"West" does not help Ukraine

The insurrectionist Republicans in the House would be saying it. But not one Republican in the House or Senate is telling us Ukraine is a Nazi country. Or whatever propaganda you are spreading today.
Ukraine is a Nazi country, their national hero is a Nazi named Bandera. Look it up.

Ukraine is a Nazi country, their national hero is a Nazi named Bandera. Look it up.

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In western Ukraine, many see him as a freedom fighter who battled the Soviet Union during World War II. They see themselves as the heirs to Bandera's struggle.

In eastern Ukraine, Bandera has entirely different connotations. Pro-Russian separatists see him as an ally of Hitler, a fascist who was responsible for killing tens of thousands.

So you are clearly pro Russia. THanks for sharing that.
The Cold War was against the Soviet Union.

Long gone. Time to move on.
Putin is evil. Pure evil. He murders people. Former KGB. We know the history of how capitalism got started in Russia. The russian mob and former KGB own EVERYTHING. First the gave everyone 3 shares and said that's split evenly. But 3 was worthless so people gave their 3 away to rich people, who purchased the 3 shares for $3 dollars. Eventually the rich/mafia/kgb purchased up all the shares and now they are billionaires.

The owner of the New Jersey net got out just before they were going to murder him. Russia is evil dude.
Putin is evil. Pure evil. He murders people. Former KGB. We know the history of how capitalism got started in Russia. The russian mob and former KGB own EVERYTHING. First the gave everyone 3 shares and said that's split evenly. But 3 was worthless so people gave their 3 away to rich people, who purchased the 3 shares for $3 dollars. Eventually the rich/mafia/kgb purchased up all the shares and now they are billionaires.

The owner of the New Jersey net got out just before they were going to murder him. Russia is evil dude.
Okay, Russia is “evil”. So is Ukraine, they are totally corrupt.
The CCP is evil. They are a communist regime, why are we allowed to do business with them? Why is it okay for the Bidens to be so friendly with them and take millions of their dollars?
It's just a dirty game for the sake of genocide. It's been a year now, no significant support. They are engaged in outright fraud. There are about 30,000 tanks in the Russian Federation in reserve. "West" have been promising them about a hundred Abrams and Leopards for a year now. The front stands in one place, only frontal assaults and no maneuvers.

This is a scam for the sake of destroying the peoples of Ukraine, former Poles and Hungarians.

We need to stop this grinder. Children are already fighting in Ukraine, and small children are being taken to perverts in Germany.
Actually, Russia is forcefully kidnapping Ukrainian children and taking them to Russia, where many of them are being raped.

Okay, Russia is “evil”. So is Ukraine, they are totally corrupt.
The CCP is evil. They are a communist regime, why are we allowed to do business with them? Why is it okay for the Bidens to be so friendly with them and take millions of their dollars?
We aren't friendly with China dude. We may go to war over Taiwan. In fact, they are watching to see if the world allows Russia to take Ukraine. If we do, they'll take Taiwan.

No, Ukraine isn't even. Russia is. You sir are a Russian boot licker.
We aren't friendly with China dude. We may go to war over Taiwan. In fact, they are watching to see if the world allows Russia to take Ukraine. If we do, they'll take Taiwan.

No, Ukraine isn't even. Russia is. You sir are a Russian boot licker.
So you support sending US troops to defeat the Russians when Ukraine runs out of fodder?
Come on man, they are our number one trading partner. So many of our industries are totally reliant on the Chinese. Your guy Crooked Joe (aka “Pedo Pete”) and his family have been bought and paid for by China.

That doesn't mean we are their friends. Boy are you naive

The United States and China have one of the world’s most important and complex bilateral relationships. Since 1949, the countries have experienced periods of both tension and cooperation over issues including trade, climate change, and Taiwan.

Please don't say they are OUR number one trading partner. Unless you are speaking for Russia? I believe you are comrade.
Come on man, they are our number one trading partner. So many of our industries are totally reliant on the Chinese. Your guy Crooked Joe (aka “Pedo Pete”) and his family have been bought and paid for by China.
Of course they are our number one trading partner! We are such great friends with them right? Why wouldn't we do business with China?

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