West Virginia man charged with stealing C-SPAN employee equipment during Capitol riot


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Ahh..what's a riot without some looters?

Federal prosecutors have charged Eric Gene Barber of West Virginia in connection to the Capitol riot, alleging he stole C-SPAN employee equipment while participating in the January 6 insurrection.

a group of people in a room
© Department of Justice
Barber, a former city council member from Parkersburg, West Virginia, was charged with entering restricted buildings, unlawful activity at the Capitol and theft.
Writing in an affidavit filed in federal court, FBI investigators say they were able to identify Barber after receiving a number of tips and links to interviews he gave to local press outlets after the riot.
During their investigation, investigators also identified Barber on surveillance camera footage taken inside the Capitol Rotunda.

"I observed BARBER taking selfie photographs in the Rotunda ... and stopping at the C-SPAN media station located in Statuary Hall and searching through equipment that was on the stand," an FBI agent wrote in the affidavit. "The video clearly depicts BARBER searching through items at the media stand, before appearing to unplug something and take it with him."
Eric Barber is a total jerk. I know him well. He was big on demeaning the poor and then needed a public defender.

There has been a lot of people celebrating his arrest. He went with a state senator (no evidence the state senator went in with him) and he has been silent so far.

I have to chuckle or maybe hope Eric's new lawyer can teach him a lesson.
Hell..just the assigning of this lawyer should teach him something!

... Assistant Federal Public Defender Ubong Akpan will handle Barber’s case going forward.
2017 wasn't too long ago. On June 14 a Sanders supporter opened fire on republicans practicing for a baseball game. These days you can hardly get Google to recognize the name James Hodgkinson. A couple of months later on October 1 Stephen Paddock opened fire on a Trump rally in Vegas killing 61. With it's vast resources the FBI couldn't come up with a motive. last week some maniac with a Muslem name opened fire on a Colorado grocery store but lefties and their minions in the FBI would rather focus on the glory days when rioters allegedly stole C-Span equipment. Go figure

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