We should give up and get Covid like we got Chicken Pox - new Covid variant found

I find it telling that the news focuses on everything but its actual deadliness.

Most other viruses follow a pattern where they tend to become less deadly as they mutate even as they become more transmissible.
"INFECTIOUS" "HIGHLY TRANSMISSIBLE" They leave out that bit about common colds doing exactly the same. It just amazes me how the same group of people keep accepting their word like it's coming down from the mountain top on a stone tablet or two. I think we've reached a point with the tribalism where people will actually die to try to prove others to be "wrong".

Barking... absolutely HOWLING MAD.
It doesn't take bravery to not get vaccinated. To be honest vaccines suck. I have always had a bad reaction from them. I don't like getting them, but I'm brave enough to do it.
I view it as a matter of Americans having respect for the choices of their neighbors. I have no problem with anyone who gets the vaccine. Most of my family have taken it and none have had serious side effects. My choice is different and they respect it. The data does not prove that unvaccinated people are causing inordinate numbers of vaccinated people to die or be seriously sickened. So... why the near hysteria over those who choose to forego the jab? I just read that nearly 3/4 of the new cases in the U.S. are Omicron. There have been no waves of hospitalizations or deaths from it and it was first recognized nearly a month ago. We have states shutting DOWN because of it. That isn't science...THAT is the politics of control.
I've already had covid so I couldn't care less.

I'm more worried about my 50/50 chance of annual sinus problems I get towards the end of December when we suddenly switch to cold weather than I am worried about covid.

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