What a dumb headline by David Muir..." President Trump says 99% Coronavirus harmless"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
President Trump declared "99%" of COVID-19 cases to be "totally harmless" during Fourth of July remarks over the weekend, prompting backlash from mayors of both political parties. The president's FDA commissioner struggled to provide a factual basis for the president's claim. Paula Reid reports
So why are these hardened, professional journalists having a problem understanding what 99% means!
FACTs FACTS from this web site:Coronavirus Update (Live): 11,712,852 Cases and 539,768 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer

NOTE in the USA figures...
NOW 99.47% of the CASES are mild AND NOT hospitalized! Comes from the above URL!
But why is David Muir, etc. just realizing this and don't believe IT??? I've been trying to get people to comprehend this really unpublicized FACT
by the biased MSM that WANTS Trump's failure: In 151 days 99.47% of the CASES are MILD not hospitalized! HOW many of your local and national newspeople are telling you that????
Screen Shot 2020-07-06 at 6.14.01 PM.png
Who cares? With a 4.6% fatality rate, It's nothing worth getting your undies in a bunch. The BBC even reported that the UK government's scientific advisers believe that the chances of dying from a coronavirus infection are between 0.5% and 1%...

How deadly is the coronavirus?

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