What Bathroom Should Transgender People Use?

do yall object when women bring in their young sons to the ladies bathroom? i have seen boys 8 and 9 in the ladies room...do you object to that?

i dont notice other people when i am in a public restroom....i am there to do my business and get out....not investigate anyone....
do yall object when women bring in their young sons to the ladies bathroom? i have seen boys 8 and 9 in the ladies room...do you object to that?
First it's not even close to the same thing. Bring a your young child into a bathroom is to help them, most of the time it's to help with potty training (3-4) and it's also to protect them. Children that young are the must vulnerable in the nation. Transgender are not their for potty training help or for protection. They are there because they have mental issues they need to work out!

On that note: a woman shouldn't bring their child into a bathroom at even age 6 and up (even 5 and up). My second youngest is 4. I never take her into the men's bathroom now. I let her go into the women's room and wait by the door.

i dont notice other people when i am in a public restroom....i am there to do my business and get out....not investigate anyone....

If a man walked into you bathroom, I think you would notice. Even more so if it was a conservative man! :eusa_whistle:
If there are no unisex toilets, the disabled toilets are the only option. Transgendered people are not disabled though, and may resent the implication that they are. But since many people would be offended and scared at the idea of a male using their toilet, this is the only way to keep everyone happy.

But then again - how would I know if a transgendered people used the female bathroom? If you are a biological male, but look female, what am I going to do? I can't demand to inspect your genitals before you enter...using the disabled toilets would only apply to those people who do not look like their chosen sex. The men who look female - they can use whatever toilet they like, you can't prove their gender.

Not sure how you do it in the land down under, but in the US there is usually just a men and a women's bathroom, with they occassional family bathroom (in places in malls, were families usually attend). There are not disabled persons bathroom. They have disabled people stalls within bathrooms, but no specific bathrooms.

So if we don't have them are you stating the law should require a 3rd bathroom choice on to businesses? Men, Women and Other? There is a cost for doing such a thing and it will have undesirable ripple effects.

And what is to stop with 3 choices. Muslims my request one, fat people, the elderly etc. Soon we could have 15 choices!
do yall object when women bring in their young sons to the ladies bathroom? i have seen boys 8 and 9 in the ladies room...do you object to that?
First it's not even close to the same thing. Bring a your young child into a bathroom is to help them, most of the time it's to help with potty training (3-4) and it's also to protect them. Children that young are the must vulnerable in the nation. Transgender are not their for potty training help or for protection. They are there because they have mental issues they need to work out!

On that note: a woman shouldn't bring their child into a bathroom at even age 6 and up (even 5 and up). My second youngest is 4. I never take her into the men's bathroom now. I let her go into the women's room and wait by the door.

i dont notice other people when i am in a public restroom....i am there to do my business and get out....not investigate anyone....

If a man walked into you bathroom, I think you would notice. Even more so if it was a conservative man! :eusa_whistle:

we have plenty of unisex bathrooms here and if the women's bathroom is crowded...i dont think a thing of announcing and hitting the mens....and yes men have entered a bathroom when i was there....i just leave...i am not a bathroom lingerer...and another damned thing is this the biggest worry in yalls life? if it is consider yourself lucky
Sa are you all ready to be honest and admit this is really a tank hates yet another group who isn't like him thread?
Sa are you all ready to be honest and admit this is really a tank hates yet another group who isn't like him thread?

Legit question. Why exactly should a person that is obviously a man be allowed to use a ladies restroom and same for women? And locker rooms even more so. Would you really like your 15 year old daughter to be in locker room with a 15 year old boy that thinks he is a girl?
If there are no unisex toilets, the disabled toilets are the only option. Transgendered people are not disabled though, and may resent the implication that they are. But since many people would be offended and scared at the idea of a male using their toilet, this is the only way to keep everyone happy.

But then again - how would I know if a transgendered people used the female bathroom? If you are a biological male, but look female, what am I going to do? I can't demand to inspect your genitals before you enter...using the disabled toilets would only apply to those people who do not look like their chosen sex. The men who look female - they can use whatever toilet they like, you can't prove their gender.

One of my granddaughters is a sixteen year old lesbian who dresses "boyfriend" and uses the women's rest room. After a few snide remarks about her appearance, I suggested she call her self-appointed "fairy godmother" (a lesbian friend of my son's). Marilyn sent her some peel-off stickers labeled "Lesbian Only" and told her to slap one on the door and just barge in. It works. Everyone is too confused to disturb her and she takes it off and puts it in the trash when she is through. I told her if the lady's room has a line, just slap the sticker on the men's room door and do the same. She is in ROTC and this is apparently making her famous, with Master Chief approvingly passing on the story as an example of initiative!
Would you be comfortable with a man who is dressed as a woman in the same bathroom with you're daughter?

Nope, nor should we. Gays are one thing (which I accept and have no problem with), but transexuals are sick people. They need mental health help. We esp shouldn't promote sexually mutilation as normal or acceptable!

If I saw a man dressed as a woman going into the womens bathroom I would confront the SOB and direct him to the right bathroom!

You probably wouldn't even be able to tell if he was a biological male anyway.
How about we get rid of the mens urinals and have larger bathroom for everyone with enclosed floor to ceiling stalls? Put in those spring operated seats so men don't piss on them.
This could not be more black & white. If you are born with a penis, you use the men's restroom and/or locker room. If you are born with a vagina, you use the women's restroom and/or locker room.

A persons mental ailments are completely irrelevant when it comes to the restroom.
Right, just because they can't figure out what they are, don't mean the rest of us don't know
This could not be more black & white. If you are born with a penis, you use the men's restroom and/or locker room. If you are born with a vagina, you use the women's restroom and/or locker room.

A persons mental ailments are completely irrelevant when it comes to the restroom.

Pity for those born with both sets of genitals, then.
do yall object when women bring in their young sons to the ladies bathroom? i have seen boys 8 and 9 in the ladies room...do you object to that?
First it's not even close to the same thing. Bring a your young child into a bathroom is to help them, most of the time it's to help with potty training (3-4) and it's also to protect them. Children that young are the must vulnerable in the nation. Transgender are not their for potty training help or for protection. They are there because they have mental issues they need to work out!

On that note: a woman shouldn't bring their child into a bathroom at even age 6 and up (even 5 and up). My second youngest is 4. I never take her into the men's bathroom now. I let her go into the women's room and wait by the door.

i dont notice other people when i am in a public restroom....i am there to do my business and get out....not investigate anyone....

If a man walked into you bathroom, I think you would notice. Even more so if it was a conservative man! :eusa_whistle:

we have plenty of unisex bathrooms here and if the women's bathroom is crowded...i dont think a thing of announcing and hitting the mens....and yes men have entered a bathroom when i was there....i just leave...i am not a bathroom lingerer...and another damned thing is this the biggest worry in yalls life? if it is consider yourself lucky

what I find odd is that in private homes everyone uses the same facilities, why should there be a different standard in public?
Whichever one their parts match.
This. You can use the girls bathroom when you have girl parts – period.
How about we get rid of the mens urinals and have larger bathroom for everyone with enclosed floor to ceiling stalls? Put in those spring operated seats so men don't piss on them.
And here is a second solution – end segregated bathrooms.

Seriously, as long as we make it illegal for a man to enter a woman’s bathroom and vice versa, there is no grounds whatsoever to declare a man that wants to say he is a woman even though that is false can then ignore those standards.

Either end segregated bathrooms or use the damn bathroom that fits your sex – not your fantasies.

I would also like to point out that there really is no difference here from a ‘transgender’ man and a normal man. Transgender does NOT, by default, mean gay. Just because you have a penis but like to wear dresses and be called a woman does not mean that you are not attracted to women. Facing that reality – why would you have segregated bathrooms but make exceptions for a special group of people?






YFile - New book examines archaic attitudes associated with bathrooms

In her new book Queering Bathrooms: Gender, Sexuality and the Hygienic Imagination (University of Toronto Press, 2010), Cavanagh, a queer theorist, explores how the gendered nature of public washrooms has become a source of anxiety and political controversy in recent years.

“While talk about public facilities is often designated as out-of-bounds and not to mention crude and impolite in everyday conversation, these places condition ideas about gender and sexuality,” says Cavanagh. “Bathrooms have always been places where we segregate folks on the basis of gender, sexuality, class, disability and race.”

This segregation has a long history in North America, and Cavanagh says that in the not too distant past there were racially segregated bathrooms and water fountains in the American South. Today, people with physical disabilities are often desexualized by unisex facilities. “When you are physically disabled, your gender doesn’t seem to matter and you are desexualized in the built environment,” says Cavanagh.

She points out that separate bathrooms for the chamber maid or hired help were also built into many of the homes of the bourgeoisie classes. “In Toronto, bathrooms of today are often designated for ‘customers only’,” she says. “People who are homeless or street active or sex workers are frequently denied access to public facilities.”

Strikes me as funny that, while the -phobes are terrified of seeing a pee pee, its happening every single day. All that hate and nothing the hater can do about it.

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