"West" does not help Ukraine

Why would he do that? Russia won’t tolerate NATO presence in Ukraine, it is too big a threat to Moscow. So he will support the Eastern provinces to become independent or annexed into Russia (again).

The easy way to win the war is for Ukraine to concede they fucked around and found out, and lost. Just give up the Eastern provinces they have been in a civil war with since 2014. Let them have their independence. But nope, Pride won’t let them.
There is no NATO in Ukraine, Ukraine is not a member of NATO, and they were not even taken to NATO when they themselves asked to go there. This talk about links between Ukraine and NATO is a common scam, it has been going on since Yushchenko's time, it's like saying that Bashkiria is connected to NATO.

And besides, the very understanding of NATO as an alliance of a fictitious "West" is also a fraud.

Moscow represents cultural Europe. They are proud that Ingermanland sold them into German slavery, but they do not like the Khans of the Golden Horde and the Poles. Almost all their symbols are from Prussia.

NATO has never been an alliance of the imaginary "West", it was a tool to contain Eurocentrism in Europe.
Do they want to "help" Ukraine with the help of 100 leopards that they will bring during the year? ok, now let's see how many tanks in the USSR were already in the days of Reagan.

No, they do not want help. They want to fuck the brains of ukrainians and then they will fuck Ukrainian orphans whose fathers will die in a meat grinder
Fucking vaccinations have turned humanity into autists and slaves. They don't understand what they are doing. They shoot their own balls
There are 30,000 tanks in Russia, you fucking idiots. The tank arsenal of the Russian Federation is the largest in the world, there are not so many tanks even in the USA. Even if half of these tanks are old shit, they will kill this hundred leopards in 1 minute if they want, even without shells.
If they field all their tanks, they will defeat 100 leopards by showering them with their footcloths and underwear.
Ukrainians are fighting heroically? No. I personally know a person who has relatives in western Ukraine. First-hand information: In western Ukraine, they cleaned out all the men who did not have time to hide. The police catch them on the streets, put them in handcuffs and send them to be slaughtered. it's just not shown anywhere.
There are 30,000 tanks in Russia, you fucking idiots. The tank arsenal of the Russian Federation is the largest in the world, there are not so many tanks even in the USA. Even if half of these tanks are old shit, they will kill this hundred leopards in 1 minute if they want, even without shells.

And every one of those 30,000 tanks can be destroyed by a single soldier with the right weapon.

Bring'em on. They can ship the remains of the Russian tank crew back in body bags.
Ukrainians are fighting heroically? No. I personally know a person who has relatives in western Ukraine. First-hand information: In western Ukraine, they cleaned out all the men who did not have time to hide. The police catch them on the streets, put them in handcuffs and send them to be slaughtered. it's just not shown anywhere.

First hand gossip without any evidence? Yeah, that is meaningless.
How will they keep fighting when they run out of soldiers?

So you say no US troops, so that means you will let Putin win if Ukraine forces can’t do it.

You’re beginning to sound like a Putin stooge.
I hear China is supplying Russia. That’s not good. You’re on the dark side my man.
I hear China is supplying Russia. That’s not good. You’re on the dark side my man.
Well of course Russia is in an alliance with China now. We made them public enemy number 2 (1 being freedom loving Americans). Instead of engaging the Russians to friendlier terms, Biden decided to do everything possible to alienate them and start a new war. If the Middle East and Asia and Russia form a coalition and ditch the US dollar, our currency will implode. Which may be the actual goal of all this.
I hear Russian soldiers are Only fighting because it’s either that or prison
No, that’s the Ukrainians. Look at all the videos on Twitter of them capturing men and forcing them to fight. Millions of Ukrainian men have already long since fled the country because they don’t want to fight in this stupid war.
No, that’s the Ukrainians. Look at all the videos on Twitter of them capturing men and forcing them to fight. Millions of Ukrainian men have already long since fled the country because they don’t want to fight in this stupid war.
You fucking Russian piece of shit, you know damn well that Wagner Group is emptying prisons to fill their ranks.
There are 30,000 tanks in Russia, you fucking idiots. The tank arsenal of the Russian Federation is the largest in the world, there are not so many tanks even in the USA. Even if half of these tanks are old shit, they will kill this hundred leopards in 1 minute if they want, even without shells.
Sure they will, dickhead. More dead Russian tank crews coming your way.
You fucking Russian piece of shit, you know damn well that Wagner Group is emptying prisons to fill their ranks.
LOL wow someone is triggered.

Yes I am well aware that the “Wagner Group” is made up of ex-cons. I’ve stated that here before. The Wagner Group aren’t Russian military, it’s lead by a Russian oligarch that likes to play soldier with his ex-cons and light up social media.
Will McRib man up and join the fight against Christo-fascists of Russia by joining Zelensky’s Rainbow Pride Brigade?

Nope, he won’t. But he will gladly donate your tax dollars to some Ukey Slav so they can die on a battlefield in his stead.

I guess calling people a “Russian piece of shit” on the internet is most he can do for the cause.
Meanwhile the West gets passed up by BRICS:
LMAO McRib and Litwin


What happened to Russians running away with their tail between their legs?

Ukey’s couldn’t even defeat the loser Wagner Group made up of ex-cons.

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