At the Ballpark July 30th
I know that some of you guys will say, "No shit, Shirlock!"
This missive in not addressed to those of you who know what Radical Islam is. I address those ignoramuses who think that all of Islam is homogenous and is a religion of PEACE. According to one out of three Islamics, they do not want any peace. They want to see strife and conflict and lots of bloodshed.
There is a branch of Islam that transcends Shitti or Sunni. It is a branch of Islam that teaches that Islam will sweep the world under the Great Third Caliphate (or the coming of the Mahdi) after a period of tremendous chaos all over the globe. Global War will bring the Islamic religion to everybody. Praise Allah! (MHBEIHF!)
Christianity, Islam and the Mayans predict a period of great chaos in the near future. The Christians and Mayans both think it is out of our control and it is the decision of divine providence that this Chaos happens.
The Radical Islamics believe that they can bring this Chaos about through world wide terrorism. If they can create enough chaos, the world will run out of control and there will be much bloodshed and out of this horrific mess will come universal Radical Islam and Sharia Law.
During the Great Third Caliphate (Rule of the Mahdi), anybody who does not accept Islam will be beheaded as Mohammed (Mhbeihf) demonstrated with his decapitation of most of the Jewish men of ancient Medina (Look up the Battle of Khaybar if you want the specifics on the disgusting slaughter of the innocent Jews and the raping of their young wives and innocent daughters.)
Mohammed (Mhbeihf) even took a pretty young Jewish woman as his wife after he cut off the head of her husband in Islamic ritual fashion. As you know, she wasn't really Mohammed's (Mhbeihf) wife regardless of what he called her. She was just his sex slave, afraid of losing her head just like her husband whose execution she was forced to watch. All of the Jewish Girls from 10 to 30 were kept by Mohammed's (Mhbeihf) gang of pillagers for their sexual satisfaction. Everybody else was slaughtered or sold into slavery. Mohammed (mhbeihf) and his band of men made a lot of money off of the Jews he sold into slavery after he took their small town of Medina. (Now a Moslem holy city.)
It is from this lesson that the followers of Mohammed (Mhbeihf) learned how important it was to kill the Jews where ever they were found if they would not convert to the teachings of Mohammed (Mhbeihf). Did you note that the long range rocket that was fired by the crazy Radical Islamics into Israel from Lebanon in the last conflict were called the Al Khaybar. That was to serve as a warning to all Jews that they are going to be beheaded for their obedience to the wrong God.
All the Jews will be beheaded after the Mahdi comes, after the coming period of Chaos. The terrorism will bring the Chaos and the Radical Islamics will bring the terrorism, including Atomic Bombs if they can get their hands on them or make them in the next few months. May they burn eternally in hell fire along with Mohammed (Mhbeihf).
This missive in not addressed to those of you who know what Radical Islam is. I address those ignoramuses who think that all of Islam is homogenous and is a religion of PEACE. According to one out of three Islamics, they do not want any peace. They want to see strife and conflict and lots of bloodshed.
There is a branch of Islam that transcends Shitti or Sunni. It is a branch of Islam that teaches that Islam will sweep the world under the Great Third Caliphate (or the coming of the Mahdi) after a period of tremendous chaos all over the globe. Global War will bring the Islamic religion to everybody. Praise Allah! (MHBEIHF!)
Christianity, Islam and the Mayans predict a period of great chaos in the near future. The Christians and Mayans both think it is out of our control and it is the decision of divine providence that this Chaos happens.
The Radical Islamics believe that they can bring this Chaos about through world wide terrorism. If they can create enough chaos, the world will run out of control and there will be much bloodshed and out of this horrific mess will come universal Radical Islam and Sharia Law.
During the Great Third Caliphate (Rule of the Mahdi), anybody who does not accept Islam will be beheaded as Mohammed (Mhbeihf) demonstrated with his decapitation of most of the Jewish men of ancient Medina (Look up the Battle of Khaybar if you want the specifics on the disgusting slaughter of the innocent Jews and the raping of their young wives and innocent daughters.)
Mohammed (Mhbeihf) even took a pretty young Jewish woman as his wife after he cut off the head of her husband in Islamic ritual fashion. As you know, she wasn't really Mohammed's (Mhbeihf) wife regardless of what he called her. She was just his sex slave, afraid of losing her head just like her husband whose execution she was forced to watch. All of the Jewish Girls from 10 to 30 were kept by Mohammed's (Mhbeihf) gang of pillagers for their sexual satisfaction. Everybody else was slaughtered or sold into slavery. Mohammed (mhbeihf) and his band of men made a lot of money off of the Jews he sold into slavery after he took their small town of Medina. (Now a Moslem holy city.)
It is from this lesson that the followers of Mohammed (Mhbeihf) learned how important it was to kill the Jews where ever they were found if they would not convert to the teachings of Mohammed (Mhbeihf). Did you note that the long range rocket that was fired by the crazy Radical Islamics into Israel from Lebanon in the last conflict were called the Al Khaybar. That was to serve as a warning to all Jews that they are going to be beheaded for their obedience to the wrong God.
All the Jews will be beheaded after the Mahdi comes, after the coming period of Chaos. The terrorism will bring the Chaos and the Radical Islamics will bring the terrorism, including Atomic Bombs if they can get their hands on them or make them in the next few months. May they burn eternally in hell fire along with Mohammed (Mhbeihf).
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