CDZ Were Whites And Blacks Equal Before Slavery?

Were Blacks living in homes, towns and cities or dung huts when whites first arrived in Africa?

Were whites living in homes, towns or caves?

High resolution pics didn't exist back then...did whites like in High rises, homes or holes in a rock?
Being a slave was hard work.

So if slavery really effected blacks, how come blacks are not hard workers today?
I defer to the founding fathers "all men are created equal".
But you didn't answer the question, did you?

What would you like to hear.
What I'd like to hear and what I expect to hear are vastly different. What I should hear, is an answer to the question posed in the OP.

Which question? The one that asked about the equality of both races in the mythical period before slavery existed?

Or the one that focused solely on blacks and the culture?

One is reasonable...the other is more Tank porn where his depends get soiled when he thinks about blacks.
I find myself getting dragged into a ridiculous non debate.

A black man living in Africa, bringing up his family and taking care of his business would obviously be the equal, if not superior of his white counterpart. The majority of his white counterparts were disenfranchised and lived in squalor and poverty.

His enslavement benefited a class of white man who, to be fair, would have enslaved his mother if it would have furthered his goals.
The OP is trained in foolishness.
Were Blacks living in homes, towns and cities or dung huts when whites first arrived in Africa?

Were whites living in homes, towns or caves?

High resolution pics didn't exist back then...did whites like in High rises, homes or holes in a rock?
From what I understand they live in conditions that would rival that of a sewer.
I find myself getting dragged into a ridiculous non debate.

A black man living in Africa, bringing up his family and taking care of his business would obviously be the equal, if not superior of his white counterpart. The majority of his white counterparts were disenfranchised and lived in squalor and poverty.

His enslavement benefited a class of white man who, to be fair, would have enslaved his mother if it would have furthered his goals.

When was this?
I find myself getting dragged into a ridiculous non debate.

A black man living in Africa, bringing up his family and taking care of his business would obviously be the equal, if not superior of his white counterpart. The majority of his white counterparts were disenfranchised and lived in squalor and poverty.

His enslavement benefited a class of white man who, to be fair, would have enslaved his mother if it would have furthered his goals.
The OP is trained in foolishness.
Were Blacks living in homes, towns and cities or dung huts when whites first arrived in Africa?

Were whites living in homes, towns or caves?

High resolution pics didn't exist back then...did whites like in High rises, homes or holes in a rock?
From what I understand they live in conditions that would rival that of a sewer.
Many thanks. He seems a bit off the pace.
Were Blacks living in homes, towns and cities or dung huts when whites first arrived in Africa?

Were whites living in homes, towns or caves?

High resolution pics didn't exist back then.
They still live in caves today

Tank did WHITES live in condos or with bat guano?
The Greeks said that white people were savages that lived in caves and ate each other. I know its weird that Greeks are considered white today since whites base their belief system on the Greeks.
I find myself getting dragged into a ridiculous non debate.

A black man living in Africa, bringing up his family and taking care of his business would obviously be the equal, if not superior of his white counterpart. The majority of his white counterparts were disenfranchised and lived in squalor and poverty.

His enslavement benefited a class of white man who, to be fair, would have enslaved his mother if it would have furthered his goals.

When was this?
Prior to US slavery.
I find myself getting dragged into a ridiculous non debate.

A black man living in Africa, bringing up his family and taking care of his business would obviously be the equal, if not superior of his white counterpart. The majority of his white counterparts were disenfranchised and lived in squalor and poverty.

His enslavement benefited a class of white man who, to be fair, would have enslaved his mother if it would have furthered his goals.

When was this?
Prior to US slavery.

Who? The British? The Dutch?
I find myself getting dragged into a ridiculous non debate.

A black man living in Africa, bringing up his family and taking care of his business would obviously be the equal, if not superior of his white counterpart. The majority of his white counterparts were disenfranchised and lived in squalor and poverty.

His enslavement benefited a class of white man who, to be fair, would have enslaved his mother if it would have furthered his goals.

When was this?
Prior to US slavery.

Who? The British? The Dutch?
Take your pick.
I defer to the founding fathers "all men are created equal".
But you didn't answer the question, did you?

What would you like to hear.
What I'd like to hear and what I expect to hear are vastly different. What I should hear, is an answer to the question posed in the OP.

Which question? The one that asked about the equality of both races in the mythical period before slavery existed?

Or the one that focused solely on blacks and the culture?

One is reasonable...the other is more Tank porn where his depends get soiled when he thinks about blacks.
So I was right. You,(typical Liberal) can't answer a question. I give the hell up.
I defer to the founding fathers "all men are created equal".
But you didn't answer the question, did you?

What would you like to hear.
What I'd like to hear and what I expect to hear are vastly different. What I should hear, is an answer to the question posed in the OP.

Which question? The one that asked about the equality of both races in the mythical period before slavery existed?

Or the one that focused solely on blacks and the culture?

One is reasonable...the other is more Tank porn where his depends get soiled when he thinks about blacks.
So I was right. You,(typical Liberal) can't answer a question. I give the hell up.

I ask which question?

Your response: Aha!

Smooth move ex lax
Have Whites advanced Black culture or held black culture back?

What say you?
What do you mean by black? What do you mean by culture? The lives of the Africans forcibly transported to slave plantations in the New World were spent under conditions utterly different from the lives of the Africans who remained in Africa, whose cultural diversity was a great as that of whites in Europe. Culture is not something that can be sustained or advanced in a concentration camp or a slave plantation. Black culture under slavery mutated and survived a bit the way American culture survived in Stalag 17.

Black culture is a product of the black experience. The range of that experience has been harshly limited by law and economics. Where black culture has been allowed to develop, it has profoundly shaped not just the culture of America but of much of the world. Born in misery and genocide, American black culture has reached astounding heights in a number of fields This in no way justified the incalculable suffering of Africans in the New World, but tragic as it is, blood and suffering make great cultural fertilizer.
Have Whites advanced Black culture or held black culture back?

What say you?

There's little question that Western civilization/culture has had an impact on all other civilizations/cultures it has encountered. Providing a qualitative assessment of that impact depends quite a lot on what one values. For example, as much as I think it great that we can prolong life to great age, I'm not sure about whether it's overall a good thing to do so, both from the standpoint of folks who live well into their nineties or that of the ecosystems that we are a part of, no matter how much we want to believe and behave as though it is subordinate to us.

To the title question: Yes.

To the first OP question:
I don't know. I know that each has had an impact on the other and that in the U.S. aspects of each have bled into the other. I think that Western European based culture has had little positive impact, in some cases little impact at all, on the "black" (or other) cultures it hasn't by happenstance or attempted actively to overthrow. Whether it's overall had a negative impact on those very same cultures is, as I said, unclear to me, but it's the direction I'm inclined toward.

Sure, Western culture has brought about a wealth of tangible things. Those things are all nice to be sure. On the other hand, Western culture has also wrought uncertainty and confusion in non-Westerner's understanding of themselves as peoples and individuals. That is, IMO, a far more critical thing that are hot tubs. hotels, and hospitals. Whereas I can live just fine without my bars and massage parlors, I am not living well at all when my self-identity is not clear to me. Being the cause of that occurring for many "black" peoples is, as I see it, an overall negative that overwhelms all the gee-gaws and artifice.

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