"We're at war with the perverters of Islam"...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
So who said that?


Or Obama?

Oh yeah, both.

“We are not at war with Islam,” Obama insisted, a statement that has become a constant refrain from American political leaders over the last 13 years. But he added a novel twist on that old phrase: “We are at war with people who have perverted Islam.”
There it was. This was the culmination of Obama’s colloquiums on religious violence, his op-eds in major urban newspapers expounding on the phenomenon, and a rambling speech on the subject before a rapt audience of supporters. It just so happens that ISIS would say precisely the same thing. "

Theology Professor Obama declares America is at war with people who have perverted Islam Hot Air
"ISIS, too, would contend theirs is a war against those who pervert Islam. If the president has determined that this organization is itself a perverter of the Muslim faith, we’ve now entered a rhetorical realm where we can contend that the West and ISIS are in a war over the only valid interpretation of Islam. That surely was not the president’s intention, but that would serve ISIS’s propagandistic purposes quite nicely."

Theology Professor Obama declares America is at war with people who have perverted Islam Hot Air
The ATLANTIC just ran a wonderful article about the stupidity of pretending that ISIS is somehow Pidgin Muslim, and not the *real thing*.
The WP just ran a wonderful article about the stupidity of pretending that ISIS is somehow Pidgin Muslim, and not the *real thing*.

Obama is a Muslim sympathizer.....hence....he lies. Radical Islam is akin to Nazism in this way. Nazism was an ideology of racial supremacy. Radical Islam is an ideology of religious supremacy.

Both are equally evil.
Anybody noticed how the progs have pretty much given up trying to defend Obozo? Maybe 6 years of it have made their sickly little bodies too weak to continue... other than to blame Bush and slink off. :lol:
Very long read but very informative.

What ISIS Really Wants - The Atlantic

Good read. Thanks for providing the link.

Our ignorance of the Islamic State is in some ways understandable: It is a hermit kingdom; few have gone there and returned. Baghdadi has spoken on camera only once. But his address, and the Islamic State’s countless other propaganda videos and encyclicals, are online, and the caliphate’s supporters have toiled mightily to make their project knowable. We can gather that their state rejects peace as a matter of principle; that it hungers for genocide; that its religious views make it constitutionally incapable of certain types of change, even if that change might ensure its survival; and that it considers itself a harbinger of—and headline player in—the imminent end of the world.

The Islamic State, also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), follows a distinctive variety of Islam whose beliefs about the path to the Day of Judgment matter to its strategy, and can help the West know its enemy and predict its behavior. Its rise to power is less like the triumph of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt (a group whose leaders the Islamic State considers apostates) than like the realization of a dystopian alternate reality in which David Koresh or Jim Jones survived to wield absolute power over not just a few hundred people, but some 8 million.

We have misunderstood the nature of the Islamic State in at least two ways. First, we tend to see jihadism as monolithic, and to apply the logic of al‑Qaeda to an organization that has decisively eclipsed it. The Islamic State supporters I spoke with still refer to Osama bin Laden as “Sheikh Osama,” a title of honor. But jihadism has evolved since al-Qaeda’s heyday, from about 1998 to 2003, and many jihadists disdain the group’s priorities and current leadership.
The WP just ran a wonderful article about the stupidity of pretending that ISIS is somehow Pidgin Muslim, and not the *real thing*.

Obama is a Muslim sympathizer.....hence....he lies. Radical Islam is akin to Nazism in this way. Nazism was an ideology of racial supremacy. Radical Islam is an ideology of religious supremacy.

Both are equally evil.
Over the years I thought long and hard about obama being a muslim or not. I have come to the unfortunate conclusion that he IS and always has been a muslim

Qur'an (16:106) - Establishes that there are circumstances that can "compel" a Muslim to tell a lie.

Qur'an (3:28) - This verse tells Muslims not to take those outside the faith as friends, unless it is to "guard themselves."

Qur'an (9:3) - "...Allah and His Messenger are free from liability to the idolaters..." The dissolution of oaths with the pagans who remained at Mecca following its capture. They did nothing wrong, but were evicted anyway.

Qur'an (40:28) - A man is introduced as a believer, but one who must "hide his faith" among those who are not believers.

Qur'an (2:225) - "Allah will not call you to account for thoughtlessness in your oaths, but for the intention in your hearts" The context of this remark is marriage, which explains why Sharia allows spouses to lie to each other for the greater good.

Qur'an (66:2) - "Allah has already ordained for you, (O men), the dissolution of your oaths"

Qur'an (3:54) - "And they (the disbelievers) schemed, and Allah schemed (against them): and Allah is the best of schemers." The Arabic word used here for scheme (or plot) is makara, which literally means 'deceit'. If Allah is supremely deceitful toward unbelievers, then there is little basis for denying that Muslims are allowed to do the same. (See also 8:30 and 10:21)
But just to remind, Bush said similar things in 2001:

"Ours is not a campaign against the Muslim faith" - George W. Bush, Jr.

And what Bush said was true. We're not at war against Islam, we are at war against Islamic radicals, Islamic extremists and Islamic terrorists. THAT'S the part Obama won't say.
He's not a good Muslim though, and that means they hate him.
But just to remind, Bush said similar things in 2001:

"Ours is not a campaign against the Muslim faith" - George W. Bush, Jr.

And what Bush said was true. We're not at war against Islam, we are at war against Islamic radicals. THAT'S the part Obama won't say.

He says we're at war with the perverters of Islam.

Which, incidentally, is just what the leaders of those Islamic *radical* groups say.

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