Well done Mrs Obama

Michelle Obama topples David Walliams to secure Christmas No 1

Michelle Obama has unseated David Walliams as Britain’s Christmas favourite, with her memoir Becoming set to be the UK’s bestselling book during the festive period, after shifting 92,000 copies in the final shopping week before Christmas Day.

Christmas is a crucial period for UK booksellers, with the four weeks of December accounting for approximately 15% of annual book sales.

Walliams has been the bestselling author in the final week before Christmas for two consecutive years, with his children’s books The Midnight Gang and Bad Dad topping charts in 2016 and 2017 respectively. However, although his latest book The Ice Monster is currently ahead of both of his Christmas No 1s over the same period and has sold 520,000 copies since it was first published six weeks ago, it still trails Obama – 80,400 copies of The Ice Monster sold over the last week, compared with 92,000 copies of Becoming.

Obama is the first person of colour to be crowned Christmas No 1, and the first woman since JK Rowling in 2008 to take the top spot. In the UK, Becoming sold 380,000 hardback copies in the first three weeks after publication – 485,000 across all formats – while 3m copies have been sold in the US.

On Tuesday, Walliams tweeted his congratulations to Obama. “You are rightfully sitting at the very top of the tree like the shining light you are,

What a talented lady. The best of America.
A fool born every minute....
Michelle Obama topples David Walliams to secure Christmas No 1

Michelle Obama has unseated David Walliams as Britain’s Christmas favourite, with her memoir Becoming set to be the UK’s bestselling book during the festive period, after shifting 92,000 copies in the final shopping week before Christmas Day.

Christmas is a crucial period for UK booksellers, with the four weeks of December accounting for approximately 15% of annual book sales.

Walliams has been the bestselling author in the final week before Christmas for two consecutive years, with his children’s books The Midnight Gang and Bad Dad topping charts in 2016 and 2017 respectively. However, although his latest book The Ice Monster is currently ahead of both of his Christmas No 1s over the same period and has sold 520,000 copies since it was first published six weeks ago, it still trails Obama – 80,400 copies of The Ice Monster sold over the last week, compared with 92,000 copies of Becoming.

Obama is the first person of colour to be crowned Christmas No 1, and the first woman since JK Rowling in 2008 to take the top spot. In the UK, Becoming sold 380,000 hardback copies in the first three weeks after publication – 485,000 across all formats – while 3m copies have been sold in the US.

On Tuesday, Walliams tweeted his congratulations to Obama. “You are rightfully sitting at the very top of the tree like the shining light you are,

What a talented lady. The best of America.
Manchelle Obama is a despicable racist cretin.
That is why she took her children to Rev. Wright's racist church for 20 years.
She wanted some extra help teaching her kids left wing hate.
Her kids heard that 3000 Americans deserved to be murdered by Muslim Terrorist on 9-11.
"the chickens have come home to roost"
Michelle Obama topples David Walliams to secure Christmas No 1

Michelle Obama has unseated David Walliams as Britain’s Christmas favourite, with her memoir Becoming set to be the UK’s bestselling book during the festive period, after shifting 92,000 copies in the final shopping week before Christmas Day.

Christmas is a crucial period for UK booksellers, with the four weeks of December accounting for approximately 15% of annual book sales.

Walliams has been the bestselling author in the final week before Christmas for two consecutive years, with his children’s books The Midnight Gang and Bad Dad topping charts in 2016 and 2017 respectively. However, although his latest book The Ice Monster is currently ahead of both of his Christmas No 1s over the same period and has sold 520,000 copies since it was first published six weeks ago, it still trails Obama – 80,400 copies of The Ice Monster sold over the last week, compared with 92,000 copies of Becoming.

Obama is the first person of colour to be crowned Christmas No 1, and the first woman since JK Rowling in 2008 to take the top spot. In the UK, Becoming sold 380,000 hardback copies in the first three weeks after publication – 485,000 across all formats – while 3m copies have been sold in the US.

On Tuesday, Walliams tweeted his congratulations to Obama. “You are rightfully sitting at the very top of the tree like the shining light you are,

What a talented lady. The best of America.
talented --hahahhahahahahhaha
she got everything because of her skin color--not any ''talent''' hahahahhahaah

Great the village idiot is a racist
What is your educational level. What school did you attend and graduate from?
I never graduated ..I'm a white person
it is irrelevant where I graduated from and I'm not giving personal info out--DUH
that would be stupid

..the blacks fked up--as usual--whining how they want diversity everywhere--even if they don't--didn't qualify
SO--NOW--every time they get an award/honored/''education''/etc, it will always be questioned if they really qualified or not

I don't give personal info out, either. I'm white. I went through school and graduated. I have worn the gold for bachelors and the purple for law as well, in the mean time earning a certificate for a one-year course of study to become a certified paralegal.

Do not identify me with your racism.
You’re pro-affirmative action. That makes you racist.
How so? What is "affirmative action"? Yeah, I might be for affirmative action.

Did you try in school? You went to english class, perhaps a science lab? Did you write the essays assigned to you? Carry out the science experiments assigned to you?
Affirmative action exists under the pretense that non-whites are inherently inferior and need a superficial boost. Pure racism.
Whether the work is completed or not, it’s the grade that ultimately matters. AA logically undermines any meritocratic credibility in grading.

Affirmative Action was needed because white refused hiring of non whites.
I don't give personal info out, either. I'm white. I went through school and graduated. I have worn the gold for bachelors and the purple for law as well, in the mean time earning a certificate for a one-year course of study to become a certified paralegal.

Do not identify me with your racism.
You’re pro-affirmative action. That makes you racist.
How so? What is "affirmative action"? Yeah, I might be for affirmative action.

Did you try in school? You went to english class, perhaps a science lab? Did you write the essays assigned to you? Carry out the science experiments assigned to you?

You think that non whites need special assistance due to the superiority of whites
That's racist.

White guys got special assistance, and excuses for their "mistakes." We know this. How well did you well in school? High school? college? graduate school?
funny--I never got special assistance
you need to change ''white'' to rich''

Probably so. However, what is going on with these guys who frame these issues in terms of their skin color and gender? I just left a thread seeded by a guy who barks that something bad has happened to him because he is white and male, with no evidence that he has been deprived of anything. Pure identity politics. These are the monkeys who try to identify themselves with "the Founders." "The Founders," whatever they accomplished, have been dead for a very long time.

What about the university swimmer who got away with rape?
Michelle Obama topples David Walliams to secure Christmas No 1

Michelle Obama has unseated David Walliams as Britain’s Christmas favourite, with her memoir Becoming set to be the UK’s bestselling book during the festive period, after shifting 92,000 copies in the final shopping week before Christmas Day.

Christmas is a crucial period for UK booksellers, with the four weeks of December accounting for approximately 15% of annual book sales.

Walliams has been the bestselling author in the final week before Christmas for two consecutive years, with his children’s books The Midnight Gang and Bad Dad topping charts in 2016 and 2017 respectively. However, although his latest book The Ice Monster is currently ahead of both of his Christmas No 1s over the same period and has sold 520,000 copies since it was first published six weeks ago, it still trails Obama – 80,400 copies of The Ice Monster sold over the last week, compared with 92,000 copies of Becoming.

Obama is the first person of colour to be crowned Christmas No 1, and the first woman since JK Rowling in 2008 to take the top spot. In the UK, Becoming sold 380,000 hardback copies in the first three weeks after publication – 485,000 across all formats – while 3m copies have been sold in the US.

On Tuesday, Walliams tweeted his congratulations to Obama. “You are rightfully sitting at the very top of the tree like the shining light you are,

What a talented lady. The best of America.
If she were indeed the best if America why isn't her book popular here and selling out?
Michelle Obama topples David Walliams to secure Christmas No 1

Michelle Obama has unseated David Walliams as Britain’s Christmas favourite, with her memoir Becoming set to be the UK’s bestselling book during the festive period, after shifting 92,000 copies in the final shopping week before Christmas Day.

Christmas is a crucial period for UK booksellers, with the four weeks of December accounting for approximately 15% of annual book sales.

Walliams has been the bestselling author in the final week before Christmas for two consecutive years, with his children’s books The Midnight Gang and Bad Dad topping charts in 2016 and 2017 respectively. However, although his latest book The Ice Monster is currently ahead of both of his Christmas No 1s over the same period and has sold 520,000 copies since it was first published six weeks ago, it still trails Obama – 80,400 copies of The Ice Monster sold over the last week, compared with 92,000 copies of Becoming.

Obama is the first person of colour to be crowned Christmas No 1, and the first woman since JK Rowling in 2008 to take the top spot. In the UK, Becoming sold 380,000 hardback copies in the first three weeks after publication – 485,000 across all formats – while 3m copies have been sold in the US.

On Tuesday, Walliams tweeted his congratulations to Obama. “You are rightfully sitting at the very top of the tree like the shining light you are,

What a talented lady. The best of America.
She hated America or have you never seen that video clip of her stating such? Also looking at the state of affairs in England its no surprise the once proud English people have become so cucked and pathetic to like a shemale like MOOchelle Obama. Even the French have gained a set of balls and are trying to take their country back but the English just keep taking it. No Freedom of Speech,No Freedom of association,No gun rights,High crime,an invasion that's ongoing that will eventually turn a once wonderful country that ruled a HUGE chunk of the world into a brown shithole. They deserve it. There are FEW men left in England just dickless cucks letting their country be raped.

And RIGHT ON CUE, the idiots rear their ugly heads! Hell, I barely had time to go 'pee' and right in they come!
Right on cue? No one cued the OP.
You’re pro-affirmative action. That makes you racist.
How so? What is "affirmative action"? Yeah, I might be for affirmative action.

Did you try in school? You went to english class, perhaps a science lab? Did you write the essays assigned to you? Carry out the science experiments assigned to you?

You think that non whites need special assistance due to the superiority of whites
That's racist.

White guys got special assistance, and excuses for their "mistakes." We know this. How well did you well in school? High school? college? graduate school?
funny--I never got special assistance
you need to change ''white'' to rich''

Probably so. However, what is going on with these guys who frame these issues in terms of their skin color and gender? I just left a thread seeded by a guy who barks that something bad has happened to him because he is white and male, with no evidence that he has been deprived of anything. Pure identity politics. These are the monkeys who try to identify themselves with "the Founders." "The Founders," whatever they accomplished, have been dead for a very long time.

What about the university swimmer who got away with rape?
plain and simple a lot of whites do not get special assistance
blacks get it a lot more than whites do
You’re pro-affirmative action. That makes you racist.
How so? What is "affirmative action"? Yeah, I might be for affirmative action.

Did you try in school? You went to english class, perhaps a science lab? Did you write the essays assigned to you? Carry out the science experiments assigned to you?

You think that non whites need special assistance due to the superiority of whites
That's racist.

White guys got special assistance, and excuses for their "mistakes." We know this. How well did you well in school? High school? college? graduate school?
funny--I never got special assistance
you need to change ''white'' to rich''

Probably so. However, what is going on with these guys who frame these issues in terms of their skin color and gender? I just left a thread seeded by a guy who barks that something bad has happened to him because he is white and male, with no evidence that he has been deprived of anything. Pure identity politics. These are the monkeys who try to identify themselves with "the Founders." "The Founders," whatever they accomplished, have been dead for a very long time.

What about the university swimmer who got away with rape?
You idiots make no sense.
Michelle Obama topples David Walliams to secure Christmas No 1

Michelle Obama has unseated David Walliams as Britain’s Christmas favourite, with her memoir Becoming set to be the UK’s bestselling book during the festive period, after shifting 92,000 copies in the final shopping week before Christmas Day.

Christmas is a crucial period for UK booksellers, with the four weeks of December accounting for approximately 15% of annual book sales.

Walliams has been the bestselling author in the final week before Christmas for two consecutive years, with his children’s books The Midnight Gang and Bad Dad topping charts in 2016 and 2017 respectively. However, although his latest book The Ice Monster is currently ahead of both of his Christmas No 1s over the same period and has sold 520,000 copies since it was first published six weeks ago, it still trails Obama – 80,400 copies of The Ice Monster sold over the last week, compared with 92,000 copies of Becoming.

Obama is the first person of colour to be crowned Christmas No 1, and the first woman since JK Rowling in 2008 to take the top spot. In the UK, Becoming sold 380,000 hardback copies in the first three weeks after publication – 485,000 across all formats – while 3m copies have been sold in the US.

On Tuesday, Walliams tweeted his congratulations to Obama. “You are rightfully sitting at the very top of the tree like the shining light you are,

What a talented lady. The best of America.
talented --hahahhahahahahhaha
she got everything because of her skin color--not any ''talent''' hahahahhahaah

Great the village idiot is a racist
the R word means NOTHING now--haven't you heard? where have you been?
Well. Women were turned away from prestigious colleges while white males with inferior credentials were accepted. In the 1870's women were told that, if they wanted to study law, they would have to clean the classroom, and this was only white women.

I got put on a "waiting list" at Georgetown. so many years ago, despite sterling grades and contributions to my school and my community. Word is that Georgetown had a quota for female students, like 10 percent. The other 90 percent to be accepted as students were males.simply because they were male.

I have no doubt that Michelle Robinson graduated Princeton and Harvard on her own because she's good. She has what it takes.
Perhaps. But because of affirmative action her credentials must be questioned. That’s pure logic. Anyone who doesn’t understand that should have their own academic achievement questioned.
I never graduated ..I'm a white person
it is irrelevant where I graduated from and I'm not giving personal info out--DUH
that would be stupid

..the blacks fked up--as usual--whining how they want diversity everywhere--even if they don't--didn't qualify
SO--NOW--every time they get an award/honored/''education''/etc, it will always be questioned if they really qualified or not

I don't give personal info out, either. I'm white. I went through school and graduated. I have worn the gold for bachelors and the purple for law as well, in the mean time earning a certificate for a one-year course of study to become a certified paralegal.

Do not identify me with your racism.
You’re pro-affirmative action. That makes you racist.
How so? What is "affirmative action"? Yeah, I might be for affirmative action.

Did you try in school? You went to english class, perhaps a science lab? Did you write the essays assigned to you? Carry out the science experiments assigned to you?
Affirmative action exists under the pretense that non-whites are inherently inferior and need a superficial boost. Pure racism.
Whether the work is completed or not, it’s the grade that ultimately matters. AA logically undermines any meritocratic credibility in grading.

Affirmative Action was needed because white refused hiring of non whites.
No, that would be equal employment opportunity standards. AA serves as preferential treatment, not equal.

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