We are witnessing the invention of the "bloodbath" hoax in real-time Unfortunately for them, we have the facts!

Another total Very Fake News hoax by the idiots in the media.

He was talking specifically about allowing China to build car plants in Mexico and allowing them to import into the U.S. , that it would be a blood bath for the US car industry if Biden wins and allows that to happen.

Well fuckup, why did the former fuckup’s trade pact between Canada and Mexico allow Ghina to send parts to those countries, assembling there and export vehicles to the US sidestepping quotas.

Because he is a fuckup
What people do not understand is that Democrat Neo-Marxist efforts allpwing China more manufacturing power and the U.S. losing it now places the U.S. in a perilous position.
America is no longer a manufacturing country. It shows us all when we cannot supply those we call allies with the ammo they need.

Hi boys and girls. Today’s subject is double entendres. These are words or phrases with more than one meaning. For the men, when a friend tried to set you up with a girl and said she had a great personality, you knew she wasn’t the most attractive woman around.

Trump constantly using the words blood bath is not accidental. It isn’t normally a word used to describe economic collapse. But again it has more than one meaning doesn’t it?

Like the Mafia downplaying criminal conspiracy they claim they intended the slang to mean the innocuous definition instead of the criminal one.

Those who are afraid that Trump’s rhetoric might frighten off more moderate potential voters are always quick to rush out and explain his outrageous statements and promises, didn’t mean what he said. He didn’t mean he would really be a dictator, he was just joking. And besides, he said he would only do it for day one.

Personally. I figure we have two possible outcomes from this election. If Trump is elected we have a dictatorship in the making. If Biden wins we will have a rebellion.
If Screaming *Joe wins conservatives will or pissed for a while then go back to laughing at him and his voters.
If Trump wins the leftist blue cities will burn and all you leftards will be in hysterics for four years.
Now here is what Trump's actually words he SAID after which the BIASED and dishonest MSM makes this the below headlines.

“We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars if I get elected,” Trump said. "Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s gonna be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars. They’re building massive factories."
Now I watched Trump's actual words in this video from X (Twitter) and the context was in conjunction with China financing construction of gigantic auto making plants in Mexico.
NOTE: Not one major MSM, NBC,CBS,ABC, put the term "bloodbath" in context...i.e. if Trump's not elected.. a " It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it."... meaning economically! But dummies like the Democrat backed MSM in an effort to BIAS the story don't tell the whole context!

Major U.S. automakers have warned that Chinese cars could spell doom for their own prospects, among them Elon Musk's Tesla.
Last month, Tesla's chief executive predicted that Chinese automakers will "demolish" global rivals without trade barriers.
Musk's view is echoed by a leading advocacy group.
"The introduction of cheap Chinese autos – which are so inexpensive because they are backed with the power and funding of the Chinese government – to the American market could end up being an extinction-level event for the U.S. auto sector," according to a forthcoming report by the group Alliance for American Manufacturing.
This was what Trump was alluding to in his "bloodbath" context because without electing Trump, Biden and the anti-American Democrats would WELCOME Chinese EV car makers as it would do what Biden wants and the BIASED MSM doesn't share with Americans!
Biden's guarantee to " I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

Just remember ... the biased MSM conflates Trump's "bloodbath" with violence if Biden is re-elected... WHICH IS A LIE!
Trump was speaking about if the Chinese build these auto plants it will be a "bloodbath" in terms of American economy! Total FACT!
Trump would put a 100% tariff on the Chinese autos which would obviously be paid for by Americans who stupidly buy these Chinese made EVs.

Who pays the tariff fuckup.

A bloodbath is often referred to as an economic disaster, which is what President Trump was referring to in his speech. President Trump was discussing the Automobile industry and referred to the future of the automobile industry as a bloodbath if he were to not be re-elected.

Well fuckup, why did the former fuckup’s trade pact between Canada and Mexico allow Ghina to send parts to those countries, assembling there and export vehicles to the US sidestepping quotas.

Because he is a fuckup
It took many decades for us to lose our manufacturing. To get it to return is not a simple thing. Tariffs are one of the solutions. And doing the things that need to e done in a process that may be slow as the process of manufacturing employment to leave was.

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