WE TRIED TO TELL YOU people that make up the "Stupidity of American Voters" group!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Health insurance companies are amplifying their warnings about the financial sustainability of the ObamaCare marketplaces as they seek approval for premium increases next year.

Insurers say they are losing money on their ObamaCare plans at a rapid rate, and some have begun to talk about dropping out of the marketplaces altogether.
Something has to give,” said Larry Levitt, an expert on the health law at the Kaiser Family Foundation. “Either insurers will drop out or insurers will raise premiums.”
Insurers warn losses from ObamaCare are unsustainable
Like the architect for Obamacare,Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Jonathan Gruber appears on a panel and discusses how the reform earned enough votes to pass.
He suggested that many lawmakers and voters didn't know what was in the law or how its financing worked, and that this helped it win approval.
"Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” Gruber said. "And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
Gruber made the comment while discussing how the law was "written in a tortured way" to avoid a bad score from the Congressional Budget Office. He suggested that voters would have rejected ObamaCare if the penalties for going without health insurance were interpreted as taxes, either by budget analysts or the public.
While analysts expect the market to stabilize once premiums rise and more young, healthy people sign up, some observers have not ruled out the possibility of a collapse of the market, known in insurance parlance as a “death spiral.”
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass

And those of us smart enough to know THERE NEVER WERE 46 million uninsured which was the FIRST gigantic LIE that was told by Obama that "pre-existing conditions" being outlawed WOULD mean higher premiums.
Also the hope that those uninsured young healthy people would sign up is so stupid because they never needed it!

The fact that there were really less then 4 million that wanted and needed health insurance should have been the simple easiest way of providing this coverage!
The solution: The Uninsured Health Insurance Co. UHIC.
Never heard of it? No one else has because I've made it up!
Simply tax lawyers $270 billion a year 10% JUST AS ACA TAXED TANNING SALONS.. and this 10% tax would be lowered WHEN the $850 billion a year in truly wasted health expenses known as defensive medicine i.e. FEAR of LAWSUITS lowers.
Insurance companies pay this $850 billion in claims because they simply raise the premiums.
By making tort reform for ALL physicians and not just Federally contracted physicians i.e. Fed doctors can't be sued... so then make all physicians have some limitation of frivolous lawsuits that cause the $850 billion a year.
Take the $27 billion in tax revenue and it pays a $5,000 per person premium for each of the
4 million that when they go to the hospital they are means tested and then the uninsured are signed up with UHIC and all the claims sent to UHIC and paid by the $27 billion tax.
The same hospital would also be paying a premium for these Uninsured so they don't do as this CEO said...when asked "How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? His answer" Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers.
They pass it on in the form of billing insurance companies and those that pay!

In this way the truly 4 million uninsured would be covered. $850 billion in wasted health care costs, i.e. defensive medicine would be reduced and guess what ALL health insurance premiums MUST by state laws be reduced!!!
Wait until next year, they saved the really crushing costs until after the election so it won't effect the outcome of the race. We had the best health care in the world. Now we have what everyone else has. We needed an insurance overhaul, not a medical one. Clinton is Obama's 3rd. term. She'll continue this scourge on our healthcare if we let her.
The reality is that it was never about insuring the uninsured or fixing healthcare. It was about taking over a large sector of the economy.

Until the populace understands what is really going on, the elites who control our govt will continue to take away more and more freedoms while they use OUR money to get insanely rich.

Wake up people, and its not just one party, its all of them.
The reality is that it was never about insuring the uninsured or fixing healthcare. It was about taking over a large sector of the economy.

Until the populace understands what is really going on, the elites who control our govt will continue to take away more and more freedoms while they use OUR money to get insanely rich.

Wake up people, and its not just one party, its all of them.
Winner! We have a winner! Tell them what they've won Bob!
An all expense paid trip to nowhere!
You WILL pay higher taxes.
You WILL pass on massive national debt to your children.
You WILL live in a less safe world.
And the clincher:
You WILL like it, or you WILL be silenced by any and all means necessary.
Health insurance companies are amplifying their warnings about the financial sustainability of the ObamaCare marketplaces as they seek approval for premium increases next year.

Insurers say they are losing money on their ObamaCare plans at a rapid rate, and some have begun to talk about dropping out of the marketplaces altogether.
Something has to give,” said Larry Levitt, an expert on the health law at the Kaiser Family Foundation. “Either insurers will drop out or insurers will raise premiums.”
Insurers warn losses from ObamaCare are unsustainable
Like the architect for Obamacare,Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Jonathan Gruber appears on a panel and discusses how the reform earned enough votes to pass.
He suggested that many lawmakers and voters didn't know what was in the law or how its financing worked, and that this helped it win approval.
"Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” Gruber said. "And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
Gruber made the comment while discussing how the law was "written in a tortured way" to avoid a bad score from the Congressional Budget Office. He suggested that voters would have rejected ObamaCare if the penalties for going without health insurance were interpreted as taxes, either by budget analysts or the public.
While analysts expect the market to stabilize once premiums rise and more young, healthy people sign up, some observers have not ruled out the possibility of a collapse of the market, known in insurance parlance as a “death spiral.”
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass

And those of us smart enough to know THERE NEVER WERE 46 million uninsured which was the FIRST gigantic LIE that was told by Obama that "pre-existing conditions" being outlawed WOULD mean higher premiums.
Also the hope that those uninsured young healthy people would sign up is so stupid because they never needed it!

The fact that there were really less then 4 million that wanted and needed health insurance should have been the simple easiest way of providing this coverage!
The solution: The Uninsured Health Insurance Co. UHIC.
Never heard of it? No one else has because I've made it up!
Simply tax lawyers $270 billion a year 10% JUST AS ACA TAXED TANNING SALONS.. and this 10% tax would be lowered WHEN the $850 billion a year in truly wasted health expenses known as defensive medicine i.e. FEAR of LAWSUITS lowers.
Insurance companies pay this $850 billion in claims because they simply raise the premiums.
By making tort reform for ALL physicians and not just Federally contracted physicians i.e. Fed doctors can't be sued... so then make all physicians have some limitation of frivolous lawsuits that cause the $850 billion a year.
Take the $27 billion in tax revenue and it pays a $5,000 per person premium for each of the
4 million that when they go to the hospital they are means tested and then the uninsured are signed up with UHIC and all the claims sent to UHIC and paid by the $27 billion tax.
The same hospital would also be paying a premium for these Uninsured so they don't do as this CEO said...when asked "How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? His answer" Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers.
They pass it on in the form of billing insurance companies and those that pay!

In this way the truly 4 million uninsured would be covered. $850 billion in wasted health care costs, i.e. defensive medicine would be reduced and guess what ALL health insurance premiums MUST by state laws be reduced!!!
Well written, you touched on every major lie and deficiency about this horrific law. And as I have said in the past, the law is till in it's infancy who knows how bad it will get as it inevitably expands it's reach based on the nearly unilateral power the law grants to the health secretary.
I actually think insurance companies have it coming. They pushed the idea that we all needed insurance and now, because they backed this garbage, they are going to pay. After they collapse and Obamacare is fully fuckin repealed new insurance companies will take their place.
I actually think insurance companies have it coming. They pushed the idea that we all needed insurance and now, because they backed this garbage, they are going to pay. After they collapse and Obamacare is fully fuckin repealed new insurance companies will take their place.

Please PROVE that error in assumptions that "we all needed insurance"????
Where did you ever get that idea.
85% of Americans have insurance! And of the remaining 15% 18 million don't WANT or NEED insurance.
Insurance companies would MUCH rather eliminate the stupid "pre-existing conditions" ban that ACA provided as it is a major reason for expenses climbing.
The group you should be angry at are Lawyers. They fostered the "defensive medicine" mentality.
Please deal with the FACTS as this study shows OK? Then comment intelligently !

READ THIS STUDY!! http://www.jacksonhealthcare.com/media/8968/defensivemedicine_ebook_final.pdf

90% of physicians surveyed say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
"Physicians contracted by the federal government practice significantly less defensive medicine as they are protected against lawsuits by the
1946 Federal Tort Claims Act. "

Only 48% practice defensive medicine compared to 92% of non-government physicians.
Consider that fact that of the physicians interviewed 52% DID NOT practice defensive medicine!
Who were they? Doctors contracted by federal government!
WHY did these doctors NOT practice "defensive medicine"??? 1946 Tort reform!

TAX lawyers 10% of their $270 Billion and use that and pay the annual premium for the 4 million that truly need health insurance.
As a result if the $850 Billion defensive medicine claims goes down, the tax goes down! Simple as that!

Then as the insurance companies have to show state regulators they are spending 80% of their premiums BUT because if even $200 Billion in wasted defensive
medicine claims go down THAT percentage goes down. As a result INSURANCE STATE REGULATORS WILL FORCE LOWER PREMIUMS!
Some people will never learn. Government an entity with a long track record of epic failures and gross incompetency that would get anyone in the real world fired should take over and rule our healthcare industry? Insanity.
I actually think insurance companies have it coming. They pushed the idea that we all needed insurance and now, because they backed this garbage, they are going to pay. After they collapse and Obamacare is fully fuckin repealed new insurance companies will take their place.

Right that makes so much sense!"
Insurance companies collapse. Do you understand that implication for the 1,400 companies that PAY $100 billion a year in taxes and employ 450,000 people?
"Collapse"... and then you say... new companies replace them??? How will that happen? Who will finance the "reserves" are you familiar with the concept known as "reserves"??? See this is where the naiveté of people like you and Obama is so glaringly obvious!
You just don't run out and say ...Hey world I'm an insurance company and I will pay ALL your claims... from your $100/month premium?????"
See you and other ignorant people have no idea about health insurance complexity yet you comment so blithely!
The reality is that it was never about insuring the uninsured or fixing healthcare. It was about taking over a large sector of the economy.

Until the populace understands what is really going on, the elites who control our govt will continue to take away more and more freedoms while they use OUR money to get insanely rich.

Wake up people, and its not just one party, its all of them.
Trump has a Summa Cum Laude in using OPM,,other peoples money

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