Welcome to tyranny.

The refusal by some to understand how viruses like this spread is hard for thinking people to understand.

Perhaps no less so than the refusal by some to understand hard economic realities, and the consequences of economic collapse to the point that many will not be able to keep a roof over their heads or food on their tables; who think that it's fine to let large numbers of people wind up homeless and starving, just to reduce the spread of an overhyped flu.
The refusal by some to understand how viruses like this spread is hard for thinking people to understand.
Willful ignorance in rampant among Trump cultists. It explains his election.
And you are exactly what the framers of the Constitution warned us about.
You shouldn't speak on subjects you know nothing about.

Obviously you either never read or don't understand the Bill Of Rights. No where in there does it say that .gov can shut down your business, close the churches, and force you to stay home.

The Bill of Rights is not the legal code which determines this matter. Is it?
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Your RWNJ "media" sources are gonna kill you or your loved ones.

Why would you listen to someone who would tell you to take a risk like that?

It’s always fascinating to take a peek into your twisted minds.
“Please Father Government, please deprive me of rights...PLEASE!”
I can see a reasonable "stay home" period, especially in cities where subway rides can mean an explosion in cases.
However, as long as masks are worn, and hand sanitizer used, that should safely allow people to work.
Governors need to know that most people live week to week and no work means no money.
You are ignoring the fact that millions and millions are collecting unemployment, that small businesses have been given money they won't have to pay back as long as they use the money to continue to pay their workers, that stimulus checks have already been delivered all over the country and that major banks have agreed not to foreclose on unpaid mortgages. The people are hurting, sure. Unemployment is not as much as a paycheck and the small businesses paying their staff have cut the hours they are covering.

Yes, for the economy's sake, we need to get things going. But it is not because everyone is penniless and starving.
You are right to a certain extent. People are not at this minute starving but if we continue with the lockdown that will change in very short order. Banks can not continue to forgive, rental owners can not continue to forgive, the government can not continue to place Trillions on its credit card. There has to be a point when no matter what we have to open.
People take a chance just from living, heart attack etc. you take a chance from getting in a car, from getting in a plane. People need to decide for themselves when the risk of loosing everything they have is worth the risk of going back to work.
Some even see the suspension of the bill of rights and the constitution as grounds for ending the lockdown.

People are in different positions in life. Yes, you take a chance by getting in a car, but if you drive a car totally drunk, your chances of getting in an accident rise considerably.

As for myself, while I understand the economic ramifications, I don't think the last couple of weeks will kill us. What will kill me is getting this virus, so my interest is seeing it wiped out ASAP. With my medical conditions, I'm that guy who's totally drunk getting behind the wheel of a car.
You do realize that even before this dempanic nonsense life was a crapshoot. At any given moment dozens of diseases are swirling around you. There are several different strains of influenza, TB, even diseases thought eradicated still have vestiges. If you were to look at your skin under a microscope you would see an overcrowded war zone.

The greatest danger doesn't come from this virus. The greatest danger comes from sanitizing yourself so much that the eternal war for your health and well being gets out of balance.
Trump breaks with his own guidelines to back conservative anti-quarantine protesters


Trump breaks with his own guidelines to back conservative anti-quarantine protesters
The president’s social media posts come amid growing frustration among some conservative groups over state mitigation measures.
You are ignoring the fact that millions and millions are collecting unemployment, that small businesses have been given money they won't have to pay back as long as they use the money to continue to pay their workers, that stimulus checks have already been delivered all over the country and that major banks have agreed not to foreclose on unpaid mortgages. The people are hurting, sure. Unemployment is not as much as a paycheck and the small businesses paying their staff have cut the hours they are covering.

Yes, for the economy's sake, we need to get things going. But it is not because everyone is penniless and starving.

And what you're ultimately ignoring is the impossibility of sustaining,for very long, an economy in which too many people are not working,and too few are. Only those who are working are creating any wealth, and in the current situation, those who are producing the wealth cannot possibly produce enough to support themselves as well as all those who are not producing. Government cannot mitigate this by any pattern of taking wealth from those producing it,and giving it to those who are not.

The only economy that is sustainable is one in which nearly everyone is doing his fair share of the work, and producing his fair share of the wealth.
I'm not ignoring it. That is why my last remark was "Yes, for the economy's sake, we need to get things going."
The refusal by some to understand how viruses like this spread is hard for thinking people to understand.
Willful ignorance in rampant among Trump cultists. It explains his election.
And you are exactly what the framers of the Constitution warned us about.
You shouldn't speak on subjects you know nothing about.

Obviously you either never read or don't understand the Bill Of Rights. No where in there does it say that .gov can shut down your business, close the churches, and force you to stay home.

The Bill of Rights is not the legal code which determines this matter. Is it?
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Your RWNJ "media" sources are gonna kill you or your loved ones.

Why would you listen to someone who would tell you to take a risk like that?

It’s always fascinating to take a peek into your twisted minds.
“Please Father Government, please deprive me of rights...PLEASE!”
Except that nobody said that.

Your "leaders" are willing to sacrifice you on the alter of their re-election campaign. They will do or say anything to that end, and your lives along with your families lives and anyone else who gets in their way are forfeit.

And you're all apparently to dumb to see it.
Yeah? All laws which you must adhere to are in the BOR?

Wanna go with that stupid comment?

Nobody said that.

The point is that all laws have to comply with the BOR, that any law which violates it, or any other part of the Constitution, is illegitimate.

The BOR, for example, in the First Amendment, explicitly affirms a right of the people to peaceably assemble. Short of amending the Constitution itself, no legitimate law or other government policy can be enacted which violates this right.
And you are exactly what the framers of the Constitution warned us about.
You shouldn't speak on subjects you know nothing about.

Obviously you either never read or don't understand the Bill Of Rights. No where in there does it say that .gov can shut down your business, close the churches, and force you to stay home.

The Bill of Rights is not the legal code which determines this matter. Is it?
This might be the dumbest thing you've ever posted...and that's sayin' somethin'.

Yeah? All laws which you must adhere to are in the BOR?

Wanna go with that stupid comment?
They cannot violate the Constitution. A stay at home order violates the Constitution.

We obey the recommendation by choice. The government may not enact laws that violate the Bill of Rights.

I may give you shit sometimes because you are snarky and smartassed...but I really don't think you are stupid...just misguided. But THIS is fundamental. What we allow of our government cannot be dictated by fear. We CHOSE to obey...the government cannot order us into lockdown.

You are wrong. it is so tiring trying to communicate with people who PRETEND that our system of laws is that fucking simple. It is an argument borne out of convenience and it ignores the facts.

You can, in fact, be compelled to remain quarantined if there is a public health emergency.

You can be compelled to leave a place of business or a public park if the local laws say that you can be compelled to leave a place of business or a public park.

You are denied entry into the White House even though it is considered public property. Does is say anywhere in the BOR that you can legally be denied entry into the WH?

Enough with this INTENTIONAL ignorance.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.
You're wrong. Just as society has the right to impose restrictions on behavior that imperils the public's health..............like smoking in public places or driving 100 mph................we have the right to impose rules for behavior during a pandemic.

People like you need to be fined and or thrown in jail. You're a menace to society.
Worthless leftist traitors should be injected into South America immediately. Problem solved.
The refusal by some to understand how viruses like this spread is hard for thinking people to understand.
Willful ignorance in rampant among Trump cultists. It explains his election.
And you are exactly what the framers of the Constitution warned us about.
You shouldn't speak on subjects you know nothing about.

Obviously you either never read or don't understand the Bill Of Rights. No where in there does it say that .gov can shut down your business, close the churches, and force you to stay home.

The Bill of Rights is not the legal code which determines this matter. Is it?
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Your RWNJ "media" sources are gonna kill you or your loved ones.

Why would you listen to someone who would tell you to take a risk like that?

It’s always fascinating to take a peek into your twisted minds.
“Please Father Government, please deprive me of rights...PLEASE!”
Except that nobody said that.

Your "leaders" are willing to sacrifice you on the alter of their re-election campaign. They will do or say anything to that end, and your lives along with your families lives and anyone else who gets in their way are forfeit.

And you're all apparently to dumb to see it.

What does a re-election campaign have to do with ignorant fools embracing / allowing / encouraging a loss of rights?
The refusal by some to understand how viruses like this spread is hard for thinking people to understand.
Willful ignorance in rampant among Trump cultists. It explains his election.
And you are exactly what the framers of the Constitution warned us about.
You shouldn't speak on subjects you know nothing about.

Obviously you either never read or don't understand the Bill Of Rights. No where in there does it say that .gov can shut down your business, close the churches, and force you to stay home.

The Bill of Rights is not the legal code which determines this matter. Is it?
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Your RWNJ "media" sources are gonna kill you or your loved ones.

Why would you listen to someone who would tell you to take a risk like that?

It’s always fascinating to take a peek into your twisted minds.
“Please Father Government, please deprive me of rights...PLEASE!”
Except that nobody said that.

Your "leaders" are willing to sacrifice you on the alter of their re-election campaign. They will do or say anything to that end, and your lives along with your families lives and anyone else who gets in their way are forfeit.

And you're all apparently to dumb to see it.

What does a re-election campaign have to do with ignorant fools embracing / allowing / encouraging a loss of rights?
And that is why they continue to use you, to the point of endangering yours and your loved ones lives.
I can see a reasonable "stay home" period, especially in cities where subway rides can mean an explosion in cases.
However, as long as masks are worn, and hand sanitizer used, that should safely allow people to work.
Governors need to know that most people live week to week and no work means no money.
You are ignoring the fact that millions and millions are collecting unemployment, that small businesses have been given money they won't have to pay back as long as they use the money to continue to pay their workers, that stimulus checks have already been delivered all over the country and that major banks have agreed not to foreclose on unpaid mortgages. The people are hurting, sure. Unemployment is not as much as a paycheck and the small businesses paying their staff have cut the hours they are covering.

Yes, for the economy's sake, we need to get things going. But it is not because everyone is penniless and starving.
You are right to a certain extent. People are not at this minute starving but if we continue with the lockdown that will change in very short order. Banks can not continue to forgive, rental owners can not continue to forgive, the government can not continue to place Trillions on its credit card. There has to be a point when no matter what we have to open.
People take a chance just from living, heart attack etc. you take a chance from getting in a car, from getting in a plane. People need to decide for themselves when the risk of loosing everything they have is worth the risk of going back to work.
Some even see the suspension of the bill of rights and the constitution as grounds for ending the lockdown.

People are in different positions in life. Yes, you take a chance by getting in a car, but if you drive a car totally drunk, your chances of getting in an accident rise considerably.

As for myself, while I understand the economic ramifications, I don't think the last couple of weeks will kill us. What will kill me is getting this virus, so my interest is seeing it wiped out ASAP. With my medical conditions, I'm that guy who's totally drunk getting behind the wheel of a car.
No one is suggesting that you or anyone else needs to do anything. You can stay in your house, you can stay under your bed. You can drive a car. Not everyone wants to stay inside. Not everyone wants to go further in debt. The thing about our culture is you can do what works best for you.
The just did a study in the Bay Area that shows that almost 85% may be infected most without even realizing it.
Texas has already put out rules for reopening. Florida is already opening some beaches. That does not mean that every state needs to follow what those states are doing.
I can see a reasonable "stay home" period, especially in cities where subway rides can mean an explosion in cases.
However, as long as masks are worn, and hand sanitizer used, that should safely allow people to work.
Governors need to know that most people live week to week and no work means no money.
You are ignoring the fact that millions and millions are collecting unemployment, that small businesses have been given money they won't have to pay back as long as they use the money to continue to pay their workers, that stimulus checks have already been delivered all over the country and that major banks have agreed not to foreclose on unpaid mortgages. The people are hurting, sure. Unemployment is not as much as a paycheck and the small businesses paying their staff have cut the hours they are covering.

Yes, for the economy's sake, we need to get things going. But it is not because everyone is penniless and starving.
You are right to a certain extent. People are not at this minute starving but if we continue with the lockdown that will change in very short order. Banks can not continue to forgive, rental owners can not continue to forgive, the government can not continue to place Trillions on its credit card. There has to be a point when no matter what we have to open.
People take a chance just from living, heart attack etc. you take a chance from getting in a car, from getting in a plane. People need to decide for themselves when the risk of loosing everything they have is worth the risk of going back to work.
Some even see the suspension of the bill of rights and the constitution as grounds for ending the lockdown.

People are in different positions in life. Yes, you take a chance by getting in a car, but if you drive a car totally drunk, your chances of getting in an accident rise considerably.

As for myself, while I understand the economic ramifications, I don't think the last couple of weeks will kill us. What will kill me is getting this virus, so my interest is seeing it wiped out ASAP. With my medical conditions, I'm that guy who's totally drunk getting behind the wheel of a car.
You do realize that even before this dempanic nonsense life was a crapshoot. At any given moment dozens of diseases are swirling around you. There are several different strains of influenza, TB, even diseases thought eradicated still have vestiges. If you were to look at your skin under a microscope you would see an overcrowded war zone.

The greatest danger doesn't come from this virus. The greatest danger comes from sanitizing yourself so much that the eternal war for your health and well being gets out of balance.

This virus is not much different than the flu. The major difference however is how fast it can spread.

I understand both sides of the argument. But I don't go outside unless I have to for food, beverage or medication. It's not fun as we all currently know. I don't know anybody here personally, but I'm willing to bet most of the "open up the economy" people are at low risk for death. You catch it, no big deal. You stay home for a few weeks and carry on with life.

Okay, so we do just that, we open up the economy. What's likely to happen? That flattened curve will no longer be flat, It will resume going upwards. But hey, at least people are back at work or continuing their life, right?

That's true, but it makes people like me have to live this isolated lifestyle for months and perhaps well over another year. Is that okay with you?
I can see a reasonable "stay home" period, especially in cities where subway rides can mean an explosion in cases.
However, as long as masks are worn, and hand sanitizer used, that should safely allow people to work.
Governors need to know that most people live week to week and no work means no money.
You are ignoring the fact that millions and millions are collecting unemployment, that small businesses have been given money they won't have to pay back as long as they use the money to continue to pay their workers, that stimulus checks have already been delivered all over the country and that major banks have agreed not to foreclose on unpaid mortgages. The people are hurting, sure. Unemployment is not as much as a paycheck and the small businesses paying their staff have cut the hours they are covering.

Yes, for the economy's sake, we need to get things going. But it is not because everyone is penniless and starving.
You are right to a certain extent. People are not at this minute starving but if we continue with the lockdown that will change in very short order. Banks can not continue to forgive, rental owners can not continue to forgive, the government can not continue to place Trillions on its credit card. There has to be a point when no matter what we have to open.
People take a chance just from living, heart attack etc. you take a chance from getting in a car, from getting in a plane. People need to decide for themselves when the risk of loosing everything they have is worth the risk of going back to work.
Some even see the suspension of the bill of rights and the constitution as grounds for ending the lockdown.

People are in different positions in life. Yes, you take a chance by getting in a car, but if you drive a car totally drunk, your chances of getting in an accident rise considerably.

As for myself, while I understand the economic ramifications, I don't think the last couple of weeks will kill us. What will kill me is getting this virus, so my interest is seeing it wiped out ASAP. With my medical conditions, I'm that guy who's totally drunk getting behind the wheel of a car.
You do realize that even before this dempanic nonsense life was a crapshoot. At any given moment dozens of diseases are swirling around you. There are several different strains of influenza, TB, even diseases thought eradicated still have vestiges. If you were to look at your skin under a microscope you would see an overcrowded war zone.

The greatest danger doesn't come from this virus. The greatest danger comes from sanitizing yourself so much that the eternal war for your health and well being gets out of balance.

This virus is not much different than the flu. The major difference however is how fast it can spread.

I understand both sides of the argument. But I don't go outside unless I have to for food, beverage or medication. It's not fun as we all currently know. I don't know anybody here personally, but I'm willing to bet most of the "open up the economy" people are at low risk for death. You catch it, no big deal. You stay home for a few weeks and carry on with life.

Okay, so we do just that, we open up the economy. What's likely to happen? That flattened curve will no longer be flat, It will resume going upwards. But hey, at least people are back at work or continuing their life, right?

That's true, but it makes people like me have to live this isolated lifestyle for months and perhaps well over another year. Is that okay with you?

Yes. It is OK with him. It is OK with anyone who ignores the social distancing guidelines.
The refusal by some to understand how viruses like this spread is hard for thinking people to understand.
Willful ignorance in rampant among Trump cultists. It explains his election.
And you are exactly what the framers of the Constitution warned us about.
You shouldn't speak on subjects you know nothing about.

Obviously you either never read or don't understand the Bill Of Rights. No where in there does it say that .gov can shut down your business, close the churches, and force you to stay home.

The Bill of Rights is not the legal code which determines this matter. Is it?
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Your RWNJ "media" sources are gonna kill you or your loved ones.

Why would you listen to someone who would tell you to take a risk like that?

It’s always fascinating to take a peek into your twisted minds.
“Please Father Government, please deprive me of rights...PLEASE!”
Except that nobody said that.

Your "leaders" are willing to sacrifice you on the alter of their re-election campaign. They will do or say anything to that end, and your lives along with your families lives and anyone else who gets in their way are forfeit.

And you're all apparently to dumb to see it.

What does a re-election campaign have to do with ignorant fools embracing / allowing / encouraging a loss of rights?
And that is why they continue to use you, to the point of endangering yours and your loved ones lives.
So I take it you have now embraced the deficit whole heartily.
You are now saying the opposite of what you were yelling was one of your many criticisms of Trump.
Yeah? All laws which you must adhere to are in the BOR?

Wanna go with that stupid comment?

Nobody said that.

The point is that all laws have to comply with the BOR, that any law which violates it, or any other part of the Constitution, is illegitimate.

The BOR, for example, in the First Amendment, explicitly affirms a right of the people to peaceably assemble. Short of amending the Constitution itself, no legitimate law or other government policy can be enacted which violates this right.
Here's an idea:

Go back to WWII and run around outside with a flashlight during an air raid blackout.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.

Life is a life-threatening risk, that's true, but - and that's a very bigt fat "but" - what is your risk and what's the risk of others? Nobody is able to be happy about the own wrongdoing, who risks the life of others. The mentality is the same like the mentality of murder and not the mentality of family members and/or friends and neighbors.

"Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law." said Immanuel Kant.

So if you will die on covid-19 after 4 weeks of respirations in a clinic - or if you will die earlier and much more suffering in the gutter - do you still think it's okay to say: "Life is a risk". Why do you think your freedom is more important, than the freedom of someone, who is a member of a risk group? And by the way: You don't know what will happen, so: Who pays in case you have to go in a clinic on your own? And who pays your funeral? Should you not first pay this money to your health insurance or to an adequate public institution? And what is with the freedom of the people, who are not able to pay this money? ... "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law." ... Do you really think your decision is as easy, fair and good for everyone as you thought?
Last edited:
The refusal by some to understand how viruses like this spread is hard for thinking people to understand.
Willful ignorance in rampant among Trump cultists. It explains his election.
And you are exactly what the framers of the Constitution warned us about.
You shouldn't speak on subjects you know nothing about.

Obviously you either never read or don't understand the Bill Of Rights. No where in there does it say that .gov can shut down your business, close the churches, and force you to stay home.

The Bill of Rights is not the legal code which determines this matter. Is it?
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.

Life is a risk. Freedom means you get to choose.
Your RWNJ "media" sources are gonna kill you or your loved ones.

Why would you listen to someone who would tell you to take a risk like that?

It’s always fascinating to take a peek into your twisted minds.
“Please Father Government, please deprive me of rights...PLEASE!”
Except that nobody said that.

Your "leaders" are willing to sacrifice you on the alter of their re-election campaign. They will do or say anything to that end, and your lives along with your families lives and anyone else who gets in their way are forfeit.

And you're all apparently to dumb to see it.

What does a re-election campaign have to do with ignorant fools embracing / allowing / encouraging a loss of rights?
And that is why they continue to use you, to the point of endangering yours and your loved ones lives.
So I take it you have now embraced the deficit whole heartily.
You are now saying the opposite of what you were yelling was one of your many criticisms of Trump.
Lol, the republicans have brainwashed you to believe their government is more important than your life.

I don't know why I'm laughing, it's really not funny.

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