We saw this coming two years ago... MASKING FAILED

Ha ha. Itā€™s not you so have the wear the maskā€¦.ITS THE INFECTED PEOPLE WHO SHOULD WEAR THE MASK. If itā€™s a high infection rate area and many people are not symptomatic, everyone should wear a mask. Otherwise, get vaccinated.

Itā€™s called source protection.
I wore the mask. Did your read the links provided? They are credible sources and as time marches arm so does science. According to the studies, wearing masks did very little, but if you are closed minded thatā€™s on you.
Masking had NO EFFECT on disease spread... Just like I said it did not. Once again the physics wins over hype.

This is an opinion piece, originally published in the Washington Examiner, and if you read to the end, the study it says the following:

"The high risk of bias in the trials, variation in outcome measurement, and relatively low adherence with the interventions during the studies hampers drawing firm conclusions. There were additional RCTs during the pandemic related to physical interventions but a relative paucity given the importance of the question of masking and its relative effectiveness and the concomitant measures of mask adherence which would be highly relevant to the measurement of effectiveness, especially in the elderly and in young children."

Their data was flawed and they cannot draw any conclusions of the efficacy of masks.

While your opinion piece says this metadata study is the "gold standard" of research, it is not. A double blind study is the gold standard. Metadata studies mine conclusions from data, but they don't control the data selection or the criteria for each data set.

Then there's the overall problems with using metadata in research. The data subsets may not have matching criteria, and the results may be reliable as a result.

You can't keep glooming onto every half baked study that proves your bias, when all of the validated and direct research says otherwise.

In the USA, just look at the rates of disease and death in counties where there was a mask mandate. It was half the number of sick and dying as the counties with no mask requirements. What is shocking to me is that this simple and effective precaution, that does you no harm, makes you people so crazy.

There are more important things in life to get upset about and having to wear a mask isn't one of them. American keep looking for pointless to go crazy about.
sure Dad

infection control protocol states , masks, gloves, eyewear, even gowns, as well as touch zone and proper delousing

a mask only being just part of this makes one uncompliant , because only one element of many are needed to be

an apt analogy might be, 1/2 a helmet

still not a description of the purpose of the mask.
Yeah, Iā€™ll let the Phd with 10 patents, working at a prestigious university on nano technologies , know you think heā€™s ignorant. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø
No I asked him to explain to you in tiny wordsyour tiny mind can comprehend.

My son and daughter

On the interwebs we can be anything!
This is an opinion piece, originally published in the Washington Examiner, and if you read to the end, the study it says the following:

"The high risk of bias in the trials, variation in outcome measurement, and relatively low adherence with the interventions during the studies hampers drawing firm conclusions. There were additional RCTs during the pandemic related to physical interventions but a relative paucity given the importance of the question of masking and its relative effectiveness and the concomitant measures of mask adherence which would be highly relevant to the measurement of effectiveness, especially in the elderly and in young children."

Their data was flawed and they cannot draw any conclusions of the efficacy of masks.

While your opinion piece says this metadata study is the "gold standard" of research, it is not. A double blind study is the gold standard. Metadata studies mine conclusions from data, but they don't control the data selection or the criteria for each data set.

Then there's the overall problems with using metadata in research. The data subsets may not have matching criteria, and the results may be reliable as a result.

You can't keep glooming onto every half baked study that proves your bias, when all of the validated and direct research says otherwise.

In the USA, just look at the rates of disease and death in counties where there was a mask mandate. It was half the number of sick and dying as the counties with no mask requirements. What is shocking to me is that this simple and effective precaution, that does you no harm, makes you people so crazy.

There are more important things in life to get upset about and having to wear a mask isn't one of them. American keep looking for pointless to go crazy about.
After using the Washington Liezaminer as a source?

No I asked him to explain to you in tiny wordsyour tiny mind can comprehend.

My son and daughter
View attachment 754250

On the interwebs we can be anything!

Youā€™ve not attempted a single rebuttal. Why am I not surprised dufus.

Keep wearing a mask, maybe it will keep you from catching that nasty cancer virus I am sure you think exists.

And by your continued masking, you help to make the planet more beautiful
This guy is a quack... He uses opinion pieces for his reasoning. Funny how you will just believe anything these people post without checking to see if the facts bear out their propaganda. Obviously, you did not check. This is why "appeals to authority" are always bad things and fallacy arguments. You put your trust in a liar because of where he works.
But listen to some quack in the internet is better.

The mask was merely an indicator of compliance.
yes they were WW, one can read the doctrine in it's entirety here>

they (the CDC) decided it all a bit much to impose on the public , so they settled on 'mask' alone

understandably so.....

yet it alone was not enough to break the chain of infection

they knew that as well , as well as further allowing said chain to fester via those thinking they were infallible with one

This is an opinion piece, originally published in the Washington Examiner, and if you read to the end, the study it says the following:

"The high risk of bias in the trials, variation in outcome measurement, and relatively low adherence with the interventions during the studies hampers drawing firm conclusions. There were additional RCTs during the pandemic related to physical interventions but a relative paucity given the importance of the question of masking and its relative effectiveness and the concomitant measures of mask adherence which would be highly relevant to the measurement of effectiveness, especially in the elderly and in young children."

Their data was flawed and they cannot draw any conclusions of the efficacy of masks.

While your opinion piece says this metadata study is the "gold standard" of research, it is not. A double blind study is the gold standard. Metadata studies mine conclusions from data, but they don't control the data selection or the criteria for each data set.

Then there's the overall problems with using metadata in research. The data subsets may not have matching criteria, and the results may be reliable as a result.

You can't keep glooming onto every half baked study that proves your bias, when all of the validated and direct research says otherwise.

In the USA, just look at the rates of disease and death in counties where there was a mask mandate. It was half the number of sick and dying as the counties with no mask requirements. What is shocking to me is that this simple and effective precaution, that does you no harm, makes you people so crazy.

There are more important things in life to get upset about and having to wear a mask isn't one of them. American keep looking for pointless to go crazy about.

Wait, what? I thought the difference was the vaccination rate?

Your so screwed up you canā€™t keep your arguments straight.
So now the Fed's covid funds are aimed at school heating / cooling systems having 'covid filters' , which of course the states are sucking up like cream fed kittens..... :banana: ~S~
According to the studies, wearing masks did very little, but if you are closed minded thatā€™s on you.
Wrong. They saved lives if people wore them correctly. . Covid is more contagious now but less deadly because of the vaccines. Read the CDC recommendations for 2023. They have ALL THE MEANINGFUL STUDIES. No one has access to as many studies as the CDC. You call it open minded NOT TO READ THE STUDIES commissioned by all the medical research institutes in the US ?

Thatā€™s what the CDC usesā€¦ā€¦studies from all the related medical research facilities. So, you donā€™t like JHU, Mayo Clinic, Mass General
, Harvard Medā€¦..and hundreds of others ?
But, you get cancer youā€™ll be the first to run to their websites to see your options. I like millions of others had our lives saved daily through their research. Research you scoff at. Funny.
Wrong. They saved lives if people wore them. Covid is more contagious now but less deadly because of the vaccines. Read the CDC recommendations for 2023. They have ALL THE MEANINGFUL STUDIES. No one has access to as many studies as the CDC. You call it open minded NOT TO READ THE STUDIES commissioned by all the medical research institutes in the US ? Thatā€™s what the CDC usesā€¦ā€¦studies from all the related medical research facilities. So, you donā€™t JHU, Mayo Clinic, Mass General
, Harvard Medā€¦..and hundreds of others ?
Wait, what? One of the few folks I knew that died from Covid wore the damn things religiously. My opinion is that the masks gave him, as Fauci said early on, the mask gave him a false sense of security.
yes they were WW, one can read the doctrine in it's entirety here>

they (the CDC) decided it all a bit much to impose on the public , so they settled on 'mask' alone

understandably so.....

yet it alone was not enough to break the chain of infection

they knew that as well , as well as further allowing said chain to fester via those thinking they were infallible with one

Deniers think masks were a cure all. Never was. Itā€™s one of many tools smarter people used to stay alive and minimize infections. The dumb asses are the majority of the dead now who were deniers.
Wait, what? One of the few folks I knew that died from Covid wore the damn things religiously. My opinion is that the masks gave him, as Fauci said early on, the mask gave him a false sense of security.
Wow. He still wasnā€˜t reading how the common masks worked was he. Neither was his friends. You knew someone who wore a mask and died.
If he got a false sense of security from wearing a mask while those around him did not, heā€™s uneducated , like those around him. Fauci was explicit. Common Masks cut down the rate of infection only IF INFECTED PEOPLE WEAR THEM TO KEEP FROM INFECTING YOUR Friend.
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Youā€™ve not attempted a single rebuttal. Why am I not surprised dufus.

Keep wearing a mask, maybe it will keep you from catching that nasty cancer virus I am sure you think exists.

And by your continued masking, you help to make the planet more beautiful
To what?
But since you insist

Butt and rebutt


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Wow. He still wasnā€˜t reading how the common masks worked was he. Neither was his friends. You knew someone who wore a mask and died.
If he got a false sense of security from wearing a mask while those around him did not, heā€™s uneducated , like those around him. Fauci was explicit. Common Masks cut down the rate of infection only IF INFECTED PEOPLE WEAR THEM TO KEEP FROM INFECTING YOUR Friend.

Comply or Die, itā€™s the democrats latest motto. And apparently, the mask didnā€™t work as advertised.
This is why "appeals to authority" are always bad things and fallacy arguments
That means we shouldnā€™t listen to every research facility posting in the United States, but just a few jerk offs.
No Johns Hopkins, Mayo Clinic, Mass General, Harvard med and hundreds of others, just your jerk offs. Cause we might be ā€œ appealing to authorityā€


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