Pride is a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired. Pride is also listed as one of the Seven Deadly Sins in the Bible.
So what, if anything, are you proud of? Do you derive pleasure or satisfaction from your ancestors or ethnic heritage? If so, why? Where does pride fall on the continuum between gratefulness and arrogance? Or is it merely a defensive construct to mask our own insecurities and/or denigrate others?
Personally, I avoid the use of that term and am suspicious of those who do use it. What about you?
So what, if anything, are you proud of? Do you derive pleasure or satisfaction from your ancestors or ethnic heritage? If so, why? Where does pride fall on the continuum between gratefulness and arrogance? Or is it merely a defensive construct to mask our own insecurities and/or denigrate others?
Personally, I avoid the use of that term and am suspicious of those who do use it. What about you?