Wendy's Supports Chick-Fil-A

The Right has lost their battle against gay rights. What's going on now is merely a mop-up operation by the victors.

The fact that a few fat bigots will hole up in their bunkers, eating chicken and pretending that matters, doesn't change that fact.

It has nothing to do with gay rights, it has everything to do with government telling a private business that they can't build a store because of their beliefs. If an individual or group of individuals want to boycott because of a companies beliefs, more power to them, that is a right. Government does not have that right.


The people who are rallying to support the fast food joint are the same people who were trying to get the so-called 9/11 Mosque relocated or not built at all.
What the left is saying is that you can have any opinion you want, as long as it is an opinion approved by the left.
The Right has lost their battle against gay rights. What's going on now is merely a mop-up operation by the victors.

The fact that a few fat bigots will hole up in their bunkers, eating chicken and pretending that matters, doesn't change that fact.

It has nothing to do with gay rights, it has everything to do with government telling a private business that they can't build a store because of their beliefs. If an individual or group of individuals want to boycott because of a companies beliefs, more power to them, that is a right. Government does not have that right.

That's pure crap.

You didn't see the Right rallying to the defense of the so-called ground zero mosque when others were seeking action - including government action - to keep them out of that location.

This is pure rightwing partisan bigotry trying to disguise itself as a crusade for rights.

btw, what about gay rights in the first place?
What the left is saying is that you can have any opinion you want, as long as it is an opinion approved by the left.

I totally agree.
And what the Chick Fil A supporters are saying is that gays are immoral people that should be banned from getting married and only The Bible can approve marriage.
Never does the Right show more zeal for defending rights as when the right they're defending is the right to advocate against the rights of any of the groups the Right hates.

They weren't out in force in support of the OWS'ers who were getting pepper sprayed...
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Did you vote for Obama when HE SAID He was for TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE. If you did you my friend are a HATEFUL HYPOCRITE:tongue:

President Obama did not donate $5 million to organizations (including a certified hate group) that depict gay people as pedophiles, want to make “gay behavior” illegal, and even say gay people should be “exported” out of America.


Associates gays with pedophiles

Want to make gay "behavior" illegal

Wants to export gays

Which is why I won't buy their "biggoty chicken"...
The Right has lost their battle against gay rights. What's going on now is merely a mop-up operation by the victors.

The fact that a few fat bigots will hole up in their bunkers, eating chicken and pretending that matters, doesn't change that fact.

It has nothing to do with gay rights, it has everything to do with government telling a private business that they can't build a store because of their beliefs. If an individual or group of individuals want to boycott because of a companies beliefs, more power to them, that is a right. Government does not have that right.


The people who are rallying to support the fast food joint are the same people who were trying to get the so-called 9/11 Mosque relocated or not built at all.

Okay, then it has nothing to do with gay rights for me and most of the people I speak with, about this issue, it is about government interference in private business. As for the mosque, I felt it was in poor taste for them to build it there, but it was their property and they have the right.

Again, government doesn't get to decide where a business sets up based on their beliefs, do you believe otherwise?
It has nothing to do with gay rights, it has everything to do with government telling a private business that they can't build a store because of their beliefs. If an individual or group of individuals want to boycott because of a companies beliefs, more power to them, that is a right. Government does not have that right.


The people who are rallying to support the fast food joint are the same people who were trying to get the so-called 9/11 Mosque relocated or not built at all.

Okay, then it has nothing to do with gay rights for me and most of the people I speak with, about this issue, it is about government interference in private business. As for the mosque, I felt it was in poor taste for them to build it there, but it was their property and they have the right.

Again, government doesn't get to decide where a business sets up based on their beliefs, do you believe otherwise?

The people you are speaking with are lying to you and frankly, I don't believe you when you say that it has nothing to do with gay rights to you.
The Right has lost their battle against gay rights. What's going on now is merely a mop-up operation by the victors.

The fact that a few fat bigots will hole up in their bunkers, eating chicken and pretending that matters, doesn't change that fact.

It has nothing to do with gay rights, it has everything to do with government telling a private business that they can't build a store because of their beliefs. If an individual or group of individuals want to boycott because of a companies beliefs, more power to them, that is a right. Government does not have that right.

That's pure crap.

You didn't see the Right rallying to the defense of the so-called ground zero mosque when others were seeking action - including government action - to keep them out of that location.

This is pure rightwing partisan bigotry trying to disguise itself as a crusade for rights.

btw, what about gay rights in the first place?

That is your opinion and you are entitled to it. My thoughts on the mosque and many of the people I associate with, thought it was in poor taste to build the mosque and there should have been compromise, however government has no right to interfere with what they built.

So in my book and most of the people I know, don't give a crap about gay rights, and hate the fact government is interfering on a business based on beliefs.

The people who are rallying to support the fast food joint are the same people who were trying to get the so-called 9/11 Mosque relocated or not built at all.

Okay, then it has nothing to do with gay rights for me and most of the people I speak with, about this issue, it is about government interference in private business. As for the mosque, I felt it was in poor taste for them to build it there, but it was their property and they have the right.

Again, government doesn't get to decide where a business sets up based on their beliefs, do you believe otherwise?

The people you are speaking with are lying to you and frankly, I don't believe you when you say that it has nothing to do with gay rights to you.

You have a right to your opinion, but your opinion of me on this issue is wrong. I have stated here many times gay marriage, civil union, whatever you want to call it, is fine by me. It is not an issue. If you followed me at all on here, you would know government interfering in private business is a very big issue with me.
We don't have a Hate-fil-A around here so I can't actively boycott.

However, we do have a Wendy's. Let the partitioning of America continue!

so u are boycotting businesses because they have an opinion?

If they are willing to mix their opinion with the business, sure, as I am free to judge them by choosing their competitors. You are free to do the same.

It's hilarious to see right wingers cry about boycotts when it's THEIR martyr draped across the cross... Yet when the situations are flipped... Don't let the Dixie Chicks in on that punch line!

Our Martyr, or Christ, draped on that cross allows us life eternal in paradise. Sorry for you, sty warm pumpkin.
President Obama did not donate $5 million to organizations (including a certified hate group) that depict gay people as pedophiles, want to make “gay behavior” illegal, and even say gay people should be “exported” out of America.


Associates gays with pedophiles

Want to make gay "behavior" illegal

Wants to export gays

Which is why I won't buy their "biggoty chicken"...

Associating gays with pedophiles to me is wrong, there is enough evidence that shows that pedophilia is a power and control issue and not a sexual preference issue. I don't buy into all the manufactured hate. As far as gay behavior, that doesn't even make sense.

Associating gays with pedophiles to me is wrong, there is enough evidence that shows that pedophilia is a power and control issue and not a sexual preference issue. I don't buy into all the manufactured hate. As far as gay behavior, that doesn't even make sense.

Most pedophiles have never had an adult gay relationship ever.
That is why they prey on kids.
Power is what it is all about. Many are married and always have had heterosexual sexual experiences.
It is power and OCD. I just assume shoot them but it is not about sexual orientation.

For me, this is not about gay rights, which I support. It's about the PC Police trying to keep a perfectly legal business from operating because they don't agree with the view of its CEO. It's about the PC Police constantly trying to intimidate and stop anyone who dares to disagree with them. It's about the PC police being big fans of freedom of expression as long as you agree with them, otherwise you are a clear target.

And I don't give a crap where they build that freakin' mosque. I'm consistent.

It has nothing to do with gay rights, it has everything to do with government telling a private business that they can't build a store because of their beliefs. If an individual or group of individuals want to boycott because of a companies beliefs, more power to them, that is a right. Government does not have that right.

That's pure crap.

You didn't see the Right rallying to the defense of the so-called ground zero mosque when others were seeking action - including government action - to keep them out of that location.

This is pure rightwing partisan bigotry trying to disguise itself as a crusade for rights.

btw, what about gay rights in the first place?

That is your opinion and you are entitled to it. My thoughts on the mosque and many of the people I associate with, thought it was in poor taste to build the mosque and there should have been compromise, however government has no right to interfere with what they built.

So in my book and most of the people I know, don't give a crap about gay rights, and hate the fact government is interfering on a business based on beliefs.

Well, when there was government action to try to zone the mosque out of the area, you didn't see much protest of that from same sort of people who are now up in arms over this chicken joint.

And why was that?

btw, what actual government action was taken against Chick fil a?
That's pure crap.

You didn't see the Right rallying to the defense of the so-called ground zero mosque when others were seeking action - including government action - to keep them out of that location.

This is pure rightwing partisan bigotry trying to disguise itself as a crusade for rights.

btw, what about gay rights in the first place?

That is your opinion and you are entitled to it. My thoughts on the mosque and many of the people I associate with, thought it was in poor taste to build the mosque and there should have been compromise, however government has no right to interfere with what they built.

So in my book and most of the people I know, don't give a crap about gay rights, and hate the fact government is interfering on a business based on beliefs.

Well, when there was government action to try to zone the mosque out of the area, you didn't see much protest of that from same sort of people who are now up in arms over this chicken joint.

And why was that?

btw, what actual government action was taken against Chick fil a?

The mayor of Boston vowed to keep them out of the city. It is a threat to a business, based on the beliefs of a government official. It is not the governments role to restrict or threaten to restrict based on beliefs. It is very simple and very black and white.

On a side note, I do not frequent any fast food chicken outfits due to the treatment of the animals. So I already boycott the resturant.
“We’ve had over 21 million views on my Facebook page, but this is something not just for Chick-fil-A but for America, and for people who believe the First Amendment applies to everyone, including Christians,” he said.

“I think a lot of people felt that if you’re a Muslim and you take a position against same-sex marriage, Rahm Emanuel will put his arm around you in a public ceremony like he did to Louis Farrakhan the very day he was condemning Dan Cathy, and it’s that hypocrisy and inconsistency and intolerance and bigotry toward Christians that I think people are just tired of.” Mike Huckabee

That is your opinion and you are entitled to it. My thoughts on the mosque and many of the people I associate with, thought it was in poor taste to build the mosque and there should have been compromise, however government has no right to interfere with what they built.

So in my book and most of the people I know, don't give a crap about gay rights, and hate the fact government is interfering on a business based on beliefs.

Well, when there was government action to try to zone the mosque out of the area, you didn't see much protest of that from same sort of people who are now up in arms over this chicken joint.

And why was that?

btw, what actual government action was taken against Chick fil a?

The mayor of Boston vowed to keep them out of the city. It is a threat to a business, based on the beliefs of a government official. It is not the governments role to restrict or threaten to restrict based on beliefs. It is very simple and very black and white.

On a side note, I do not frequent any fast food chicken outfits due to the treatment of the animals. So I already boycott the resturant.

So, your answer, despite your careful effort not to state it explicitly,

is that there was NO actual government action taken against this chicken place.
If you can keep gay bars and strip clubs out of your city, why can't you keep a fast food restaurant out?
Keep in mind,

if past conversations on this board are a good measure, most conservatives believe that a restaurant such as this should have the right to refuse service to gays,

or blacks, or anyone they choose.

They might now claim that this has nothing to do with being against gay rights, but it's well established that conservatives widely support the right of businesses to discriminate.

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