What Democrats call 'A Threat To Our Democracy' and what they think is just fine.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
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The Southwestern Desert
50 unarmed rednecks escorted into the Capitol by Capitol Police was "A THREAT TO OUR DEMOCRACY!!!" But
200, 000 completely unknown illegal immigrants pouring into our country EVERY SINGLE MONTH from 120 different countries is just FINE AND DANDY by the Democrats. And with that many unknown people coming into the country, they WILL be showing up in your towns and cities. MAKE NO MISTAKE as Obama loved to say.
50 unarmed rednecks escorted into the Capitol by Capitol Police was "A THREAT TO OUR DEMOCRACY!!!" But 200, 000 completely unknown illegal immigrants pouring into our country EVERY SINGLE MONTH from 120 different countries is just FINE AND DANDY by the Democrats. And with that many unknown people coming into the country, they WILL be showing up in your towns and cities. MAKE NO MISTAKE as Obama loved to say.
So these diseased illegal aliens who cross our southern border, must find a house to live in, sometimes sharing that house with 2 or 3 families. These law breakers must find transportation and since they cant afford electric cars, will go and find used gas guzzlers, thus creating tons of new CO2. Yet the Dementicrap Party is trying to prevent global warming. My ass they are.
50 unarmed rednecks escorted into the Capitol by Capitol Police was "A THREAT TO OUR DEMOCRACY!!!" But 200, 000 completely unknown illegal immigrants pouring into our country EVERY SINGLE MONTH from 120 different countries is just FINE AND DANDY by the Democrats. And with that many unknown people coming into the country, they WILL be showing up in your towns and cities. MAKE NO MISTAKE as Obama loved to say.
We're down to 50 now? How low can you go? :auiqs.jpg:
Hmmm...I don't see anyone being "ushered" in. There's way more than 50. And this is just a single pic facing out from inside. :)
We're down to 50 now? How low can you go? :auiqs.jpg:
Hmmm...I don't see anyone being "ushered" in. There's way more than 50. And this is just a single pic facing out from inside. :)
View attachment 655949
Pick whatever number you want. Those unarmed rednecks were never a "Threat to our Democracy". The MILLIONS of unknown undocumented illegals pouring through our open borders is most definitely a 'Threat to our Democracy". I know you are not stupid, but you are in the unfortunate situation of having to defend your anti-American Party.
Whenever a Democrat says something is "a threat to democracy", they mean "a threat to the Democratic Party's goal to gain more power".

Because, as it turns out, Democrats don't give a shit about democracy, because they don't trust people to vote in their own best interests.

And not coincidentally, it's always in everyone's best interests to vote for Democrats.
So these diseased illegal aliens who cross our southern border, must find a house to live in, sometimes sharing that house with 2 or 3 families. These law breakers must find transportation and since they cant afford electric cars, will go and find used gas guzzlers, thus creating tons of new CO2. Yet the Dementicrap Party is trying to prevent global warming. My ass they are.
That's true but it's only a fraction of the problems they pose. Some percentage will be drug smugglers, human traffickers, terrorists, career criminals, etc. All will need EVERY KIND of government assistance available, at least in the near term. They will be present in every hospital and school. Their kids will need massive support that our public education system is not prepared to provide. There are SO MANY problems I could write 10 more posts on the subject. People are just not thinking.
Whenever a Democrat says something is "a threat to democracy", they mean "a threat to the Democratic Party's goal to gain more power".

Because, as it turns out, Democrats don't give a shit about democracy, because they don't trust people to vote in their own best interests.

And not coincidentally, it's always in everyone's best interests to vote for Democrats.
Maybe not if you earn over 400k and are a greedy scumbag idiot....they should really take some courses in history and science.....
Maybe not if you earn over 400k and are a greedy scumbag idiot....they should really take some courses in history and science.....
If you don’t work and are a greedy scumbag, the Dims are your party.
50 unarmed rednecks escorted into the Capitol by Capitol Police was "A THREAT TO OUR DEMOCRACY!!!" But
200, 000 completely unknown illegal immigrants pouring into our country EVERY SINGLE MONTH from 120 different countries is just FINE AND DANDY by the Democrats. And with that many unknown people coming into the country, they WILL be showing up in your towns and cities. MAKE NO MISTAKE as Obama loved to say.
You think illegals are trying to overturn elections? LOL.so dumb an argument...Pass an ID card, the only solution, and stop being a dupe........
If you don’t work and are a greedy scumbag, the Dims are your party.
Everything you know is hateful crap. If you are not disabled, welfare is no picnic. These GOP jobs suq duh. I am still happily retired, dingbat dupe. What we need is help for the middle class now thanks to the GOP> Tax the rich and invest in America again. Cheap college and training and infrastructure. Duh. Change the gd channel....

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