Weasel Joe Biden Leaked Anita Hills Name to PBS Reporter in Attempt to Destroy Clarence Thomas


May 23, 2014
During Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings Joe Biden said to Thomas "I've heard things about your past, but I won't bring them up here." The next day, as if by a miracle, a PBS reporter received the name of a woman in Oklahoma. Anita Hill. Biden gave the information and that makes him a two faced lying bastard. He has no integrity and never has in the 47 years in Congress.
During Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings Joe Biden said to Thomas "I've heard things about your past, but I won't bring them up here." The next day, as if by a miracle, a PBS reporter received the name of a woman in Oklahoma. Anita Hill. Biden gave the information and that makes him a two faced lying bastard. He has no integrity and never has in the 47 years in Congress.

Thanks for the rememberance..... China Joe was a punk then and hasn't changed one iota.
Um, sure. Whatever the voices told you.

Back in reality, Biden defended Thomas by preventing testimony from the long line of women who wanted to testify against Thomas. Biden has stated he regrets doing that.
During Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings Joe Biden said to Thomas "I've heard things about your past, but I won't bring them up here." The next day, as if by a miracle, a PBS reporter received the name of a woman in Oklahoma. Anita Hill. Biden gave the information and that makes him a two faced lying bastard. He has no integrity and never has in the 47 years in Congress.
He is a Democrat. Of course he has no integrity.
During Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings Joe Biden said to Thomas "I've heard things about your past, but I won't bring them up here." The next day, as if by a miracle, a PBS reporter received the name of a woman in Oklahoma. Anita Hill. Biden gave the information and that makes him a two faced lying bastard. He has no integrity and never has in the 47 years in Congress.

Like Brett Kavanaugh, Thomas should have never been confirmed. Scumbags shouldn't be allowed to sit on the highest court in the land.
No integrity????....and you think Trump has even a shred of it? He makes two face lying bastards look like choirboys.
Um, sure. Whatever the voices told you.

Back in reality, Biden defended Thomas by preventing testimony from the long line of women who wanted to testify against Thomas. Biden has stated he regrets doing that.
Watch the program you mindless puppet. Don't let truth smack you in your face. This is why he is lying about Ukraine and China.
During Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings Joe Biden said to Thomas "I've heard things about your past, but I won't bring them up here." The next day, as if by a miracle, a PBS reporter received the name of a woman in Oklahoma. Anita Hill. Biden gave the information and that makes him a two faced lying bastard. He has no integrity and never has in the 47 years in Congress.

Like Brett Kavanaugh, Thomas should have never been confirmed. Scumbags shouldn't be allowed to sit on the highest court in the land.
No integrity????....and you think Trump has even a shred of it? He makes two face lying bastards look like choirboys.
Both men 100% qualified but Democrats politicized the issue.
During Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings Joe Biden said to Thomas "I've heard things about your past, but I won't bring them up here." The next day, as if by a miracle, a PBS reporter received the name of a woman in Oklahoma. Anita Hill. Biden gave the information and that makes him a two faced lying bastard. He has no integrity and never has in the 47 years in Congress.
How do you know it was Biden? Is it a fact?
This just proves that you can't take the weasel out of the man. Biden has been a weasel for a long time. In fact, that's probably his biggest political accomplishment. If, God forbid, he got elected, watch where his promise to not raise taxes on people making under 400K. The first thing he'll do is bail out NY, Cal and Ill. pension plans and charge the middle class. Taxes will double for everyone within 2 years under Biden the weasel. Do everyone a favor and vote straight Republican. MAGA
This just proves that you can't take the weasel out of the man. Biden has been a weasel for a long time. In fact, that's probably his biggest political accomplishment. If, God forbid, he got elected, watch where his promise to not raise taxes on people making under 400K. The first thing he'll do is bail out NY, Cal and Ill. pension plans and charge the middle class. Taxes will double for everyone within 2 years under Biden the weasel. Do everyone a favor and vote straight Republican. MAGA
People will pay in one way or the other. The prices for things we use and products will increase with massive behind the scenes taxes. Therefore Joe gets away with no federal tax increases if he decides to go that way. The peasant always pays.

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