Wendy's Supports Chick-Fil-A

Well, when there was government action to try to zone the mosque out of the area, you didn't see much protest of that from same sort of people who are now up in arms over this chicken joint.

And why was that?

btw, what actual government action was taken against Chick fil a?

The mayor of Boston vowed to keep them out of the city. It is a threat to a business, based on the beliefs of a government official. It is not the governments role to restrict or threaten to restrict based on beliefs. It is very simple and very black and white.

On a side note, I do not frequent any fast food chicken outfits due to the treatment of the animals. So I already boycott the resturant.

So, your answer, despite your careful effort not to state it explicitly,

is that there was NO actual government action taken against this chicken place.

The threat is there, it was stated publicly, it would be prudent of anyone who for or against a threat, to stand up and be heard.

The same is true of any government action that would endanger our rights and take away liberty and freedom.

If you are against a political candidate, do you not stand up and let yourself be heard? If you believe there is a perceived wrong, do you not stand up and let yourself be heard?
On this issue, did you not stand up and let yourself be heard?
If Congress has a bill or a Congressmen is wanting to pass a bill, do you not comment?
Bachmann made comments last week, did you not stand up and let yourself be heard? She didn't even talk of passing a law did she?
If you can keep gay bars and strip clubs out of your city, why can't you keep a fast food restaurant out?

As long as every other fast food restaurant was removed, then it would be fair. However, this is not the case, this is the case of a Mayor wanting to ban a restaurant for it's beliefs, that is religious discrimination.
republicans never pass up an opportunity to vociferously defend:

big oil
the uber-wealthy

they are truly the party of the people!

I am a Republican dude and I support gay marriage.
Barry Goldwater was the first politician to stand up in the Senate and advocate open service for gays in the military.
Do you know who he is?
This is not a Republican/Democratic thing. For decades the Democrats openly OPPOSED gay marriage including Barry the amateur at the last election.

Barry Goldwater: "You don't have to be straight to be in the military; you just have to be able to shoot straight."
Mayors and many other government officials are banning them from opening new restaurants. Mayors of Boston, Chicago and SF just to name a few.

The Mayor of Boston changed his mind.

Thanks in part to the ACLU - you know - that librul organization that only promotes librul ideology. Funny how the right hates the ACLU till they need them.

And you're right - it isn't Constitutional. Doesn't mean I have to like them for insulting me for not having Jesus in my wife and I's marriage.

Good for the ACLU. That proves the old adage that even a blind squirrel will find an acorn once in a while.

No, it proves the adage that Republicans hate lawyers until they need one.
republicans never pass up an opportunity to vociferously defend:

big oil
the uber-wealthy

they are truly the party of the people!

I am a Republican dude and I support gay marriage.
Barry Goldwater was the first politician to stand up in the Senate and advocate open service for gays in the military.
Do you know who he is?
This is not a Republican/Democratic thing. For decades the Democrats openly OPPOSED gay marriage including Barry the amateur at the last election.

Barry Goldwater?

Dude - welcome to the NEW Republican party. Reasonable Republicans such as yourself are a dying breed.

Well, he's only partly reasonable. Dubya was more of an amateur than Obama. Texas has the least powerful Governorship in the nation. But I'll bet he never referred to Dubya that way.
I will still go there as they have a quality product.
No, they do not. As I recently found out, they use Pilgrim's Pride chicken, which is roided out and injected with antibiotics and hormones. They feed their chicken animal by-products and bone marrow. They use forced molting, kill all the males, and keep them confined in tight cages, churned out factory-style. They killed 7 people in 2000 with a Lysteria outbreak, and have been fined hundreds of thousands of dollars for safety and environmental violations.
I will still go there as they have a quality product.
No, they do not. As I recently found out, they use Pilgrim's Pride chicken, which is roided out and injected with antibiotics and hormones. They feed their chicken animal by-products and bone marrow. They use forced molting, kill all the males, and keep them confined in tight cages, churned out factory-style. They killed 7 people in 2000 with a Lysteria outbreak, and have been fined hundreds of thousands of dollars for safety and environmental violations.

Jesus would be proud.
1. "Jim Furman, CEO of Tarheel Capital, is one of Wendy's biggest franchise owners (he has 86 locations), and he's making his support for Chick-fil-A known.

2. This morning, several of his Wendy's locations in North Carolina put up signs that read, "We stand with Chick-fil-A," reports the L.A. Times."
Wendy's Restaurants Put Up Signs That Say 'We Stand With Chick-Fil-A' - Business Insider

3. "But it’s former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee’s contribution that's getting the most play today. Early in the debate, the former Arkansas governor declared Aug. 1 to be Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day and urged supporters to swarm into the restaurants in support.

4. But it’s former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee’s contribution that's getting the most play today. Early in the debate, the former Arkansas governor declared Aug. 1 to be Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day and urged supporters to swarm into the restaurants in support.

5. [Updated at 8:58 a.m.: Across the country, Twitter users described “mile long traffic to get into chick-fil-a,” stores “so crowded there are cops directing traffic off the highway” and “26 cars in the drive through.” One user, EWErickson, wrote that the “crowd was so big I gave up.”

6. Earlier, several North Carolina Wendy’s restaurants posted signs saying “We Stand With Chick Fil A.” "
Fans, protesters, PETA converge on Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day - latimes.com

The Silent Majority eats lunch, it seems.....

You didnt even read your own link did you? This is why you are trash and should be treated as such.

The signs were taken down a few hours after they went up

Please note the tweet wendy's gave out saying they did not approve f such messages and had them taken down. That these where independent stores who took it upon themselves to support CFA.

There now we know your Op is fucking trash, just like every other thread you make. Learn to read dipshit.

I bet you're a real hoot to be around in person... what with that rosy demeanor and all.

You didnt even read your own link did you? This is why you are trash and should be treated as such.

Please note the tweet wendy's gave out saying they did not approve f such messages and had them taken down. That these where independent stores who took it upon themselves to support CFA.

There now we know your Op is fucking trash, just like every other thread you make. Learn to read dipshit.

Come on Plasma, she stated it was the largest Frachiser, not the coporate office

Which corporate told them to take it down. He abused his status and the home office put him in his place.
wendy's doesn't stand with chic. One bigot does.
So do I, and so do a LOT more Americans who are sick to death of liberal PC intolerance and would-be tyranny! This is only the beginning, because we are going to take our country back from those attempting to turn t into a progressive cesspool! Your crowd went too far, and now the rest of us are fighting back. Now, just so you know, this American is not going to lose any sleep over what names you are any other "progressive" (from where I sit, that word is a synonym for "COMMUNIST TRAITOR"!) calls me or anyone else. Your predecessors called me a "baby killer" and "storm trooper" for serving in Vietnam, so I will wear any further canard from the Left as I wear those "accolades"-WITH PRIDE! I will oppose everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING, and every group, that your party and your poisonous ideology stands for or with, and stand with everyone and every group that opposes the same. Do i make myself clear? I have no particular love for republicans or the religious right, but at least they weren't the ones who spat on me when I wore the uniform, and they weren't the American Leftist traitors who stole the victory we won in Vietnam. Leftists and democrats were, and I will NEVER feel anything but absolute hatred and loathing for your sorry species of lying wimps, weasels, and petty, posturing pontificators who fancy themselves as some sort of moral and intellectual elite. In my eyes, you so-called "progressives" are and always will be the enemies of everything I hold dear, including the constitution I swore to support and defend!! Your side just proved that again, with this sorry little episode that completely backfired on you and yours. Spiro Agnew wasn't much, but he did get one thing right, when he referred to you stinking hippies as "An effete corps of impudent snobs who characterize themselves as intellectuals." It STILL fits the Left today, perfectly! Stick THAT in your progressive craw!
Come on Plasma, she stated it was the largest Frachiser, not the coporate office

Which corporate told them to take it down. He abused his status and the home office put him in his place.
wendy's doesn't stand with chic. One bigot does.
So do I, and so do a LOT more Americans who are sick to death of liberal PC intolerance and would-be tyranny! This is only the beginning, because we are going to take our country back from those attempting to turn t into a progressive cesspool! Your crowd went too far, and now the rest of us are fighting back. Now, just so you know, this American is not going to lose any sleep over what names you are any other "progressive" (from where I sit, that word is a synonym for "COMMUNIST TRAITOR"!) calls me or anyone else. Your predecessors called me a "baby killer" and "storm trooper" for serving in Vietnam, so I will wear any further canard from the Left as I wear those "accolades"-WITH PRIDE! I will oppose everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING, and every group, that your party and your poisonous ideology stands for or with, and stand with everyone and every group that opposes the same. Do i make myself clear? I have no particular love for republicans or the religious right, but at least they weren't the ones who spat on me when I wore the uniform, and they weren't the American Leftist traitors who stole the victory we won in Vietnam. Leftists and democrats were, and I will NEVER feel anything but absolute hatred and loathing for your sorry species of lying wimps, weasels, and petty, posturing pontificators who fancy themselves as some sort of moral and intellectual elite. In my eyes, you so-called "progressives" are and always will be the enemies of everything I hold dear, including the constitution I swore to support and defend!! Your side just proved that again, with this sorry little episode that completely backfired on you and yours. Spiro Agnew wasn't much, but he did get one thing right, when he referred to you stinking hippies as "An effete corps of impudent snobs who characterize themselves as intellectuals." It STILL fits the Left today, perfectly! Stick THAT in your progressive craw!

You're right, what was I thinking. Americans have died for our right to be bigots! Thank you, soldiers of all ages!!!
Come on Plasma, she stated it was the largest Frachiser, not the coporate office

Which corporate told them to take it down. He abused his status and the home office put him in his place.
wendy's doesn't stand with chic. One bigot does.
So do I, and so do a LOT more Americans who are sick to death of liberal PC intolerance and would-be tyranny! This is only the beginning, because we are going to take our country back from those attempting to turn t into a progressive cesspool! Your crowd went too far, and now the rest of us are fighting back. Now, just so you know, this American is not going to lose any sleep over what names you are any other "progressive" (from where I sit, that word is a synonym for "COMMUNIST TRAITOR"!) calls me or anyone else. Your predecessors called me a "baby killer" and "storm trooper" for serving in Vietnam, so I will wear any further canard from the Left as I wear those "accolades"-WITH PRIDE! I will oppose everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING, and every group, that your party and your poisonous ideology stands for or with, and stand with everyone and every group that opposes the same. Do i make myself clear? I have no particular love for republicans or the religious right, but at least they weren't the ones who spat on me when I wore the uniform, and they weren't the American Leftist traitors who stole the victory we won in Vietnam. Leftists and democrats were, and I will NEVER feel anything but absolute hatred and loathing for your sorry species of lying wimps, weasels, and petty, posturing pontificators who fancy themselves as some sort of moral and intellectual elite. In my eyes, you so-called "progressives" are and always will be the enemies of everything I hold dear, including the constitution I swore to support and defend!! Your side just proved that again, with this sorry little episode that completely backfired on you and yours. Spiro Agnew wasn't much, but he did get one thing right, when he referred to you stinking hippies as "An effete corps of impudent snobs who characterize themselves as intellectuals." It STILL fits the Left today, perfectly! Stick THAT in your progressive craw!

wall of text will be ignored..
The Right has lost their battle against gay rights. What's going on now is merely a mop-up operation by the victors.

The fact that a few fat bigots will hole up in their bunkers, eating chicken and pretending that matters, doesn't change that fact.

It has nothing to do with gay rights, it has everything to do with government telling a private business that they can't build a store because of their beliefs. If an individual or group of individuals want to boycott because of a companies beliefs, more power to them, that is a right. Government does not have that right.


The people who are rallying to support the fast food joint are the same people who were trying to get the so-called 9/11 Mosque relocated or not built at all.

Oh I have no problem with the mosque; I just think we should have a pork rib joint right next to it-fair is fair, after all; it's the American way!:D Translation: slap me in the face, get slapped right back!
It has nothing to do with gay rights, it has everything to do with government telling a private business that they can't build a store because of their beliefs. If an individual or group of individuals want to boycott because of a companies beliefs, more power to them, that is a right. Government does not have that right.


The people who are rallying to support the fast food joint are the same people who were trying to get the so-called 9/11 Mosque relocated or not built at all.

Oh I have no problem with the mosque; I just think we should have a pork rib joint right next to it-fair is fair, after all; it's the American way!:D Translation: slap me in the face, get slapped right back!

No one is slapping you in the face.
For steak. No.

For hate. Maybe.

If the chairman of Chik-Fil-A made racial rants instead of homophobic ones, we wouldn't have this conversation, because they'd have shut down the whole chain if he hadn't resigned within a week.

If grandma had a dick. She'd be grandpa.

You are now using "if they said something else" as a pejorative ?



Racism is unacceptable.

Homophobia is unacceptable.

No, Joe, it's not. Here in America we allow anyone to believe, and short of inciting riot, say) whatever he wants. It's only ACTING on those beliefs that is unacceptable, and then only to the extent it infringes on someone else's constitutional rights. Unlike those "socialist utopias" of Europe; THERE IS NO "THOUGHT CRIME" in America, and God willing, there will NEVER be! Right here on this board, Salt Jones exercises his right to openly state his hatred of all white people-a right I would never take from him, however obnoxious I find his statements.
The mayor of Boston vowed to keep them out of the city. It is a threat to a business, based on the beliefs of a government official. It is not the governments role to restrict or threaten to restrict based on beliefs. It is very simple and very black and white.

On a side note, I do not frequent any fast food chicken outfits due to the treatment of the animals. So I already boycott the resturant.

So, your answer, despite your careful effort not to state it explicitly,

is that there was NO actual government action taken against this chicken place.

The threat is there, it was stated publicly, it would be prudent of anyone who for or against a threat, to stand up and be heard.

The same is true of any government action that would endanger our rights and take away liberty and freedom.

If you are against a political candidate, do you not stand up and let yourself be heard? If you believe there is a perceived wrong, do you not stand up and let yourself be heard?
On this issue, did you not stand up and let yourself be heard?
If Congress has a bill or a Congressmen is wanting to pass a bill, do you not comment?
Bachmann made comments last week, did you not stand up and let yourself be heard? She didn't even talk of passing a law did she?

This a rightwing cause based on the right's hatred of gay marriage. Period.
Which corporate told them to take it down. He abused his status and the home office put him in his place.
wendy's doesn't stand with chic. One bigot does.
So do I, and so do a LOT more Americans who are sick to death of liberal PC intolerance and would-be tyranny! This is only the beginning, because we are going to take our country back from those attempting to turn t into a progressive cesspool! Your crowd went too far, and now the rest of us are fighting back. Now, just so you know, this American is not going to lose any sleep over what names you are any other "progressive" (from where I sit, that word is a synonym for "COMMUNIST TRAITOR"!) calls me or anyone else. Your predecessors called me a "baby killer" and "storm trooper" for serving in Vietnam, so I will wear any further canard from the Left as I wear those "accolades"-WITH PRIDE! I will oppose everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING, and every group, that your party and your poisonous ideology stands for or with, and stand with everyone and every group that opposes the same. Do i make myself clear? I have no particular love for republicans or the religious right, but at least they weren't the ones who spat on me when I wore the uniform, and they weren't the American Leftist traitors who stole the victory we won in Vietnam. Leftists and democrats were, and I will NEVER feel anything but absolute hatred and loathing for your sorry species of lying wimps, weasels, and petty, posturing pontificators who fancy themselves as some sort of moral and intellectual elite. In my eyes, you so-called "progressives" are and always will be the enemies of everything I hold dear, including the constitution I swore to support and defend!! Your side just proved that again, with this sorry little episode that completely backfired on you and yours. Spiro Agnew wasn't much, but he did get one thing right, when he referred to you stinking hippies as "An effete corps of impudent snobs who characterize themselves as intellectuals." It STILL fits the Left today, perfectly! Stick THAT in your progressive craw!

You're right, what was I thinking. Americans have died for our right to be bigots! Thank you, soldiers of all ages!!!

Ravi, in America, ANYONE does in fact have the right to BE a bigot if he so chooses. It's only ACTING on the bigotry in a way that infringes upon the rights of others which is unlawful.Mere expression of views, bigoted or otherwise, does not rise to that level, as there is NO "right" to not be offended.

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