CDZ What are you "proud" of?

My kids and grandkids are awesome.... Which is why my ex-wife and I still get along... She is a great mom and my best friend still today which I'm also proud to be able to say...
And I'm proud of this;

And this;
I was commenting on another post. But thank you for your "opinion" on the matter. It is important to me.

You were commenting on a public message board, so it doesn't matter whose post you were commenting on. Furthermore, you were commenting something which had nothing to do with that post, or with the topic of the thread. You just wanted to make everyone talk about your personal little anti-religion hobby horse. Finally, you were commenting in an attempt to be rude and insulting to religious people, in direct violation of this being the Clean Debate Zone.

So I will ask you again: are you proud of shoehorning your obsession into the conversation?
No better feeling. Same here.

I'm particularly proud of my sons. The elderly ladies who live next door to us tell me every day what a blessing they consider it to have my sons here, because they don't know how they'd manage without the boys to help them.

And I'm proud of my grandkids. My youngest granddaughter is so adorable. Sweet and happy and playful, but with a whim of steel.
Pride is a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired. Pride is also listed as one of the Seven Deadly Sins in the Bible.

So what, if anything, are you proud of? Do you derive pleasure or satisfaction from your ancestors or ethnic heritage? If so, why? Where does pride fall on the continuum between gratefulness and arrogance? Or is it merely a defensive construct to mask our own insecurities and/or denigrate others?

Personally, I avoid the use of that term and am suspicious of those who do use it. What about you?
Wow.... If I would have posted something like that... fuggedaboutit.... I'd have dozens and dozens of hate replies and pm's. So...

I'm proud that you could make that post and get no haters!
I am proud of my American heritage. I am glad to know that my ancestors chose to be part of a great experiment to create a nation like none that ever existed before. I That is tempered by a sense of responsibility to contribute to that experiment myself.

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