What do we want? DEAD COPS, When do we want it? NOW

BREAKING: COP Union Tells NYPD To Arrest Only When Necessary, Stand Down

GotNews ^

The police union for the New York Police department issued the following statement earlier today. FROM NYC PBA: Starting IMMEDIATELY- At least two units are to respond to EVERY call, no matter the condition or severity, no matter what type of job is pending, or what the opinion of the patrol supervisor happens to be. IN ADDITION: Absolutely NO enforcement action in the form of arrests and or summonses is to be taken unless absolutely necessary and an individual MUST be placed under arrest. These are precautions that were taken in the 1970’s when Police Officers were ambushed and executed...
I completely agree with you. They definitely are inciting violence and terrorism. They are threatening every cop and all the police have to do is get them on video and arrest them. It's time a message is sent to all protesters that they have to follow the law just as whites do.

So there aren't white protesters out there? I've seen plenty of them.

We also have this thing called the First Amendment. Apparently that's a problem for you.

Heavens! They are chanting "What do we want ?! Dead Cops! When do we want it ?! NOW! " It's not the national anthem! So they keep that up at a feverish pitch and you don't think that is threatening?! Try that with Obama's name and see if that is interpreted as the First Amendment! Relating how you feel about the police or one of them in general is freedom of speech, not calling for their deaths.

And as the comment for the "whites, most of the protesters are black, and in Ferguson I saw some whites, which were encouraging at first. I say that as in before the announcement of the Grand Jury decision. After the Grand Jury and the explanation had been given (and few obviously had listened to) then all the TV listeners could gather is that the protesters wanted to loot, be violent and be stupid. They were getting their kicks out of the whole thing.

I will say, however, the Eric Garner matter was the complete opposite. The police officer appeared to be very much at fault for the young man's death.

A. Obama is the president and different rules apply.

B. Obama is also a specific individual. The protesters aren't out there threatening to kill any one specific person. They're simply making a blanket statement claiming they like seeing cops get killed and they have a Constitutional right to do so.

Now that doesn't fly. You are saying one person and two people makes the difference? One person dying or two as we saw today is just as tragic and comes from the same causation.
I completely agree with you. They definitely are inciting violence and terrorism. They are threatening every cop and all the police have to do is get them on video and arrest them. It's time a message is sent to all protesters that they have to follow the law just as whites do.

So there aren't white protesters out there? I've seen plenty of them.

We also have this thing called the First Amendment. Apparently that's a problem for you.

Heavens! They are chanting "What do we want ?! Dead Cops! When do we want it ?! NOW! " It's not the national anthem! So they keep that up at a feverish pitch and you don't think that is threatening?! Try that with Obama's name and see if that is interpreted as the First Amendment! Relating how you feel about the police or one of them in general is freedom of speech, not calling for their deaths.

And as the comment for the "whites, most of the protesters are black, and in Ferguson I saw some whites, which were encouraging at first. I say that as in before the announcement of the Grand Jury decision. After the Grand Jury and the explanation had been given (and few obviously had listened to) then all the TV listeners could gather is that the protesters wanted to loot, be violent and be stupid. They were getting their kicks out of the whole thing.

I will say, however, the Eric Garner matter was the complete opposite. The police officer appeared to be very much at fault for the young man's death.

A. Obama is the president and different rules apply.

B. Obama is also a specific individual. The protesters aren't out there threatening to kill any one specific person. They're simply making a blanket statement claiming they like seeing cops get killed and they have a Constitutional right to do so.

Now that doesn't fly. You are saying one person and two people males the difference? One person dying or two as we saw today is just as tragic and comes from the same causation.

The protesters didn't kill Officers Liu and Ramos.
Good point. But can you with a clear conscience tell me that the protesters and their chanting did not spur this mentally deficient gentleman into murdering these two officers?

Sorry, I meant to hit reply and accidentally hit edit and fucked up your post. Taz
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Do we want a dead Obama? Damn.That isn't nice to say, mmm, maybe just living in an alternate universe were he is married to a dinosaur. And has wings, and eats poop . Because the current reality sucks, like some of us lose our jobs to get health care. Is that Science fiction, too?
Good point. But can you with a clear conscience tell me that the protesters and their chanting did not spur this mentally deficient gentleman into murdering these two officers?

You have no evidence that it did and you can't hold them accountable for someone else's actions. The man who killed those two cops made that decision on his own. Nobody put the gun in his hand.
Good point. But can you with a clear conscience tell me that the protesters and their chanting did not spur this mentally deficient gentleman into murdering these two officers?

You have no evidence that it did and you can't hold them accountable for someone else's actions. The man who killed those two cops made that decision on his own. Nobody put the gun in his hand.

I agree with you, I cannot prove his shooting was spurred by the protesters and their actions. We need the link between the protesters and the idea of going to shoot the officers.

That link very well could have been his girl friend. If the protesters were on the news and he was getting a GPS to go to New York, they girl friend might have been trying to stop him. But how did he know to go to New York?
De Blasio Accused Of Having 'Blood On His Hands' [Obama Too?]

Daily Mail (UK) ^

De Blasio Accused Of Having 'Blood On His Hands': Thousands attack New York City Mayor for backing anti-cop protesters before two officers were shot dead 'in revenge for Garner' A Move On petition demanding that Mayor de Blasio resign already has thousands of signatures Sharpton has released a statement saying, 'We plan to hold a press conference in the morning to express our outrage and our condolences to the families and the police department' Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik said, 'De Blasio, Sharpton and all those who encouraged this anti-cop, racist mentality all have blood on their...
Good point. But can you with a clear conscience tell me that the protesters and their chanting did not spur this mentally deficient gentleman into murdering these two officers?

You have no evidence that it did and you can't hold them accountable for someone else's actions. The man who killed those two cops made that decision on his own. Nobody put the gun in his hand.

And those cops didnt kill Mike Brown or Fatass Garner.

But cop haters like you sure blamed all law enforcement.

Go fuck yourself DTMB. Scum like you are rotting this nation from inside out.

And its pathetic that USMB allows such a lowlife waste of flesh who spews cop hate to actually be a mod on here. Kinda says a lot about USMB. And ill be sure to share that reputation of USMB on several cop forums I visit.
Good point. But can you with a clear conscience tell me that the protesters and their chanting did not spur this mentally deficient gentleman into murdering these two officers?

You have no evidence that it did and you can't hold them accountable for someone else's actions. The man who killed those two cops made that decision on his own. Nobody put the gun in his hand.

And those cops didnt kill Mike Brown or Fatass Garner.

But cop haters like you sure blamed all law enforcement.

Go fuck yourself DTMB. Scum like you are rotting this nation from inside out.

And its pathetic that USMB allows such a lowlife waste of flesh who spews cop hate to actually be a mod on here. Kinda says a lot about USMB. And ill be sure to share that reputation of USMB on several cop forums I visit.

You know what man people like you the useful idiots who will sit and defend police officers at every turn even though day after day hour after hour more stories of cops being nothing more than a glorified mafia. Make me weep now don't get it twisted I don't want dead cops but as long as you have bad laws, cops, and lawmakers this problem will keep getting worse
Complete and unquestionable submission to the Law is but the Nature of the Mundanes... and one of their primary characteristics.

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Why isn't this American trash in jail?

Death threats
Terroristic threats
Inciting violence
Inciting riots

All major crimes

I was sentenced to 5 to 15 years for Terroristic threats in 1985 at the age of 16 for threatening a drug dealers life for ripping me off.

These scumbags are threatening every single cop and NONE of them have been charged.

What gives? This sure as fuck isn't WHITE PRIVILEGE

Shock Video NYC Protesters Call for Dead Cops

What a stupid, ignorant people! Why do people don't get into streets to protest against poor education, criminals in the White House, criminals in the streets? America is plunging into turmoil. It looks like the end of Empire.

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