Weather channel hyping Irene?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
I guess the weather people live for sensational weather but claiming that "Irene will impact 82 million people" is a dishonest way to promote the storm. They ignore the east coast earthquake which impacted more than 82 million people and resulted in traffic jams and inconvenience. How will Irene impact 62 million people? With much needed rain? You can see the desperation on the faces of the weather channel people when they hope for a big story while it seems that Irene might move offshore.
The weatherperson hypes the weather all the time on your local channels. If you notice they continually have the temp higher or lower than the Nation Weather service site and anytime there is something happening they hype it up, tornadoes, hurricanes, rain or snows. I use this site for weather and it is a lot more accurate than the TV. Set your location and you can get all the meteorological info you want for your area or anywhere else.

NOAA's National Weather Service
Of course the Weather channel is hyping the hurricane, same as political hacks on Fox and such do the presidential race. And as does CBN hype religious events, etc

You would be stupit to expect anything else out of our media.
Of course the Weather channel is hyping the hurricane, same as political hacks on Fox and such do the presidential race. And as does CBN hype religious events, etc

You would be stupit to expect anything else out of our media.

Twisted logic on steriods?
Of course the Weather channel is hyping the hurricane, same as political hacks on Fox and such do the presidential race. And as does CBN hype religious events, etc

You would be stupit to expect anything else out of our media.

Twisted logic on steriods?
HUH? does ESPN hype sports?
Does the Playboy Channel hype hot fake boobed women?
Is the pope Catholic?
Of course the Weather channel is hyping the hurricane, same as political hacks on Fox and such do the presidential race. And as does CBN hype religious events, etc

You would be stupit to expect anything else out of our media.

Twisted logic on steriods?
HUH? does ESPN hype sports?
Does the Playboy Channel hype hot fake boobed women?
Is the pope Catholic?

So after we wade through the B.S. it seems we agree that the weather channel is hyping Irene but thats OK because ESPN hypes sports?
Twisted logic on steriods?
HUH? does ESPN hype sports?
Does the Playboy Channel hype hot fake boobed women?
Is the pope Catholic?

So after we wade through the B.S. it seems we agree that the weather channel is hyping Irene but thats OK because ESPN hypes sports?

I hope you are either high or drunk. I would hate to think you are really as stupid as you are appearing right now.

One more time:

All media hypes their particular brand/type of product, it is what they do in their business.
Since mainland America hasn't been struck by a named hurricane in 2 years I think some degree of hype is a good thing.

Americans tend to get confident and complacent.

We need to be urged to prepare and not to under estimate the power of these storms.

Been through enough. I stay prepared.

Keep up the hype.
They hype every potential hurricane...

Nothing new...

It's for ratings and getting more saps to watch on Tuesday for everything and anything about a hurricane that is supposed to hit Saturday....

It will only get worse as the week goes on...
Since mainland America hasn't been struck by a named hurricane in 2 years I think some degree of hype is a good thing.

Americans tend to get confident and complacent.

We need to be urged to prepare and not to under estimate the power of these storms.

Been through enough. I stay prepared.

Keep up the hype.

Popeye says hype is a good thing because?....Americans are too stupid to understand the impact of hurricanes?
Since mainland America hasn't been struck by a named hurricane in 2 years I think some degree of hype is a good thing.

Americans tend to get confident and complacent.

We need to be urged to prepare and not to under estimate the power of these storms.

Been through enough. I stay prepared.

Keep up the hype.

Popeye says hype is a good thing because?....Americans are too stupid to understand the impact of hurricanes?

Well an awful lot of them did vote for Palin....
Since mainland America hasn't been struck by a named hurricane in 2 years I think some degree of hype is a good thing.

Americans tend to get confident and complacent.

We need to be urged to prepare and not to under estimate the power of these storms.

Been through enough. I stay prepared.

Keep up the hype.

Popeye says hype is a good thing because?....Americans are too stupid to understand the impact of hurricanes?

There are a good amount of 'em, yes.

We've all seen the idiot on his sailboat vowing, "We're gonna stay and ride it out. Pass me a beer, mamma"

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