Iran’s history of state sponsored terrorism is frightening.


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
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South Pacific
Iran’s history of state sponsored terrorism is frightening.

Iranian terror continues without stop, just as it has for nearly 3 decades. The nuclear program is real and needs to be dealt with soon.

Since the criminal 1979 storming of the United States embassy in Tehran, Iran’s complicity in horrible terrorist attacks around the world has continued. The US embassy bombings in Kuwait and Lebanon in 1983 along with the US Marine Barracks is well known by Americans.

But how many know of Iran’s support for Ayman al-Zawahiri’s planned Egyptian coup in 1990? Any effort towards peace in the middle East is attacked by Iran. This, according to top al-Qaeda operative Ali Mohamed now in US custody.

Iran met with (eventual) al-Qaeda operatives and Hezbollah at the Popular Arab Islamic Conference meetings held in Sudan after the Gulf War of 1990-1991? Osama Bin (let's kill innocent men women and children) Laden met regularly with Iranians in Sudan for the purposes of uniting attacks against the United States and the Free World.

How many know about Iran’s Satanic Hezbollah training al-Qaeda terrorists in the art of suicide truck bomb operations in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley ahead of the 1998 simultaneous US embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya where more innocent men, women and children were murdered? Note that the Iranian funded terrorist organization in Lebanon has taken the original Iranian name of Hezbollah.

The 2003 al-Qaeda attacks on three housing complexes in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia were ordered by al-Qaeda commanders Saif al-Adel and Saad bin Laden, operating from within Iran while supposedly under “house arrest.” Their operating fund came directly from Iranian Oil revenue.

Everybody knows that Labanese Hezbollah and Palestinian Hamas are funded and equipped with Iranian money and weapons like the thousands of missiles used to attack innocents in Israel. Those missile attacks have been going on for twenty years now.

Most of the explosives that are used in Iraq to kill men, women and children and American soldiers is provided by Iran.

The horrific explosions in Spain, England, Germany and France were partially Iranian funded.

The list goes on and on and on.

Only one country besides Israel has identified the source of bombings and terrorism.

That country was Argentina. There has been a lot of Large Scale Iranian terrorism in Argentina.

There are about a quarter of a million Jews who live in Argentina so it will continue to be a target of Insane Radical Islamic attack, just like New York City has been. Most American are totally oblivious to the Iranian sponsored terrorism all around the world. Our brain dead newspapers do not cover the small attacks, but do cover the Big Ones. Here are two of them that you might remember.

1992 Iranian Attack on the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires

The First BIG attack was in Buenos Aires, Argentina and was a bomb attack against Israel's embassy on March 17, 1992. A modified delivery truck, driven by a Radical Islamic suicide bomber and loaded with high explosives, smashed into the front of the Israeli Embassy and detonated, destroying the embassy, a Catholic church, and a nearby elementary school building. There is no doubt in my mind that the Catholic Church and the school were deliberately considered as viable targets because Radical Islam is at war with all infidels no matter what age, sex or faith. Islamic Jihad, allegedly a front for Hezbollah, proudly claimed responsibility for its “Glorious Attack” on the infidels and their children.

The Argentine government subsequently expelled seven disgusting Iranian diplomats from the country, stating that it had "Convincing Proof" of criminal Iranian involvement in the horrific bombing, but could not prosecute the Iranians SOB's because they were shielded by “Diplomatic Immunity.” They need to be hunted down and brought to justice in one manner or another.

The AMIA Bombing

The AMIA Bombing was an attack on the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina building in the capital of Buenos Aires on July 18, 1994, that killed 85 people. It was the deadliest bombing in Argentina's history. On October 25, 2006, Argentine prosecutors formally accused the government of Iran of directing the bombing, and the Hezbollah militia of carrying it out.

Subsequent to these attacks, the Iranians have sponsored attacks against innocent civilian people of Jewish ancestry living throughout Latin America. These attacks have been one by one and have on occasion been made to look like bungled kidnappings of children or robberies that have gone awry. It is so singularly directed one is left with no doubt that it is a continuing attack on the Jewish people just because they are Jewish.

So totally evil, but a reality.

IT is time for the United States to take action!
IT is time for the United States to take action!

We're already a little preoccupied militarily at the moment, and more than a little broke. There's also the fact that Congress will need to make a declaration of war, as per the Constitution, and I don't see that happening considering that Iran has not attacked us.
Barack Neville Chamberlain Obama will declare "peace in our time" and everyone will rejoice
What "action" do you propose?

We do not need to declare war. That would be redundant, considering all the Fatwahs directed at the Western Democracies. All declarations are just official pronouncments of what is obvious. We do not need to grandstand. We just need to retaliate.

I would prefer covert action. Iran has attacked the United States many times over, and it is time that we reciprocate. Paying to have the Radical Mullahs turned to compost seems like an initial proper action. Do you recommend more forceful action?

Now, Israel has every right to nuke Iran out of existance. Perhaps all we really need to do is slightly encourage them? Considering all the Jews that have been killed by the Persians, Israel should turn the deserts of Iran into fields of glass.
We do not need to declare war. That would be redundant, considering all the Fatwahs directed at the Western Democracies. All declarations are just official pronouncments of what is obvious. We do not need to grandstand. We just need to retaliate.

I would prefer covert action. Iran has attacked the United States many times over, and it is time that we reciprocate. Paying to have the Radical Mullahs turned to compost seems like an initial proper action. Do you recommend more forceful action?

Now, Israel has every right to nuke Iran out of existance. Perhaps all we really need to do is slightly encourage them? Considering all the Jews that have been killed by the Persians, Israel should turn the deserts of Iran into fields of glass.

Read the Constitution. Congress, the voice of the people, has to declare war before we can invade a nation. Not much of a Constitutional Republic if one person can decide to invade nations on a whim. A Declaration of War is not merely a statement saying we're at war. When, and only when, Congress declares war is the President given his authority as Commander-in-Chief.

Now there are certain things that the President is allowed to do in the case of an emergency, meaning an attack on the United States, but that is not the case with Iran and likely never will be.
Now, Israel has every right to nuke Iran out of existance. Perhaps all we really need to do is slightly encourage them? Considering all the Jews that have been killed by the Persians, Israel should turn the deserts of Iran into fields of glass.

You have the nerve to talk about the evils of radical Islam, and then propose one nation commit genocide on another at the behest of the United States? Are you out of your mind?

You don't think supporting such an act might create more resentment towards our nation in the Middle East, which would lead to more acts of violence against us such as the Iranian Hostage Crisis and 9/11?

What a great idea.
I MIGHT be for very selective covert CIA type action to help the moderate forces in Iran to topple the fundamentalist regimes. But that activity would be limited to making changes to that nation come out of POLITICAL means, rather than by outside forces.

But sure as hell if we start sending in commandos, one of them will be captured, tortured and forced to acknowledge his US connection.

That in turn evokes Iranian nationalism, which would actually serve to bolster the credibility of the government in power now.

The only long term solution in Iran is a POLITICAL solution, not a military one.

We should be striving to ally with Iran, not make them a permanent enemy of the West.

It's a very modern country except for the mindset of the current regime in power.

Much like the USA was until Bush II took office, I might add.
Read the Constitution. Congress, the voice of the people, has to declare war before we can invade a nation. Not much of a Constitutional Republic if one person can decide to invade nations on a whim. A Declaration of War is not merely a statement saying we're at war. When, and only when, Congress declares war is the President given his authority as Commander-in-Chief.

Now there are certain things that the President is allowed to do in the case of an emergency, meaning an attack on the United States, but that is not the case with Iran and likely never will be.

Kennedy, everything you write is wrong.

My Gawd, man, read the Constitution. The President is Commander in Chief regardless of declaration of war. To engage in covert action there is absolutely no need to declare War. That makes a public spectacle of the covert action.

The US was very good at using covert actions until Carter messed things up by forbidding such further action. There are times that leaders of other nations would best be dead rather than alive fomenting trouble around the world.

Had somebody snuffed Adolph Hitler in 1938, think of how much better off the world would have been. Germany could have gone on to be a country that had added tremendously to the Arts and Sciences. Six Million beautiful Jewish people would still have been alive in 1945. They alone added tremendously to the Arts and Sciences in Germany and Europe. The Soviet Union would have been a failed experiment in state socialism, and would never have risen to the degree that it did after we granted it so many colonial states at the end of WWII. The United States would have gone on as an isolationist prone country and all would have been right with the world. (Well, maybe.)

Unfortunately the attempts to elimate Hitler were for naught. Good man tried even as late as 1944 when Hitler was still ahead in the war. Count Claus Philipp Maria Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg gave his life for trying to kill Hitler.

Covert operations that take out evil leaders of countries are very cost effective if they are successful. The hell with Carter and his prohibitions. If ever there was a man who was Satanically befuddled, it is Carter. He can not see the Dark Forest because all those damn trees are in the way.

The leadership of Iran needs to be removed. We need to remove any Radical Islamic mullah who is foolish enought to inject his entrained hatreds of the the non Islamic world into the Iranian political process. All those thousands of Bombs set off in the industrial countries of the world are testament to the Total Satanic Evil that is modern day Iran. We need to stop that Horrendous Evil. The sooner the better!
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You have the nerve to talk about the evils of radical Islam, and then propose one nation commit genocide on another at the behest of the United States? Are you out of your mind?

You don't think supporting such an act might create more resentment towards our nation in the Middle East, which would lead to more acts of violence against us such as the Iranian Hostage Crisis and 9/11?

What a great idea.

You are doing your best to make me think that you are mentally off balance. Please dissuade me of these beliefs by retracting that insane badinage above. I have not proposed "committing genocide" on the people of Iran. Why make up an insane lie like that? The deserts are where the nuclear bomb centrifuges are located. The population centers are not in the deserts. I never said anything about killing the populace of Iran, though I know there are a lot of people in the United States who would openly welcome that solution to the problem of Iranian supported world terrorism. Stop bringing up that solution as it only entices those who think that terrorist nations need to be removed from the surface of the Earth. I consider Iran to be like Nazi Germany. Iran like Nazi Germany has run amuck, but removing the demonic leadership is all that is necessary. I have lived among the people in my past work, and they are fine people unless they are caught up in Radical Islam. Then they just need frontal lombotomies and they can continue to be nice people.

Retaliating against an evil country like Iran is necessary if we are ever going to stop the Total Insanity that is modern Iran. Regardless of what you may think and are maliciously motiveted by, they do not have a right to go around the world killing innocent people because they are "Keepers of the Book." You come across as a very evil person if you openly endorse such behavior; yet, that is exactly what you are doing and then obfuscating the issue. Iran has been directly and indirectly responsible for the killling of a lot of innocent people of the Jewish Faith.

Yet, that is exactly what Iran's policy has been for the past third of a century. Any Jew anywere in the world can be killed by Iranian operatives at any time! They have gone out of their way to make certain that is understood by all Jews anywhere in the world.

Iran wants to kill Jews simply because they exist. Why do you feel obligated to defend such horrific crime against humanity? Are you a Radical Islamic pretending to be a champion of the Constitution? Odd that you do not even know what the Constitution says. Odd that you should use a name like Kennedy, who was totally in favor of using covert means to effect political change. You are not even a good student of history, are you???????

I am.
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. Odd that you should use a name like Kennedy, who was totally in favor of using covert means to effect political change. You are not even a good student of history, are you???????
Kennedy's use of covert operations to effect political change turned into complete disasters.

#1) Bay of Pigs in Cuba

#2) Covert operations in Vietnam
I MIGHT be for very selective covert CIA type action to help the moderate forces in Iran to topple the fundamentalist regimes. But that activity would be limited to making changes to that nation come out of POLITICAL means, rather than by outside forces.

But sure as hell if we start sending in commandos, one of them will be captured, tortured and forced to acknowledge his US connection.


I would prefer not to use US Commandos. It is far better to buy operatives the way the Israelis do. The CIA was very good at buying operatives until Carter was in his third year of office. Somehow, then, he had a change of conviction and issued an order that all covert activities that might result in death to a perceived enemy of the United States.

I voted for Carter the first time around. Damn, that man screwed up everything he touched. I mean EVERYTHING! I feel so gullty that I voted for him in 1976. I was so relieved when Reagan took office and then he started screwing things up.

To this day, I tell my children and others, the measure of a good president is how little he screwed things up. Kennedy was a screw up. Carter was a screwup and then some. Dubya is the greatest screw up in world history.

There is no sectarian bias in my opinion. Oddly, I consider Lyndom Baines Johnson to be one of our top five greatest presidents in spite of the fact that the Viet Nam war expanded under his stewardship. It is what he did on the civil front that made him great. No other man could have managed to get hte legislation through Congress that Lyndon did. It is time historians give him credit where credit is due.
Kennedy's use of covert operations to effect political change turned into complete disasters.

#1) Bay of Pigs in Cuba

#2) Covert operations in Vietnam
I was writing to that about the time that you were. We think alike on many issues, yet we come from opposite backgrounds. I applaud you again for being correct.
You have the nerve to talk about the evils of radical Islam, and then propose one nation commit genocide on another at the behest of the United States? Are you out of your mind?

You don't think supporting such an act might create more resentment towards our nation in the Middle East, which would lead to more acts of violence against us such as the Iranian Hostage Crisis and 9/11?

What a great idea.

You're talking to a bible thumper. Your opinion will never be worth more than the almighty's.
You're talking to a bible thumper. Your opinion will never be worth more than the almighty's.
If you are talking about me being a Bible thumper, you are only partially correct. I will post articles about the Bible and what prophecy says, because the Fundamentalist Christians need their viewpoint expressed, and most of them are not too good at that.

I am a Christian, but I will not argue Christian Dogma with anybody. To argue, you have to be convinced that you are right in what you believe.

I have never become absolutely convinced that I am right about anything that I believe. I just know that I want to believe that God has forgiven me of my past sin (and I had quite a little bit of that in my youth, after all I was a sailor BEFORE I converted to Christianity.) and that if I do wrong, I can confess my wrongdoing before God and ask for his forgivness and guidance and it will be granted.

Beyond that, I do not ask for much from God, but the opportunity to live in the Wisconsis Dells after I die. I really don't want to go play a harp in heaven. I want to go fishing and hunting and planting and gathering like the Indians used to before the white man came over from Europe and screwed everything up over here. Well, I might add that if God would grant me a cute Squaw to help me during the day and to be my companion during the night, I would be most happy.

And, God if she was really pretty and kept her youth for all eternity that would be great, too. And God, let her be ever cuddly affectionate and have a nice disposition and that would be great, too. Then, it would Really be heaven.

As you can see I have made tremendous progress having come from a family of atheists/agnostics. My Father was an atheist when he was really drunk and an agnostic when he was not drinking. My mother was kicked out of the Catholic Church because she married my father, and she never went back. With a background like that, it is a miracle that I have any faith at all.
I really don't want to bother God too much with requests about living in the Wisconsis Dells after I die, but I occasionally ask that my Squaw look just like Natalie Wood when she played Maria in the movie version of West Side Story.

I mean, God is God and He can do anything, so my requests are minor. Right?
Kennedy, everything you write is wrong.

My Gawd, man, read the Constitution. The President is Commander in Chief regardless of declaration of war. To engage in covert action there is absolutely no need to declare War. That makes a public spectacle of the covert action.

"The Congress shall have power... To declare War..." - U.S. Constitution, Article 1 Section 8

"The President is to be commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United States. In this respect his authority would be nominally the same with that of the king of Great Britain, but in substance much inferior to it. It would amount to nothing more than the supreme command and direction of the military and naval forces, as first General an admiral of the Confederacy; while that of the British king extends to the declaring of war and to the raising and regulating of fleets and armies--all of which, by the Constitution under consideration, would appertain to the legislature." - Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Papers

Alexander Hamilton was known to support a powerful federal government, and a powerful President, but even he knew that under the Constitution that the President did not have the power to declare war on anyone. Hamilton knew that the President did not inherit his powers as commander-in-chief until an official Declaration of War was made by Congress.
"The Congress shall have power... To declare War..." - U.S. Constitution, Article 1 Section 8

"The President is to be commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United States. In this respect his authority would be nominally the same with that of the king of Great Britain, but in substance much inferior to it. It would amount to nothing more than the supreme command and direction of the military and naval forces, as first General an admiral of the Confederacy; while that of the British king extends to the declaring of war and to the raising and regulating of fleets and armies--all of which, by the Constitution under consideration, would appertain to the legislature." - Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Papers

Alexander Hamilton was known to support a powerful federal government, and a powerful President, but even he knew that under the Constitution that the President did not have the power to declare war on anyone. Hamilton knew that the President did not inherit his powers as commander-in-chief until an official Declaration of War was made by Congress.

Total nonsense from you. You will need to do a lot more study than quoting a man who wasn't even a natural born citizen of this country. Now if he had made that statement while serving on the Supreme Court of the United States, He might have some credence to his statement. To me, it is just the rantings of a man with a good mind for finance but a totally useless mind for interpretation of the Constitution.

How about trying an interpretation of the Supreme Court. The POTUS is Commander in Chief regardless of war or peace. That is his title. Meanwhile we do not need to declare war to fight against another country. A declaration of war is an outdated accomodation for custom and is not a necessity for the use of Force. Amen!
Well thank goodness for people like you who are able to tell us what parts of the Constitution are outdated! Perhaps freedom of speech or the right to bear arms are outdated as well? What do you think?

I don't think it's total nonsense when the Constitution explicitly states something, and one of the members of the Constitutional Convention makes the exact same claim.

It's funny that you think Hamilton had a useless mind for the interpretation of the Constitution, because it is his interpretation of the Constitution that we have the misfortune of living under today. It are his interpretations of the Constitution that have been the basis for "constitutional law" since the Supreme Court has been established. This man began subverting the Constitution from the very beginning, but one of the few things he does get right you pass off as outdated and that he had a "useless mind" for the interpretation of the Constitution. You should be praising the spirit of Alexander Hamilton for the limitless power the federal government has today, because he's the man that made it all possible. Without him we'd be living in Jefferson's country.
Kennedy you do not know what you are writing about. Read some fundamental history of the founding father period of American History. Until then, you come across as a Radical Islamic pretending to be an American with the assumed name of an American President. No American could be as uneducated as you are about Hamilton, who wasn't even born here.
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