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Yep. If you like books and to read. Come join goodreads.com

I've been on Goodreads for several years and STILL can't figure out how the darned thing works! :rolleyes:
LOL...I can help if you want me to. Pretty much you find books add them and you mark what you are currently reading and what you have read. Rate them and write reviews etc. I enjoy it because I can find like minded readers and it recommends books to me.
I am currently reading Swan Song, but I think I have read it before. It was written in the 80s and is a lot like Stephen King's The Stand.

The book feels really familiar. Pretty sure I've read it before.

I belong to BookBub. It's an email service which sends you daily fiction recommendations based on your tastes. For some goddam reason I have yet to fathom, BookBub thinks I like zombie books. I HATE zombie books, but every day I get two zombie book recommendations along with spy novels, detective stories, and a shitload of Dan Brown knockoffs. Gonna have to figure out how to tweak BookBub to stop sending me zombies. Come to think of it, I'm burned out on spy novels and detective stories. Any time a synopsis starts with, "Agent Jones has left the CIA and uncovered a..." I stop right there.

The books are offered at giant discounts for limited time periods. Really, really good discounts. A lot of freebies, but mostly priced at 99 cents.

I quickly filled up my Kindle with a zillion books and they are all collecting e-dust now.

I have been slogging through a lot of drek because of BookBub, and discarding books left and right after reading a chapter or two. But I have come across some real gems I otherwise would not have.

For example, The Genome is very good. I don't read a lot of science fiction. Most sci-fi sucks. But I liked that one. Could be because I just finished a shit ton of biographical books of historical Americans and needed some empty calorie brain candy.
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Right now I'm just about at the end of The Microbiome Solution by Robynne Chutkan, MD. BS from Yale, MD from Columbia, currently practices at Georgetown University Hospital. Interesting book that kind of flies in the face of modern medicine ... but it says what I've been thinking* for a long time. A bit technical (Latin names of various bacteria) but the author does explain in clear concise terms. She's particularly homed in on the unbridled use of antibiotics as the cure all for everything that comes down the pike - but many things we have been using for decades also kill off the normal good things we have along with the bad things. In other words it's a bit of a "manual" on healing our bodies from the inside out. She's also got some recipes at the back of the book. They are what she calls her "Live Dirty, Eat Clean Diet."

*The Lysol commercials, for instance, make me crazy ... the only thing they're "healthing" is their bottom line IMHO.

On my rising pile of reading is The World is My Home - the memoirs of James A. Michener, whose books I've been reading since high school. Kind of a back story of how he came to write his books.

A repurchase of Michener's Poland which I read decades ago. I got a sense of self on my first read, so perhaps these many years later a re-read might mean even more to me.

Crippled America How to Make America Great Again by Donald J. Trump. Hoping to gain a little insight to Mr. Trump without a panel of journalists snarling and yapping.
Somewhere on here I listed as a read Crippled America by Donald J. Trump, Jr. I was hoping to gain some insight into Trump and I found this to be a very easy read. It was more like sitting down with Mr. Trump and listening to what he had to say one-on-one. It was more revealing (in terms of twisting words by the media) than what I expected. All things considered, I'm leaning toward Trump as possibly being the person who could bring back some relevance to the Republican Party and that the Republican War against Trump should be brought to a halt. Do we really need someone in office who's going to give us the same-old, same-old?
'Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class' by Ian Haney López

'It's Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided With the New Politics of Extremism' by Thomas E. Mann, Norman J. Ornstein

'What Terrorists Want: Understanding the Enemy, Containing the Threat' by Louise Richardson

'One of Us: The Story of Anders Breivik and the Massacre in Norway' By Asne Seierstad. Translated by Sarah Death.

'The Speechwriter: A Brief Education in Politics' by Barton Swaim

'Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free' by Charles P. Pierce

'Liberty Under Siege: American Politics, 1976-1988' by Walter Karp

'Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming' by Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. M. Conway

'American High: The Years of Confidence, 1945-1960' by William L. O'Neill
'A Bubble in Time: America During the Interwar Years, 1989-2001' by William L. O'Neill
Coming Apart: An Informal History of America in the 1960s' by William L. O'Neill

'How Propaganda Works' by Jason Stanley
I am reading this stupid message board
Someone to Watch Over Me by Yrsa Sigurdardottir, and Icelandic author. I can t get enough of her! It's Scandi Noir.
Somewhere on here I listed as a read Crippled America by Donald J. Trump, Jr. I was hoping to gain some insight into Trump and I found this to be a very easy read. It was more like sitting down with Mr. Trump and listening to what he had to say one-on-one. It was more revealing (in terms of twisting words by the media) than what I expected. All things considered, I'm leaning toward Trump as possibly being the person who could bring back some relevance to the Republican Party and that the Republican War against Trump should be brought to a halt. Do we really need someone in office who's going to give us the same-old, same-old?

I got that for Christmas. Finished it last week. Good book.
I am in the middle of a book on my Kindle, but it has been so long since I have been able to read, I have forgotten the name of it. :neutral:

Had things going on around here or I would have been reading. I usually do nightly. I will get back to it..soon too..
I was cleaning out my Kindle books and saw The Politics of Star Trek….started reading it again…great little book….

Also, Allister Stone books….I don't know the author…..Like the Jim Butcher, Harry Dresden Books but just warming up…..not too bad though.

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