We need to stop over-reacting to the Coronavirus.

Funny when I said we had promising treatments you disagreed with me
No. I said we don't have any actual treatments for the virus yet. Because we do not. Promising treatments are not treatments. Nothing is "medicine", until its efficacy has been conclusively demonstrated.

Hopefully, soon, we will have treatment.
Funny when I said we had promising treatments you disagreed with me
No. I said we don't have any actual treatments for the virus yet. Because we do not. Promising treatments are not treatments. Nothing is "medicine", until its efficacy has been conclusively demonstrated.

Hopefully, soon, we will have treatment.

Seems like now is the time to drop that line of thinking.

Small studies have shown that a very well know very safe drug in combination with another very well known very safe drug were able to rapidly reduce the viral load of patients with COVID.
Seems like now is the time to drop that line of thinking.
Disagree. We have limited resources, and dumping them into an unproven treatment would be dumb and harmful.

Small studies have shown that a very well know very safe drug in combination with another very well known very safe drug were able to rapidly reduce the viral load of patients with COVID.
Right. So now is the time for many, aggressive studies. The faster we really know the efficacy of the treatment (or lack thereof), the faster we can act accordingly.
Seems like now is the time to drop that line of thinking.
Disagree. We have limited resources, and dumping them into an unproven treatment would be dumb and harmful.

Small studies have shown that a very well know very safe drug in combination with another very well known very safe drug were able to rapidly reduce the viral load of patients with COVID.
Right. So now is the time for many, aggressive studies. The faster we really know the efficacy of the treatment (or lack thereof), the faster we can act accordingly.

But the treatment has already worked

and it's not harmful as I said these are both drugs that have been approved by the FDA long ago. there really is no increased risk
Seems like now is the time to drop that line of thinking.
Disagree. We have limited resources, and dumping them into an unproven treatment would be dumb and harmful.

Small studies have shown that a very well know very safe drug in combination with another very well known very safe drug were able to rapidly reduce the viral load of patients with COVID.
Right. So now is the time for many, aggressive studies. The faster we really know the efficacy of the treatment (or lack thereof), the faster we can act accordingly.

But the treatment has already worked

and it's not harmful as I said these are both drugs that have been approved by the FDA long ago. there really is no increased risk
And effective treatment that would be distributed fast is Bad for the Media and the hurt Trumpers
But the treatment has already worked
Sorry, but you don't know that. Causation must be established over correlation, and efficacy must be conclusively demonstrated over placebo effect, for a treatment to be deemed effective.

and it's not harmful
Forgoing possible effective treatment for ineffective treatment would be very harmful. Directing resources away from effective methods to ineffective methods would be very harmful. You're not thinking this through.
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.
Overreacting? You are a fool.
There are not tests which can differentiate one coronavirus from another
Of course there are. We have completely mapped the RNA of covid-19. Are you referring to field tests of infected people? You should be more clear, or you're right, others won't be able to follow.

But even if that is what you meant, you're still wrong. Yes, the tests identify covid-19, not just an infection of a virus from the Corona family.
There are no tests to differentiate an acute infection from a previous exposure
No idea what this nonsense means or how it is relevant. I doubt you do, either.

If you are immunocompromised or malnourished take whatever precautions your health care provider ordered but don't demand that the nation be brought to standstill.
Actually, they do. Scientists recommend precisely this, to slow the exponential growth of the number of cases, so that our hospitals are not overwhelmed. But you're about to post your crack research that shows otherwise, right?

No idea what this nonsense means or how it is relevant.

Dude , You are out of your league. Wait until there is thread about basket weaving .

Meanwhile I hope you are a Philly resident and the governor confines you to your Apartment for the rest of your natural life.

There are not tests which can differentiate one coronavirus from another
Of course there are. We have completely mapped the RNA of covid-19. Are you referring to field tests of infected people? You should be more clear, or you're right, others won't be able to follow.

But even if that is what you meant, you're still wrong. Yes, the tests identify covid-19, not just an infection of a virus from the Corona family.
There are no tests to differentiate an acute infection from a previous exposure
No idea what this nonsense means or how it is relevant. I doubt you do, either.

If you are immunocompromised or malnourished take whatever precautions your health care provider ordered but don't demand that the nation be brought to standstill.
Actually, they do. Scientists recommend precisely this, to slow the exponential growth of the number of cases, so that our hospitals are not overwhelmed. But you're about to post your crack research that shows otherwise, right?

No idea what this nonsense means or how it is relevant.

Dude , You are out of your league. Wait until there is thread about basket weaving .

Meanwhile I hope you are a Philly resident and the governor confines you to your Apartment for the rest of your natural life.

No relevant content or counter, all tantrum

Trumpism on parade.
But the treatment has already worked
Sorry, but you don't know that. Causation must be established over correlation, and efficacy must be conclusively demonstrated over placebo effect, for a treatment to be deemed effective.

and it's not harmful
Forgoing possible effective treatment for ineffective treatment would be very harmful. Directing resources away from effective methods to ineffective methods would be very harmful. You're not thinking this through.
How does the placebo effect come into play in the measurements that have shown drastic reductions in viral loads?
Well at least there are a few things we can all agree is "under-reacting." For example a friend reported:

Public-health specialists are nervously wondering what will happen once the party’s over since Florida officials finally moved to expel the hundreds of thousands of spring-breakers who ignored calls for social distancing.

For much of this week, revelers continued to cram four and five to a hotel room, swarm beaches over hundreds of miles of coastline, and then gather shoulder-to-shoulder in bars and clubs – almost a model process for spreading contagious diseases.

Since many campuses are now closed, most spring breakers will return to hometowns across the country where any exposure to coronavirus could set off a contagion, public-health experts warned.

“What is happening in Florida with spring break partying-on by students oblivious to the epidemiological implications of their actions is nothing short of tragic,” wrote Gregg Gonsalves, a professor of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health, in an email. “While many of us have been hunkering down to try to break the chains of infection in our communities, these young people have decided the pleasures of the moment are worth bringing back the coronavirus to their friends and family.”
A denier?
Correct, an embarrassing, ignorant, uneducated slob of a denier.

Are you really expecting me to feel shamed by some half-assed accusation thrown by a peabrain I don't respect enough to piss on if he were on fire?
Of course not retard, you don't even listen to career scientists.

President Trump, along with his point man on the Chinese Flu , Jared Kushner, have been making a lot of progress on this.

A lot of people have been following their President's suggestion to wash their hands and as a result, we have Zero cases in the Tremendous County of Mercer. Further, Trump's idea to use anti-malarial drugs is a tremendous one. It hasn't been proven effective yet, but conservative doctors will be able to prescribe it "off label" for their CV patients

I’m really impressed how you can post something like this. 3 weeks ago you don’t even believed Coronavirus existed and it’s a hoax.
Here you are. Name is Covid-19.

The malaria vaccine you are talking about is not Trump idea. IDEA? How does he know? Did he tried and tested it?

What is a conservative doctor?

Let me update your retardation.

ALL approved antibiotics.
ALL infections drug available.

Doctors will not hesitate to use those meds to save the patients. There are no such thing as conservative doctors in a pandemic like this.
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The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.

I think there's a happy medium between "do absolutely nothing about the virus and just keep the economy going", and what we're doing now--which is basically bring the economy to a screeching halt.

IMO we have done TOO much to halt the virus and we're doing untold damage to the economy. It has to be reversed NOW. The economic destruction is moving faster than the virus is spreading.

The virus is spreading very quickly.

View attachment 313818
This is bad. This is very bad.
Not really.

All it shows is that more testing has been done.

The vast majority of people who contract COVID19 will not die and many of them will have symptoms so minor they will not need to seek medical attention

Unfortunately that’s just not the case. Due to lack of testing availability, only the sickest people are tested. As you say, the majority don’t seek medical attention meaning the number is FAR higher.

so what, the number of unreported common colds is also very high. People with few or no symptoms are not going to get tested or report sick.

you libs keep whining about the lack of test kits. Tell us how the govt should have prepared millions of test kits for a virus that no one even knew would exist.

Kid. Get your self updated.

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Unfortunately that’s just not the case. Due to lack of testing availability, only the sickest people are tested. As you say, the majority don’t seek medical attention meaning the number is FAR higher.

so what, the number of unreported common colds is also very high. People with few or no symptoms are not going to get tested or report sick.

you libs keep whining about the lack of test kits. Tell us how the govt should have prepared millions of test kits for a virus that no one even knew would exist.

Hell man, test kits are just nasal swabs that are no different than those used for the typical influenza.

We had a few months to build up a capacity before it hit us. We are pretty far behind.

Most people who are infected with influenza never get tested , never get a nasal swab. They aren't that ill, most don't go to the doctor, and even those who do are usually not tested. With no cure, supportive and symptomatic care is all that is needed. Making the case "officially" an influenza is no benefit to the patient.

I find it hard to believe there’s still people out there saying this is no big deal. Crazy.

It is a big fucking deal, make no mistake about it. The Obama-Biden Plague is causing devastation worldwide, but thank Almighty God that President Trump and his top advisor on this, Mr. Kushner, are on the job here and have already made tremendous progress toward resolving the issue. Compare and contrast with the failure of the Obama Regime, when B. Hussein O gave the cancer problem to Sleepy Joe to resolve. A total and complete debacle.

Trump supporters are the most ignorant and dumbest Americans I’ve ever seen.

People like you that don’t believe science makes the world more dangerous.

Jared don’t have any experience of handling any crisis or pandemic. A rookie as a point man is dangerous. That shows Trump is amateur. He is there because this moron don’t have anyone else he can hire or nobody wants to apply.

Trump fucked this up. He should be held accountable.
If we all self quarantine ourselves and destroying our economy at the order of the .gov, is the coronavirus going to be completely eliminated form the Earth? It came from somewhere and when we all come out of hiding, completely broke, what is to stop it from starting all over again.
I don't want to see people die, I'm 73 with copd, but it is a natural process of life. If those young and healthy are exposed won't they build up antibodies to the strain of coronavirus currently in circulation, without destroying our country's economy.
From what I've read the vast majority of those death are due to underlying conditions, and that's usually the case with any flu. This coronavirus may be worse than other years but we've had worse years and we didn't destroy the worlds economy.
Where I live, in So. Oregon, our closest big city is 70mi away, our town of 10 thousand has 0 cases of coronavirus yet we are all sitting home told to self isolate. The order from the governor mandating quarantine should come today because california did it and our governor does whatever calif. does.
I’m concerned that we haven’t bent the curve.

View attachment 313819

Look at this and tell me everything is going great. I dare you.


Assuming that the chart has a solid scientific basis, and that's a big if ,

the chart does NOT differentiate between those individuals who are actually infected with the NEW - weaponized - strain - and those who acquired immunity because like me - they are old farts who sometime in our lives were exposed to the coronavirus.

So stop disinforming and eat your checkers.


There is no natural immunity. It's a novel virus, dope.

Excuse me Dingle Berry, may I call you DB?

Corona viruses are not new. They were first identified as RNA viruses in 1970.

You should call me, sir.
Covid-19 is new, dope. Hence the term, novel.

Excuse me DB, Sir

Provide a link showing that Covid-19 is not a member of the coronavirus family and that the present tests can distinguish the different coronavirus strains.

I won't hold my breath.

You're an idiot.
I never said it wasn't a corona virus. I said it was a new corona virus. A novel virus, new to humans who have no natural immunity.
COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic has a natural origin

The current test does indeed test for the RNA markers specific to this strain.
How do the new coronavirus tests work? | Live Science

Stop being a dope and educate yourself.

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