We know what happened with Paul Pelosi

You've been hoaxed within a hoax!

There is a photo of the Pelosi home in this link. Please point out this imaginary insurmountable wall.

Fair enough the wall doesn't exist. But here's what does exist. The real irony that you would complain about viral facts whether they be true or not despite the fact that you have been an avid fan of false and fake news for the past 6 to 8 years and have been completely silent about it. Chew on your own medicine for a while. You don't like what's happening? Tough shit. It was only a matter of time before the left's own modus operandi turned around to bite them in the ass. Regardless of what happens at the trial a large percentage of people will walk away with the impression that Paul Pelosi hired a prostitute and failed to pay. Decades from now the story will still be intact regardless of what happens in court. The left invented this bullshit now they can live with it. Normally I would be repulsed by the inferences of falseness but in this case I'm all for it. What goes around comes around.


Fair enough the wall doesn't exist. But here's what does exist. The real irony that you would complain about viral facts whether they be true or not despite the fact that you have been an avid fan of false and fake news for the past 6 to 8 years and have been completely silent about it.
What false and fake news have I been an avid fan of?

What level of insanity like this homoerotic fantasy you all fell for comes even close?

Please respond soon. My next shift on the Jewish space laser is about to begin.

You simply have no excuse for swallowing a bullshit fantasy concocted within hours of the Pelosi attack out of thin air.

The claim the window was broken from the inside has been obliterated.

And when the security videos and body cam footage are released after the court proceedings wrap up, you are going to find every last shred of this horseshit blows up in your face.

You simply did not ask the most basic of critical thinking questions. You did not exercise a single independent thought whatsoever.
Here is what is going to happen.

1. DePape is going to plead guilty. He has already confessed. His defense team may attempt a plea of mental defect, but it won't fly.

2. Since DePape's victim was a high profile person, DePape's confession was probably recorded.

3. After the court proceedings, the police body cam footage, and maybe even the Capitol police security footage, will be released to the public.

And then this whole stupid fucking manufactured bullshit homoerotic conspiracy theory will implode spectacularly.

Then not one parroting dumb fuck will admit they were really fucking stupid to fall for it. They will already be back in line to be fed more bullshit about the next hoax.

This is a 100 percent solid gold guarantee.
What false and fake news have I been an avid fan of?

What level of insanity like this homoerotic fantasy you all fell for comes even close?

Please respond soon. My next shift on the Jewish space laser is about to begin.

You simply have no excuse for swallowing a bullshit fantasy concocted within hours of the Pelosi attack out of thin air.

The claim the window was broken from the inside has been obliterated.

And when the security videos and body cam footage are released after the court proceedings wrap up, you are going to find every last shred of this horseshit blows up in your face.

You simply did not ask the most basic of critical thinking questions. You did not exercise a single independent thought whatsoever.
How does it feel? Exactly what you've been doing for the past 6 years.
Here is what is going to happen.

1. DePape is going to plead guilty. He has already confessed. His defense team may attempt a plea of mental defect, but it won't fly.

2. Since DePape's victim was a high profile person, DePape's confession was probably recorded.

3. After the court proceedings, the police body cam footage, and maybe even the Capitol police security footage, will be released to the public.

And then this whole stupid fucking manufactured bullshit homoerotic conspiracy theory will implode spectacularly.

Then not one parroting dumb fuck will admit they were really fucking stupid to fall for it. They will already be back in line to be fed more bullshit about the next hoax.

This is a 100 percent solid gold guarantee.
If it blows up it blows up....
I'm really unconcerned about it.
I'm also convinced that we will never know the complete truth.
The fun part here is watching it all take off in the other direction for a change. And you have me all wrong... I have no problems admitting when I've been duped.
I take my lumps and move on.
I will not be the hindered nor will I be embarrassed. I usually am quite a bit more careful but really why is there any need to be? People are no longer concerned with the facts and they haven't been for quite some time. As a dedicated member of the leftist community You should already know that. The impressions are afoot and they cannot be reeled back in.
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PROPAGANDIST: We know the window was broken from the inside because there is glass on the outside. Therefore, Depape was Pelosi's gay prostitute! QED! Hoorah! We are deductive geniuses, ain't we?

TARD: Hmmm...I wonder if there are photos of burglaries where they broke in through a glass window so I can see if any glass fell on the outside.

Never occurred to 'em!

Took me less than a MINUTE to find burglary photos of smashed glass.

Another minute to find videos of guys smashing glass windows.

Not a single independent thought in the entire parroting credulous tard herd.

Your idiot propagandists have as much criminal knowledge as an Encyclopedia Brown minute mystery.
So, the feds caught in ANOTHER lie to cover for the Democrat Party.

Kinda makes you wonder about honest elections, don't it.

Look how easy it is for them to sacrifice a nobody to protect the politically connected
PROPAGANDIST: We know the window was broken from the inside because there is glass on the outside. Therefore, Depape was Pelosi's gay prostitute! QED! Hoorah! We are deductive geniuses, ain't we?

TARD: Hmmm...I wonder if there are photos of burglaries where they broke in through a glass window so I can see if any glass fell on the outside.

Never occurred to 'em!

Took me less than a MINUTE to find burglary photos of smashed glass.

Another minute to find videos of guys smashing glass windows.

Not a single independent thought in the entire parroting credulous tard herd.

Your idiot propagandists have as much criminal knowledge as an Encyclopedia Brown minute mystery.
Odd that you would condemn
What has become a standard left-wing tactic. You would have more credibility if you were even handed. But wait we're not done with this yet. There are a lot of unanswered questions here and I suspect we'll all have to wait for them to be answered.
So, the feds caught in ANOTHER lie to cover for the Democrat Party.

Kinda makes you wonder about honest elections, don't it.

You skipped this entire topic, didn't you.


Well, I'm off to start some wildfires with the Jewish space laser. Good night.
Good luck with your spin.
The part that gets me about the self-righteous jackass is not the fact that he may have actually stated some pertinent facts here but the the idea that he's indignant about what might be some false news is absolutely hilarious. After the most monumental collection of lies and falsehoods that has ever hit the nation in its entire history over the past 6 years was perpetrated by the left someone like this jackass has no right to open his mouth at all.
Odd that you would condemn
What has become a standard left-wing tactic. You would have more credibility if you were even handed. But wait we're not done with this yet. There are a lot of unanswered questions here and I suspect we'll all have to wait for them to be answered.
All right, this will be my last post for the night.

I have explained why I do what I do several times, but once more won't hurt.

If my neighbor took in an asshole and that asshole shit on my neighbor's furniture, I would not think very highly of that person at all.

But if I took in some asshole into MY house, and that asshole shit all over MY furniture, I would have a much more angry reaction.

That's what is going on with me. My Republican party took in a fuckload of psychos, liars, hypocrites, retards, and bigots. They have ruined MY party.

So, yeah. I'm not even-handed. For good reason. If the Dems want to fuck up their party, I hold to that old adage, "Never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself."

I am doing my damndest to stop MY party from destroying itself.

I have pretty much given up hope, though. I quit the GOP when Trump was elected. He delivered the kill stroke to the conservative movement.

One more thing. Even if I did attempt to be even-handed, the right wing manufactures more bullshit per acre than the Dems can even dream of.

So I would still be debunking far more right wing hoaxes than left wing hoaxes.

I can give you a list of right wing hoaxes, and challenge you to match it with left wing hoaxes if you wish.

I'll check back tomorrow.
I'm a former lifelong Republican and now a registered Independent.

Keep running, chickenshits! :lol:

You can't put your idiot reputations where your mouths are.

Wouldn't you love to put me in my place?

You're a Demo socialist. Always have been
All right, this will be my last post for the night.

I have explained why I do what I do several times, but once more won't hurt.

If my neighbor took in an asshole and that asshole shit on my neighbor's furniture, I would not think very highly of that person at all.

But if I took in some asshole into MY house, and that asshole shit all over MY furniture, I would have a much more angry reaction.

That's what is going on with me. My Republican party took in a fuckload of psychos, liars, hypocrites, retards, and bigots. They have ruined MY party.

So, yeah. I'm not even-handed. For good reason. If the Dems want to fuck up their party, I hold to that old adage, "Never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself."

I am doing my damndest to stop MY party from destroying itself.

I have pretty much given up hope, though. I quit the GOP when Trump was elected. He delivered the kill stroke to the conservative movement.

One more thing. Even if I did attempt to be even-handed, the right wing manufactures more bullshit per acre than the Dems can even dream of.

So I would still be debunking far more right wing hoaxes than left wing hoaxes.

I can give you a list of right wing hoaxes, and challenge you to match it with left wing hoaxes if you wish.

I'll check back tomorrow.
I don't usually get involved in these things and I usually am more careful about checking my info. There's no need to run up any lists The fact remains that you have a dual standard. I don't have to argue with you I'm pretty sure you already know that. If as the information suggests this turns out to be and overblown media hoax It will just be standard fare what has become our accepted mode of public dissemination. Generalization and broad brushing never really hit the mark. What does is the honest confession that this is done widely on both sides and continues to do its damage.
Seriously. Think about it.

None of you thought to look at burglary photos of broken windows to see if the hoax was true.

The entire gay prostitute homoerotic fantasy was built on that lie.

None of you thought to look at a photo of Pelosi's house to see if it really is completely surrounded by a 13 foot wall.

Are you not even the slightest bit embarrassed by that?

No, you get pissed instead. Because your egos can't handle that you allowed yourself to be hoaxed yet AGAIN! And so you stick to this bullshit to the death.

That's really fucking pathetic. And sad. And destructive to your mental health.

Note: justoffal did not get pissed about the wall thing. He manned up. Respect!

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