We saw this coming two years ago... MASKING FAILED

That means we shouldnā€™t listen to every research facility posting in the United States, but just a few jerk offs.
No Johns Hopkins, Mayo Clinic, Mass General, Harvard med and hundreds of others, just your jerk offs. Cause we might be ā€œ appealing to authorityā€


Especially when we have undercovered evidence that the government and government officials worked to silence disagreement by opposing scientists.

That is not how science works. The governmentā€™s credibility is shot.
Itā€™s obvious you donā€™t read much of the postā€¦..or anything by any ligit source. Just made up shit.
Your legit sources are implicated in the censoring of the opposing view.

Whatā€™s your point?
Especially when we have undercovered evidence that the government and government officials worked to silence disagreement by opposing scientists.

That is not how science works. The governmentā€™s credibility is shot.
Where ? Show the proof they disagreed with scientist from ANY MEDICAL RESEARCH FACILITY. Give the quotes. Of course you canā€™t. More made up shit.
Especially when we have undercovered evidence that the government and government officials worked to silence disagreement by opposing scientists.

That is not how science works. The governmentā€™s credibility is shot.
Letā€™s get specific. You claim the govt disagrees with Johns Hopkins and the Mayo Clinic on masking ?
Nobody wanted to see your ass. And thatā€™s probably at your prime. If I put mine on here Iā€™d be so busy fighting the ladies off with a fire hose it would make you jealous

I know youā€™ve never had to, but damn it gets tiring
Give the people what they demand
Wrong. They saved lives if people wore them correctly. . Covid is more contagious now but less deadly because of the vaccines. Read the CDC recommendations for 2023. They have ALL THE MEANINGFUL STUDIES. No one has access to as many studies as the CDC. You call it open minded NOT TO READ THE STUDIES commissioned by all the medical research institutes in the US ?

Thatā€™s what the CDC usesā€¦ā€¦studies from all the related medical research facilities. So, you donā€™t like JHU, Mayo Clinic, Mass General
, Harvard Medā€¦..and hundreds of others ?
But, you get cancer youā€™ll be the first to run to their websites to see your options. I like millions of others had our lives saved daily through their research. Research you scoff at. Funny.
You have no idea what Iā€™d do if I had cancer but thanks for your information, which I have read, however Iā€™ll keep reading and researching, thanks.
Comparing rocks to the brains you guys have...it's a 100% match.

Masking works. N95s work. Procedure masks aren't that great but they're better than nothing.

Those are the facts...

Those aren't facts, they are assumptions. assuming people wear the properly, assuming you are in an enclosed area less than the time for space saturation from the other 5 from n95 to cover the area, assuming air changes are adequate, and assuming everyone is wearing their masks properly. Add in non n95 masks for even a portion of the people in a given area and you get nothing more than a feel good social "everyone together" phenomenon.

Masks in general are worse than nothing in some cases, because they give you a false sense of security when advertised as working perfectly no matter how old, or how improperly worn, or regardless of the air conditions is a given situation.
Those aren't facts, they are assumptions. assuming people wear the properly, assuming you are in an enclosed area less than the time for space saturation from the other 5 from n95 to cover the area, assuming air changes are adequate, and assuming everyone is wearing their masks properly. Add in non n95 masks for even a portion of the people in a given area and you get nothing more than a feel good social "everyone together" phenomenon.

Masks in general are worse than nothing in some cases, because they give you a false sense of security when advertised as working perfectly no matter how old, or how improperly worn, or regardless of the air conditions is a given situation.
Again, the next time you have a surgical procedure, insist that the surgeon not wear mask.
Again, the next time you have a surgical procedure, insist that the surgeon not wear mask.

Again, the two situations are not comparable. The mask isn't to prevent lung to lung transmission, it's to prevent mouth to open operating wound transmission.

Can I insist everyone on a subway car scrub, and the subway car's air changes and air handling be the same as an operating theater?

Plus, what surgeon in their right mind would operate even feeling even a bit under the weather?
Again, the next time you have a surgical procedure, insist that the surgeon not wear mask.

And again, if the surgeon wore a mask with tight enough webbing to stop transmission of a virus, he would die of suffocation long before the surgery ended.

Keep repeating your nonsense. It makes us confident in your idiocy.
Masks in general are worse than nothing in some cases, because they give you a false sense of security when advertised as working perfectly no matter how old, or how improperly worn, or regardless of the air conditions is a given situation.
Feel good danger.... They do not understand "saturation" of the environment or why that saturation is meaning less with a dry virus of any load.
Feel good danger.... They do not understand "saturation" of the environment or why that saturation is meaning less with a dry virus of any load.

Before vaccinations when I wanted to visit my (at the time) 100 year old grandfather I made sure I was isolated for at least a week before visiting. Masks were a feel good tool, improperly used by most, and sold as far more effective than they actually were.
You have no idea what Iā€™d do if I had cancer but thanks for your information, which I have read, however Iā€™ll keep reading and researching, thanks.
Yes I do. If they are a conservative and anything like all conservative hypocrites, they run to the same people they now criticize, for answers to all their healthcare problems. They have their doctors and specialists just like everyone else who support the medical research we doā€¦..Theyā€™re just like most conservatives who hate socialism but love their SS and Medicare. These guys are predictably hypocritical. Oh, they tell us what a libertarian they are which is just a republican with a stick up his arse.
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Before vaccinations when I wanted to visit my (at the time) 100 year old grandfather I made sure I was isolated for at least a week before visiting. Masks were a feel good tool, improperly used by most, and sold as far more effective than they actually were.
They were very effective if used properlyā€¦..MANY hospitals and offices practice the protocol STILL and for good reason.
There are plenty of infected non symptomatic people spreading covid now. But the recovery rates are much better because of vaccinations. Check the web Sites of ANY major medical centerā€¦..ANY

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