What Antifa Is All About...according to a fomer Antifa Member


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'Antifa' standing for 'Anti-fascist' is a false narrative'. Antifa's misleading moniker hides its true identity as a vessel for far-left political activism.'

here's my shocked face meme

"I think it has to do with the fact that so many college administrators and college campuses ... allow Antifa to work under their noses. Let me just say this very clear, we don’t allow ISIS to recruit on college campuses and we should not allow Antifa to do that either.""

Again, NO SHIT! Many colleges are Anti-American, socialist / fascist / communist cesspools, 'Indoctrination Grounds' for America-hating scumbags and former and/or current domestic terrorist scumbags like Obama buddy Bill Ayers. Ayers and his terrorist / America-hating pals wised up and realized bombing and killing 1st Responders would not bring about the change they sought. To do that they needed to infiltrate the education system where they could indoctrinate impressionable young people.

Gabriel Nadales, a former member of the anti-American domestic terrorist organization Antifa, went on to say, "Antifa pretends to be about fighting fascism, but then they define fascism as basically anything that does not conform with their radical leftist agenda."

Gee, Nadales just recited what the Democrat Party opposes any and every way they possibly can, legally or not - 'anything that does not conform with their radical leftist agenda'.

I'm a former anti fascist

Everything he said is wrong

Believe me

Lol they're not even an organized group they have no ideology. You'd have to break them down by cell

edit - also don't click on this ridiculous shit targeting boomers. I should start writing this kind of shit for that sweeeeet cash money
I'm a former anti fascist

Everything he said is wrong

Believe me

Lol they're not even an organized group they have no ideology. You'd have to break them down by cell

edit - also don't click on this ridiculous shit targeting boomers. I should start writing this kind of shit for that sweeeeet cash money

"former". Good one.
I'm a former anti fascist

Everything he said is wrong

Believe me

Lol they're not even an organized group they have no ideology. You'd have to break them down by cell

edit - also don't click on this ridiculous shit targeting boomers. I should start writing this kind of shit for that sweeeeet cash money
Former anti-fascist which means current fascist. We already knew that about you people. But don’t feel bad antifa isn’t anti-fascist either so your membership card is still good.
It's hard to see how Antifa is gaining any support for the Far Left socialist agenda, if that is in fact their goal. They're kinda scary and all, but how is any of the rioting, burning, and looting helping anybody politically, so where and what are the expected positives behind all this shit? They ain't making any friends, y'know? IOW, what's it all about? Somebody paid for the buses and the bricks, no? Who? Why? Not the kids doing the damage, I get that. Most of 'em look like they don't have two dimes to rub together. But the people behind the scenes doing the planning, strategizing, and the financing, no doubt some of the mayhem is from local agitators, but not all of it IMHO.

I'm hoping the FBI gets ahold of some of these effers and squeezes them enough to get an accurate picture of what's really going on.
Antifa folks talk so bad about white folks, i'm scared of them, there is tremendous hatred in the hearts of these Antifa people
It's hard to see how Antifa is gaining any support for the Far Left socialist agenda, if that is in fact their goal.

I fear you are under-estimating the on-going Indoctrination success of radical, America-hating former terrorists / current enemies of the state that infect institutions of 'higher' learning.

(This is why the fascist / socialist / communist goal of destroying the family unit and influence of parents n their kids is so important to them....)
You might be right. It's kind of scary to think of what might happen if Biden or one of his ilk beats Trump in the Nov election. Surely they would lose their asses in the 2022 and 2024 elections.
'Antifa' standing for 'Anti-fascist' is a false narrative'. Antifa's misleading moniker hides its true identity as a vessel for far-left political activism.'

View attachment 344482

"I think it has to do with the fact that so many college administrators and college campuses ... allow Antifa to work under their noses. Let me just say this very clear, we don’t allow ISIS to recruit on college campuses and we should not allow Antifa to do that either.""

Again, NO SHIT! Many colleges are Anti-American, socialist / fascist / communist cesspools, 'Indoctrination Grounds' for America-hating scumbags and former and/or current domestic terrorist scumbags like Obama buddy Bill Ayers. Ayers and his terrorist / America-hating pals wised up and realized bombing and killing 1st Responders would not bring about the change they sought. To do that they needed to infiltrate the education system where they could indoctrinate impressionable young people.

Gabriel Nadales, a former member of the anti-American domestic terrorist organization Antifa, went on to say, "Antifa pretends to be about fighting fascism, but then they define fascism as basically anything that does not conform with their radical leftist agenda."

Gee, Nadales just recited what the Democrat Party opposes any and every way they possibly can, legally or not - 'anything that does not conform with their radical leftist agenda'.


Some may be surprised to learn that they originated as a communist group in Nazi Germany.

Today, they are a part of the international Left.


"Antifaschistische Aktion (German: [ˌantifaˈʃɪstɪʃə ʔakˈtsi̯oːn]), commonly known under its abbreviation Antifa (German: [ˈantifaː]), was an organisation affiliated with the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) that existed from 1932 to 1933. It was primarily active as a KPD campaign during the 1932 elections and was described by the KPD as a "red united front under the leadership of the only anti-fascist party, the KPD".[1] Under the leadership of the committed Stalinist Ernst Thälmann, the KPD viewed fascism primarily as the final stage of capitalism rather than as a specific movement or group, and therefore applied the term to all other parties. The front focused largely on attacking the KPD's main adversary, the centre-left Social Democratic Party of Germany, whom they referred to as social fascists and regarded as the "main pillar of the dictatorship of Capital."[2] "

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