What Did Justice Thomas Mean re: 'Eligibility'?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
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My opinion, he's laughing at all the nutbars.
"We are evading that."

Doesn't sound at all like Justice Thomas was mocking any of the birthers.

But it does sound like a concession that the Constitutional NBC requirement for Presidential Eligibility is seen as a dead letter issue.

He got his little shot in.
Ayep....sounds like a slick politician-type answer to me....a non answer to (what he knows is) a very importation question (which he doesn't want to answer).

I do this all the time with my kids. I use the word "Maybe" when they want something, which gives me the wiggle room I need to decide "Yes" or "No" later. :lol:
I fully encourage the GOP to adopt and adapt to the birther message.

It in now way makes you look crazy.

I think they can take the WH in 2012 with this Trifecta:

1. Run Palin

2. Run their own Tea Party Candidates

3. Make the Birther message a major part of their platform.

I fully agree. No better way to kill off, I mean, revive the party than do this.

In all seriousness, I believe this country needs two viable parties, and I anxiously await the opportunity to welcome the GOP back from the loony bin.
I fully encourage the GOP to adopt and adapt to the birther message.

It in now way makes you look crazy.

The Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America does not speak for the GOP.

What you recommend (facetiously or otherwise) in this regard is irrelevant. Justice Thomas' quip is not something which exactly opens the flood gates to the "birther" debate, anyway.
Obama's citizenship has been brought to the USSC for consideration how many times now? Three? And each time, it gets buried, probably in the "You Must Be Joking" docket files.
Sounds like a lot of friendly banter with a colleague he's dealt with before. I don't think there's really anything there.
Ayep....sounds like a slick politician-type answer to me....a non answer to (what he knows is) a very importation question (which he doesn't want to answer).

I do this all the time with my kids. I use the word "Maybe" when they want something, which gives me the wiggle room I need to decide "Yes" or "No" later. :lol:

i agree
"We are evading that."

Doesn't sound at all like Justice Thomas was mocking any of the birthers.

But it does sound like a concession that the Constitutional NBC requirement for Presidential Eligibility is seen as a dead letter issue.

He got his little shot in.

I have to agree with this assessment. It was his way of saying "Don't bother with the NBC cases anymore...we have other stuff on our plate."
The Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America does not speak for the GOP.

I am aware of this. However, Justice Thomas is considered to be a conservative voice of note.

What you recommend (facetiously or otherwise) in this regard is irrelevant. Justice Thomas' quip is not something which exactly opens the flood gates to the "birther" debate, anyway.

That's because you don't know birthers like I do. Justice Thomas' quip will be perceived by the birthers as an official SCOTUS endorsement of the BC issue. They are just that retarded.
The Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America does not speak for the GOP.

I am aware of this. However, Justice Thomas is considered to be a conservative voice of note.

What you recommend (facetiously or otherwise) in this regard is irrelevant. Justice Thomas' quip is not something which exactly opens the flood gates to the "birther" debate, anyway.

That's because you don't know birthers like I do. Justice Thomas' quip will be perceived by the birthers as an official SCOTUS endorsement of the BC issue. They are just that retarded.

Nonsense and


Justice Thomas is perceived as being a conservative because, politically, his philosophy is conservative. Few people consider SCOTUS Judges to be "spokesmen" outside of their judicial determinations, however.

And I do know some birthers fairly well. It is untrue, but some folks have even argued that I am a "birther." :eusa_hand: There is a difference between and amongst birthers, even, for that matter. Some seem to be kinda coo-coo. Many are not.

I fall outside of their box, however, since I have not argued that President Obama was born outside of the USA. My position has been (and remains) that the "evidence" of his being born allegedly in Hawaii is not satisfactory. Of course, the "evidence" of his having been born in Kenya isn't exactly compelling in my estimation, either.

If I were forced to hazard my best guess, I suppose I'd come down on the side of his having been born in Hawaii. But my position is that, in full truth, none of us actually "knows" This is a bad situation, too, because none of us should have to guess. The man should WANT to release his actual Birth Certificate, not some bullshit Certification of Live Birth and especially not through second-hand circuitously routed sources.

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