What do amputees do...


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2009
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...with the extra shoe when they buy a pair?

If there are any entrepreneurs out there, it might be something to go into:

A business that collects single shoes, socks, and gloves purchased new and donated from amputees, and then distributes these items to other amputees who cannot afford them.
I was just thinking about this today because my wife was going to purchase some shoes but could only find the right one. I had assumed that the left one had been purchased by someone who had had their right leg amputated.
Who would want to play doctor with the mal? Yuck!
no no ...xox is not mal.....think ang......

you are full of mal? lol...think g/f

you are so full of mal your eyes must be brown?
This is a bug bear of mine. And my bear is really fucking bugged.

Why are there so many fucking crippled parking spaces at shopping malls?

Fuck me did World War I just end?

I mean really now, if you want to be treated equally then wheel your lazy ass down the parking lot like the rest of us.

Government buildings are even worse, where I work we have 15 crippled parking spaces and no physically handicapped, (sorry, crippled) people in the building, (mental handicapped is the majority but that is another bear to be bugged in another post), so why 15 crippled spots?

Why not have blind only toilets or dyslexic computers?
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As an alcoholic I demand my own toilet with a fucking bar!

You are all invited for a shit and a drink however.
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And don't give me the old people need them crap.

Old people have complete (if boring) free time, they can go whenever they want to.

7 AM Monday morning, parking everywhere. They can pull it off because they have no where else to go.
And before you give me the "Frogen you will be old some day" shit, let me tell you NO I WILL NOT.

If I do not drink myself to death and make it to the Gray Days of eating apple sauce with a straw (which I will ferment) and playing bingo I am going out like Hemmingway: boom, a shot gun blast to the head.

But unlike Hemmingway, I will have two big heads to shoot.
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As an alcoholic I demand my own toilet with a fucking bar!

You are all invited for a shit and a drink however.


Add a wet bar and you would be all set!!!!
That's a little gay dontcha think? (Not that there's anything wrong with that) Gay bars are fun, fun, fun!


A gay bar in a men's toilet.

Now, all I need are investors.

Alice, call George Michael!

*Alice is my imaginary secretary. She just demanded a raise.
that is what hunter did...said it just wasnt any fun being old when you couldnt do this or that....

but now frogen...didnt you just do a thread on how great live was and how you wanted every minute of it..blah blah fucking blah?
that is what hunter did...said it just wasnt any fun being old when you couldnt do this or that....

but now frogen...didnt you just do a thread on how great live was and how you wanted every minute of it..blah blah fucking blah?

Hunter got it right, though I would have blown myself up in Ceasar's Palace yelling "God is great" just for a laugh.

I did start the thread you worship however, because I am middle aged.

But who knows how long the crises will last?
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