“We are fighting for the gay community, & we are fighting and fighting hard,” Donald Trump told a Log Cabin Republicans gala

Oh, I think we have you pegged, which is likely your hobby as well.
Are you related to Cartman and always wondering why everything in this episode is either going in or coming out yer azz?
If Trump does not deploy 'Gay Ron' against Desantis within the next 6 months his campaign will be in serious danger

I don't know who is more full of shit. Trump or the Log Cabin Republicans

Cowardly Log Cabin Republicans Finally Admit Truth: Donald Trump Is A Menace To LGBT Rights | HuffPost Voices (10/2016)
Then in 2019:

What the fuck is goig on here ? Neither Trump or the LCRs give a shit about the LGBT community. It looks like they are all just trying to dupe conservative LGBT suporters who might think that anti gay policies are a deal breaker, into voting Republican

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