if you actually come up short of falling in love with it and kissing their asses, that way, they can try to shame their opposition into just shutting up and backing down, or try to cast them into social irrelevancy in order to suppress the few actual sane people left from putting up any resistance to their socially immoral decay much less bring any attention to the cancerous plight they inflict upon our society.
Man, that black woman up on the the stage with her looks like she's thinking "Lord help me get through this thing and this day."
You seem to be a simple minded critter and you spout shit on the internet you would never say to a persons face. So I never worry about myself when I say all queers should die in their sleep.
Your sense of masculinity is severely threatened by what other people do in the privacy of their own homes. Is it a secret envy? Is some part of you that you've repressed just a bit curious? Very interesting.
You forgot incredibly stupid, bad disposition, can't get anyone to work for her despite the prestige of the White House, and can't talk plain. And she's a VP for a very elderly president, and all that makes me VERY very nervous. If she actually has to jump into the presidency, I think we're all doomed.
If you think Kamala Harris is stupid, then you've got something wrong with you.

If Donald Trump was inaugurated in January, 2025 he would be older than Joseph Biden (God's choice) was when he was inaugurated in January, 2021.

So much for your concerns about a President's age. :rolleyes:
If Donald Trump was inaugurated in January, 2025 he would be older than Joseph Biden (God's choice) was when he was inaugurated in January, 2021.

So much for your concerns about a President's age. :rolleyes:
Ummmm. On the other hand, if (God forbid) Biden is inaugurated in January 2025, he would be older than anybody but God.

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