Well, What-do-ya-know… This Might Explain That Debate


Look at the right column for Obama. Government entities and government supported schools are paying from what funds? Unfuckingbelievable.
It gets so tiring 'splainin things to retards.

Hey, retard. Take a look at that list of Contributors. See how it says "to all accounts since 1992"?

Gosh, what do you think that could mean?!? Why would Fox contribute to the Clintons (plural) way back in 1992? OH YEAH! That was when Bill first ran for President! D'oh!

Another thing: Guess when Fox News came into being.

1996. Founded by a media consultant for Nixon, Reagan, and Bush I.

So it looks like a retard wrote that OP article, and another retard copied and pasted it without engaging two brains cells in a little critical thinking.

Now if you want to see who HILLARY's top donors actually are for the 2016 cycle, here you go: Top Donors data for Hillary Clinton 2016 Cycle OpenSecrets

A buncha lawyers (she's gonna need 'em), Yale, Harvard, Google, a giant private equity firm, and...Time Warner. Ta-daaaaaa!

You're welcome.

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