Weather Patterns - A Discussion

LOL... I work with solar physicists. I have NEVER stated I am one in the solar realm. Physics is actually a very broad area in hard sciences. When we try to correlate and prove a theory, it takes many people from many disciplines to figure things out. You AGW nuts should try actual science some time..

'Work with solar physicists'. Another lie.
I am an atmospheric physicist. You don't have a damn clue about anything.
The point I made Billy is that none of us really have much of a clue.
Except you, now that we hear that you're the climate expert on this forum.
Educating people as to why we are seeing what we are seeing and that it has nothing to do with CO2 is how we save people from totalitarian governments set on enslaving us. Education is power. Stopping a lie is the only way we get our power back as citizens.
But now you're sounding like 'politics' is your incentive, more than relying on your science to convince us.
And your mention of 'totalitarian government' puts it over the top for any physicist.
I'll judge by your behaviour for determining your credentials. That's being more than fair I think.
Billy is making a distinction between 'solar' and 'atmospheric'.

That was shortlived!
The point I made Billy is that none of us really have much of a clue.
Except you, now that we hear that you're the climate expert on this forum.

But now you're sounding like 'politics' is your incentive, more than relying on your science to convince us.
And your mention of 'totalitarian government' puts it over the top for any physicist.
I'll judge by your behavior for determining your credentials. That's being more than fair I think.
Give it up... Politics is what has corrupted science. The only wat to get it out of it, is to expose it.
Billy is making a distinction between 'solar' and 'atmospheric'.

That was shortlived!
My specialty is in the atmosphere... You seem to want to discredit but have no facts to disprove anything I have posted. Why would that be? AM, I threatening your cult like religion of AGW?
Tell me... Do you know anyone from SHO (Solar Helios Observatory-Laboratory) in Colorado?

As a 'physicist', what does who I know have to do with anything? We have this theory proposed by you that you are a physicist of some sort yet there's no correlation or evidence to prove that theory. Because you are a fraud.
As a 'physicist', what does who I know have to do with anything? We have this theory proposed by you that you are a physicist of some sort yet there's no correlation or evidence to prove that theory. Because you are a fraud.
lol... Just wow. Anything that disproves and discredits the AGW cult is to be shunned. The Anthropogenic Global Warming theory has been falsified. It requires a self-sustaining loop of energy, above the equator, in our atmosphere. Without it, AGW is falsified. You want to talk theory's, start a thread, be prepared to get your ass handed to you with facts.
lol... Just wow. Anything that disproves and discredits the AGW cult is to be shunned. The Anthropogenic Global Warming theory has been falsified. It requires a self-sustaining loop of energy, above the equator, in our atmosphere. Without it, AGW is falsified. You want to talk theory's, start a thread, be prepared to get your ass handed to you with facts.

Waiting for the facts that you are a physicist. Going to be eternity.
lol... Just wow. Anything that disproves and discredits the AGW cult is to be shunned. The Anthropogenic Global Warming theory has been falsified. It requires a self-sustaining loop of energy, above the equator, in our atmosphere. Without it, AGW is falsified. You want to talk theory's, start a thread, be prepared to get your ass handed to you with facts.

Yeah that "hot spot" doesn't exist it lives in the unverified modeling fantasy and nowhere else.
Waiting for the facts that you are a physicist. Going to be eternity.
Post up you're schooling credentials first... See how silly that is... You're screaming like a little bitch, not posting any facts, and yet you want to discredit? Why don't you try to debate the facts? Why do you throw a tantrum when you cannot refute what is being discussed? Stop playing grade school games and man up.
Yeah that "hot spot" doesn't exist it lives in the unverified modeling fantasy and nowhere else.
The normal deflections from that failure are present here too. They want to discredit the messenger and not address the facts presented. That is how I know they have nothing to counter with. I tire with the grade school level games played by alarmists.. They need to man up and show their work.
Post up you're schooling credentials first... See how silly that is... You're screaming like a little bitch, not posting any facts, and yet you want to discredit? Why don't you try to debate the facts? Why do you throw a tantrum when you cannot refute what is being discussed? Stop playing grade school games and man up.

Posting my credentials doesn't prove you're a physicist. Nothing proves you are a physicist because it cannot be proven what you are not.
The normal deflections from that failure are present here too. They want to discredit the messenger and not address the facts presented. That is how I know they have nothing to counter with. I tire with the grade school level games played by alarmists.. They need to man up and show their work.

I have been putting them on ignore lately including Matted Joylessbeard who just screams.

I will post here and ignore some of them because their replies are a bunch of nothing.
I love the circular logic... You want me too but your exempt... Tell me, has the "I'm stupid' stamp on your head worn off?

See how he avoids the topic by pushing a series of off topic nonsense the turd isn't here to discuss weather patterns.

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