We need to kill Radical Islam totally, completely and without compassion.


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
South Pacific
I know that some of you guys will say, "No shit, Shirlock!"

This missive in not addressed to those of you who know what Radical Islam is. I address those ignoramuses who think that all of Islam is homogenous and is a religion of PEACE. According to one out of three Islamics, they do not want any peace. They want to see strife and conflict and lots of bloodshed.

There is a branch of Islam that transcends Shitti or Sunni. It is a branch of Islam that teaches that Islam will sweep the world under the Great Third Caliphate (or the coming of the Mahdi) after a period of tremendous chaos all over the globe. Global War will bring the Islamic religion to everybody. Praise Allah! (MHBEIHF!)

Christianity, Islam and the Mayans predict a period of great chaos in the near future. The Christians and Mayans both think it is out of our control and it is the decision of divine providence that this Chaos happens.

The Radical Islamics believe that they can bring this Chaos about through world wide terrorism. If they can create enough chaos, the world will run out of control and there will be much bloodshed and out of this horrific mess will come universal Radical Islam and Sharia Law.

During the Great Third Caliphate (Rule of the Mahdi), anybody who does not accept Islam will be beheaded as Mohammed (Mhbeihf) demonstrated with his decapitation of most of the Jewish men of ancient Medina (Look up the Battle of Khaybar if you want the specifics on the disgusting slaughter of the innocent Jews and the raping of their young wives and innocent daughters.)

Mohammed (Mhbeihf) even took a pretty young Jewish woman as his wife after he cut off the head of her husband in Islamic ritual fashion. As you know, she wasn't really Mohammed's (Mhbeihf) wife regardless of what he called her. She was just his sex slave, afraid of losing her head just like her husband whose execution she was forced to watch. All of the Jewish Girls from 10 to 30 were kept by Mohammed's (Mhbeihf) gang of pillagers for their sexual satisfaction. Everybody else was slaughtered or sold into slavery. Mohammed (mhbeihf) and his band of men made a lot of money off of the Jews he sold into slavery after he took their small town of Medina. (Now a Moslem holy city.)

It is from this lesson that the followers of Mohammed (Mhbeihf) learned how important it was to kill the Jews where ever they were found if they would not convert to the teachings of Mohammed (Mhbeihf). Did you note that the long range rocket that was fired by the crazy Radical Islamics into Israel from Lebanon in the last conflict were called the Al Khaybar. That was to serve as a warning to all Jews that they are going to be beheaded for their obedience to the wrong God.

All the Jews will be beheaded after the Mahdi comes, after the coming period of Chaos. The terrorism will bring the Chaos and the Radical Islamics will bring the terrorism, including Atomic Bombs if they can get their hands on them or make them in the next few months. May they burn eternally in hell fire along with Mohammed (Mhbeihf).
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While we are at it, we should kill radical christianity too.

Do you know what you get with an Eye for an Eye? A bunch of blind people.
While we are at it, we should kill radical christianity too.

Do you know what you get with an Eye for an Eye? A bunch of blind people.

There is no such thing as Radical Christianity. Radical Islam has been murdering millions of people all over the globe for well over a thousand years.

They need to be killed anywhere they are found. The sooner the better.

Remember, if you remove the Radical Islamic element from Islam, you will have a true religion of peace. They will no longer have a need to blow up people and kill innocents all over the globe.
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I refuse to believe peace isn't possible.

Amanda, I like your optimism.

Pearl was also optimistic, but you can go to Al Jazeera and pull up his beheading video. All he was to them was a small part of the Chaos that they want to bring to the world.

He is dead now, but he made a lot of gurgeling noises as they were cutting off his head. Not a dignified way to die. Totally crude and bloody as well as ugly.
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There is no such thing as Radical Christianity. Radical Islam has been murdering millions of people all over the globe for well over a thousand years.

They need to be killed anywhere they are found. The sooner the better.

Remember, if you remove the Radical Islamic element from Islam, you will have a true religion of peace. They will no longer have a need to blow up people and kill innocents all over the globe.

No such thing as radical christianity? Dude, read a history book. Catholic Queens used to chop off the heads of Lutherans, the crusades, etc. And the people who voted for Bush two times are radical christians. They see the end of days coming and that's why they defend israel. We have radical christians, along with jews, shaping our middle east policies.

Bin Ladin has nothing to do with Islam. As soon as we stop attacking/offending Islam, the sooner we'll get their help dealing with these kooks. Take the Islam out of your sentences and maybe you are correct.

But what do we do? Maybe we stop being buddy buddy with the rulers of their country that keep them down, just because we want their oil. No wonder the poor people in Saudi Arabia hate us. Their kings screw them daily and we do business with their kings. And their kings tell them we are the bad guys!!!!

So maybe we take out the Saudi royal family? But that has nothing to do with Islam or Muslims. Dude, we will make more enemies if we keep talking the way you talk.

And I know Robert Gates is a Bushie, but I read his report on "terrorism", and he seems to get it beyond just SURGING. He understands we can't win militarily. Yes the surge worked, but to win in the muslim world, we have to win the hearts and minds of the people over there. And right now, we are the evil west. And we deserve the title, because Bush lied and occupied for oil.

I can't wait until we have alternative fuels. Yesterday I heard they are cloning trees to make them better for turning into fuels and so they grow faster.

I also heard a story about how this guy has a battery car but he has to run an extention cord from his parking lot, thru the lobby and to his office to charge it. So he's starting a company where he puts plug in's in office parking lots.

He said it's the chicken & the egg problem. No one buys electic cars because there's nowhere to plug them in and no one puts in power outlets because no one has electric cars. LOL.

The best thing for us is to get off foreign fuels.

And notice when we got serious about getting off oil, gas went back to under $2? We're being played!!!!
Amanda, I like your optimism.

Pearl was also optimistic, but you can go to Al Jazeera and pull up his beheading video. All he was to them was a small part of the Chaos that they want to bring to the world.

He is dead now, but he made a lot of gurgeling noises as they were cutting off his head. Not a dignified way to die. Totally crude and bloody as well as ugly.

You should see the way we kill them. If less than 30 civilians will be at risk, we bomb. That means your mom, your daughter, sister and son could be in a room with 25 other innocent people and if Al Queda is in the area, they may bomb your neighborhood, and you all might die.

You don't know what it is like to be the poor people in Iraq. Outside of the GREEN ZONE where violence is down. Deplorable.
They'd kill you without thinking twice.

And you'd kill them without thinking twice.

And you'd lock them up in a hole, torture them for 3 years, you would not give them due process, habius corpus or a lawyer or a phone call. You'd drive them insane.

And then you'd wonder why the rest of the world hates you.

We used to be able to say, "look, we are the shining example of how you treat people", but that went away with rendering enemy combatants and waterboarding.

How come you guys are wrong about EVERYTHING? Freaking Amazing.

This is why you should stop trying to distance yourself from Bush. This is reminding me of 2003-2006. You either defended, justified or ignored everything the GOP did. And now you'll say EVERYONE has to share the blame?

Just like the economy.

So as soon as Obama is in office Jan 21st, you'll say the Iraq quagmire is our fault too.

You guys did nothing right for all 8 years. That includes your little war on radical islam/terrorism.

George Bush is the terrorist. George Bush would sacrafice YOU for money in a heartbeat and not think twice. So why should Bin Ladin or the poor Afgans who he recruits care about you?

They don't realize you are just like them, and you don't realize they are no different than you. They love their country, families, freedom, jobs. When they lose those things, they get mad. THey feel you are imposing on those things. And aren't they sort of right?

NOw I blame more the Saudi Royal Families, but when I see our government (the gop) doing to us what the Saudi's and Saddam do to their citizens.......

Sort of hard to be angry at the terrorists when they stick it to the man. Wasn't Robinhood a terrorist?
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And you'd kill them without thinking twice.

George Bush is the terrorist. George Bush would sacrafice YOU for money in a heartbeat and not think twice. So why should Bin Ladin or the poor Afgans who he recruits care about you?

You are insane! Nobody said anything about a civil war in Iraq before you started posting your nonsense and ranting incoherently.

That conflict is not directly related to the problem with Radical Islam. Radical Islam has been murdering people for 15 centuries. Iraq had nothing to do with it hundreds of years ago when the Radical Islamics in Iran murdered most of the Jews in that country. Why were they murdered? Simple, they were Jews and the Iranians wanted their land and wealth. How about when Radical Islam murdered or subjugated most of the Jews in the Arab countries. Why? Simple, it was because they were Jews and the Radical Islamics wanted their wealth and homes. Ironically when they did that, they destroyed the intelligencia in their countries and have been backwards for centuries. Amazing! If you kill off all the smart people in your country the people that are left only breed "less than smart people"and the average IQ of the populace goes way down. Just like your IQ. Dumb de Dumb Dumb!

As in the American Civil War, you have to bring destruction to the bad guys. That is how wars are won regardless of how dumb you are. We have not been fighting Radical Islam per se in Iraq. We have been fighting people who use terror to kill any attempts at democracy in that country. Some of those terrorists are radical islamics, but not all are.

In World War Two, we used carpet bombing of the cities to demoralize the populace. That way they surrendered more quickly. Now, an idiot like you thinks that you are supposed to fight a kind and gentle war. There has never been such a thing in world history. I doubt that it will work. Go back to school and learn how wars are won. You kill and demoralize the enemy. When it is a false ideology, you just kill the enemy.

So far, we have not been killing Radical Islam in a directed effort, but it is going to start soon. Wait until Obama understands what is going on around him. He will make a good war time president.
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No such thing as radical christianity? Dude, read a history book. Catholic Queens used to chop off the heads of Lutherans, the crusades, etc. And the people who voted for Bush two times are radical christians. They see the end of days coming and that's why they defend israel. We have radical christians, along with jews, shaping our middle east policies.

Bin Ladin has nothing to do with Islam. As soon as we stop attacking/offending Islam, the sooner we'll get their help dealing with these kooks. !!!!

You are easily the craziest piece of shit I have ever run across on a message board. Politicians killing others in the name of their religion is nothing new. It has nothing to do with their religion and everything to do with their politics and territorial designs. There has never in the history of the world been a sect of Christians who believe in killing everybody who is not Christian. If you can name that devout sect, I'd like to know who they are. I know you are a damned liar and you know you are a damned liar, so you will never find your devout sect.

Posting an insane lie that Osama bin Ladin has noting to do with Islam is just another insane lie. All of your lies are getting boring. All of Osama's Fatwahs were issued under the name of Allah in the cause of Radical Islam. He has no political goals, Bozo, just the death of all infidels and Universal Islam. Damn, you are dumb!

Since you lie all of the time, I strongly suspect that you are a front for Radical Islam. Where do you live?
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You are insane! Nobody said anything about a civil war in Iraq before you started posting your nonsense and ranting incoherently.

That condlict is not directly related to the problem with Radical Islam. Radical Islam has been murdering people for centuries. Iraq had nothing to do with it hundreds of years ago when the Radical Islamics in Iran murdered most of the Jews in that country. Why sere they murdered? Simple, they were Jews and the Iranians wanted their land and wealth. How about when Radical Islam murdered or subjugated most of the Jews in the Arab countries. Why? Simple, it was because they were Jews and the Radical Islamics wanted their wealth and homes. Ironically when they did that, they destroyed the intelligencia in their countries and have been backwards for centuries. Amazing! If you kill off all the smart people in your country the people that are left only breed "less than smart people"and the average IQ of the populace goes down. Dumb de Dumb Dumb!

As in the American Civil War, you have to bring destruction to the bad guys. That is how wars are won regardless of how dumb you are. We have not been fighting Radical Islam per se in Iraq. We have been fighting people who use terror to kill any attempts at democracy in that country. Some of those terrorists are radical islamics, but not all are.

In World War Two, we used carpet bombing of the cities to demoralize the populace. That way they surrendered more quickly. Now, an idiot like you thinks that you are supposed to fight a kind and gentle war. There has never been such a thing in world history. I doubt that it will work. Go back to school and learn how wars are won. You kill and demoralize the enemy. When it is a false ideology, you just kill the enemy.

So far, we have not been killing Radical Islam in a directed effort, but it is going to start soon. Wait until Obama understands what is going on around him. He will make a good war time president.

Hey, if you are talking about killing the terrorists in Pakistan, where we know they are terrorist training camps, go for it.

But it really has nothing to do with Islam.

And read Christian history. Sounds a lot like our story.

And if you keep saying you are fighting Islam, then you are NEVER going to win, unless you want to bomb the entire country with a nuke, and that isn't going to happen.

PS. Remember how much we invested in Japan and Germany after we got done "demoralizing" them.
Hey, if you are talking about killing the terrorists in Pakistan, where we know they are terrorist training camps, go for it.

But it really has nothing to do with Islam.

And read Christian history. Sounds a lot like our story.

And if you keep saying you are fighting Islam, then you are NEVER going to win, unless you want to bomb the entire country with a nuke, and that isn't going to happen.

PS. Remember how much we invested in Japan and Germany after we got done "demoralizing" them.

Again, more of your insane lies! Unbelievable! Islamic Fatwah's have nothing to do with Islam? Oh my gosh! I suppose you are going to tell me that they are all Hindu Fatwahs? How damn stupid can you be?

I am an historian. I don't need to read Christian history. I write Christian History. There never has been a large sect of Christianity that believed in killing all infidels. It has never happened regardless of how many times you lie about it.

I have never once said we were fighting Islam. Why do you lie and claim that I did. We need to fight RADICAL Islam. Not Islam. Damn, you are fugged up in the head. Why do you lie all the time? I do not favor bombing a whole country with a nuke. Again, you are off balance. I do favor taking out the Iranian uranium processing sites with a high powered bunker buster because they are deep underground under feet of concrete. A nuclear bunker buster would work best in that case, but only against that designated target. The sooner we take those centrifuges out the better for world peace.

We invested in Japan and Germany after we demoralized them because we wanted them to help us stand up to global communism. Our policy worked magnificently and global Communism fell by the wayside. You probably did not know that because you do not know anything about world history, do you? YOu just make it up as you go along. Liar!

As regards killing the families of the terrorists in Iraq and Pakistan along with the terrorists when they are assembled together. Tough. The family is just as guilty as the terrorist because they are supporting him in his activities. Let them die. Once that is understood, there will be less people willing to shelter famous terrorists. Amazing how that works.
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We demoralized them?

That firebombing of the cities worked to get them to surrender eagerly. It is amazing how that works.

General Sherman brought his "Total War" concept to the Deep South in his "March to the Sea." Once the news of the total devastation brought by the Union army spread throughout the rest of the South, there was a lot of emotional pressure brought on General Robert E Lee to surrender. He and his people were demoralized.

If we had not totally devastated the Japanese cities, the Emperor might have continued the war and the US would have had an additional Million casualties taking the main island. Granted, civilians died due to this Total War concept, but hundreds of thousands of American Boys did not die. Since I had relatives fighting against the Japanese, I thought that was a good trade off. It saved a lot of Japanese lives, too, even though they do not know it.
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Amanda, I like your optimism.

Pearl was also optimistic, but you can go to Al Jazeera and pull up his beheading video. All he was to them was a small part of the Chaos that they want to bring to the world.

He is dead now, but he made a lot of gurgeling noises as they were cutting off his head. Not a dignified way to die. Totally crude and bloody as well as ugly.

So are you saying that because there are some people that would kill us if they had a chance we should kill them if we get the chance? Doesn't this statement read the same way from their side? Or are you saying it's ok for us because they started it? And if you are... are you really sure who started it? Just asking because this problem between Islam and Christianity goes back a long way and think both sides have some legit grievances. But whatever the case, I don't know if you're religious but if you are, do you think God wants us to kill them?

Lastly, if there was a peaceful solution would you consider it?
The desire of the Iranians to get the Atomic Bomb is well known in intelligence circles. There have been numerous speeches in the Iranian congress with respect to the acquisition and use of the bomb to eliminate infidels. It is not a question of if Iran can make a bomb. It is only a question of when and how they are going to use it.

If they use it on one of our coastal cities as they have talked about in their congress, we should consider the total elimination for all eternity of the country that attacked us. That will stand as a lesson to any others who think killing infidels is a fun game.
So are you saying that because there are some people that would kill us if they had a chance we should kill them if we get the chance? Doesn't this statement read the same way from their side? Or are you saying it's ok for us because they started it? And if you are... are you really sure who started it? Just asking because this problem between Islam and Christianity goes back a long way and think both sides have some legit grievances. But whatever the case, I don't know if you're religious but if you are, do you think God wants us to kill them?

Lastly, if there was a peaceful solution would you consider it?

Amana, it is not a problem between Islam and Christianity. It is a problem between RADICAL Islam and Christianity, Hindus, Buddhists, Bahais, Animists, main stream Islamics, Zoroastrians, Atheists, Agnostics and those who do not want to know about religion. It is Radical Islam against the world.

Radical Islam is the enemy to all, not just Christians. They do see us as the strength of the Non Radical Islamic world. Therefore they are targeting us. We are not alone as an object of their future killing, though.

There is no such thing as a peaceful solution when dealing with lunatics. These lunatics follow the Moon God and the direct teachings of Mohammed (mhbeihf) who was one of histories most evil men. He was a throat slitter and a rapist and a child molester and a thief and a pathological liar who taught all of his men to follow his example. Radical Islam is an offshoot of his insanity. They pattern thier ritual executions after Mohammed's (mhbeihf) style as he demonstrated to them. It was the same manner that was used in human sacrifice to Baal the blood thirsty god of the Caanites of the Promised Land. (Now they would be called the Palestinians.)
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According to one out of three Islamics, they do not want any peace. They want to see strife and conflict and lots of bloodshed.
1 out of 3, huh?

That's a lot of random gas station and 7-11 owners who are apparently terrorist sympathizers.


There is a branch of Islam that transcends Shitti or Sunni.
Please forgive me if I don't exactly offer you a great deal of credibility, considering you don't even know the names of the two main branches of Islam.

"Shitti"? That's beyond a typo, that's not even a LITTLE close to "Shiite".

You're a book writer, Neubarth. A story teller. And you're not even a good one.

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