We are draining the swamp, despite the media's obsession with nonsense.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Trump is doing a great job, and doing exactly what he was elected to do.

"The Trump administration has shed nearly 11,000 federal employees during its first six months, reversing a two year trend of gains throughout the executive branch.

"A July jobs report released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics Friday showed non-postal federal agencies employed 2,188,900 workers at the end of the month, down 2,200 from June and 10,700 from January, when Trump took office. President Trump has prioritized shrinking the civilian workforce, issuing an executive order — and follow up guidance through the Office of Management and Budget — calling on agencies to develop short and long-term strategies to cut employees. Agencies turned in preliminary drafts for those plans on June 30, which also required leaders to spell out what steps they have already taken to trim their rolls."

Trump Administration, Reversing Trend, Sheds 11,000 Federal Employees in Six Months

Trump and his entire admin are the fucking swamp! wake the fuck up.

All Trump is doing is destroying everything that helps people and turning this country into a third world shit hole.

No, Obama turned us into a third world shithole by importing criminals and encouraging them to riot, loot, get welfare, and vote.

Trump is reversing that.

"Over the past two years there were a total of 50K federal workers added to the previous staffing levels in 2015 and 2016. Barack Obama added 60K in his first six months in office and George W. Bush inflated the rolls by 36K during the same period of his first term. This shrinkage is fairly remarkable.

"Think of this in terms of the federal debt and deficit. The debt continues to go up and we’ve become so accustomed to Washington’s profligate spending habits that we actually consider it a victory if the deficit goes down a little. (In other words, we’re still falling further into debt, just not quite as quickly.) The last time we actually came up with a surplus and lowered the debt, many of our youngest readers probably weren’t even born yet. But this isn’t a case of simply growing the federal workforce more slowly and calling it a win. We’ve actually turned the ship around and headed in the other direction."

Swamp drainage update: Guess how many federal jobs we've cut in six months? - Hot Air
Goldman Sachs is still all up in the white house, same as it ever was, same as it would have been with Hilary.

Trump and his entire admin are the fucking swamp! wake the fuck up.

All Trump is doing is destroying everything that helps people and turning this country into a third world shit hole.

Sounds like the death cries of a swamp leech being left high and dry to me?

Yup. One of those "women and children" on welfare and foodstamps the left is so concerned about.

Hey wait a minute...you say science is a 40 year old deadbeat daddy who lives off his girlfriend's welfare check? Of course he is.
Trump is doing a great job, and doing exactly what he was elected to do.

"The Trump administration has shed nearly 11,000 federal employees during its first six months, reversing a two year trend of gains throughout the executive branch.

"A July jobs report released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics Friday showed non-postal federal agencies employed 2,188,900 workers at the end of the month, down 2,200 from June and 10,700 from January, when Trump took office. President Trump has prioritized shrinking the civilian workforce, issuing an executive order — and follow up guidance through the Office of Management and Budget — calling on agencies to develop short and long-term strategies to cut employees. Agencies turned in preliminary drafts for those plans on June 30, which also required leaders to spell out what steps they have already taken to trim their rolls."

Trump Administration, Reversing Trend, Sheds 11,000 Federal Employees in Six Months

Obviously, those who are in favor of his wholesale firing are not one of those 11K who are now on applying for unemployment. Next stop Food Stamps.

The poster above is correct - Trump IS the swamp. All you have to do is look at who benefits from his actions, and its not the working class.
Trump is doing a great job, and doing exactly what he was elected to do.

"The Trump administration has shed nearly 11,000 federal employees during its first six months, reversing a two year trend of gains throughout the executive branch.

"A July jobs report released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics Friday showed non-postal federal agencies employed 2,188,900 workers at the end of the month, down 2,200 from June and 10,700 from January, when Trump took office. President Trump has prioritized shrinking the civilian workforce, issuing an executive order — and follow up guidance through the Office of Management and Budget — calling on agencies to develop short and long-term strategies to cut employees. Agencies turned in preliminary drafts for those plans on June 30, which also required leaders to spell out what steps they have already taken to trim their rolls."

Trump Administration, Reversing Trend, Sheds 11,000 Federal Employees in Six Months
Still pushing those lies I see.
First of all Obama created more jobs his last 6 months than Trump did his first 6 months.

Trump Is Failing As A Jobs President As Obama Created More Jobs Last June

How Trump compares with Obama so far on jobs

And everyone knows the pussygrabber is stocking the swamp with wall st. types. 189 of his appointments have been directly from the swamp but the dumb ass political chic believes everything the pathological liar tells her..
All Trump is doing is destroying everything that helps people and turning this country into a third world shit hole.
Incorrect moron. ... :cuckoo:

Obozo did his best to destroy the country and ruin the military.

Our beloved Pres. Trump is restoring the nation back to its former glory.

Thank you Mr. President .... :thup:
Former glory by creating less jobs than Obama?
Trump is doing a great job, and doing exactly what he was elected to do.

"The Trump administration has shed nearly 11,000 federal employees during its first six months, reversing a two year trend of gains throughout the executive branch.

"A July jobs report released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics Friday showed non-postal federal agencies employed 2,188,900 workers at the end of the month, down 2,200 from June and 10,700 from January, when Trump took office. President Trump has prioritized shrinking the civilian workforce, issuing an executive order — and follow up guidance through the Office of Management and Budget — calling on agencies to develop short and long-term strategies to cut employees. Agencies turned in preliminary drafts for those plans on June 30, which also required leaders to spell out what steps they have already taken to trim their rolls."

Trump Administration, Reversing Trend, Sheds 11,000 Federal Employees in Six Months

Obviously, those who are in favor of his wholesale firing are not one of those 11K who are now on applying for unemployment. Next stop Food Stamps.

The poster above is correct - Trump IS the swamp. All you have to do is look at who benefits from his actions, and its not the working class.

Nope, not so.

The swamp are the worthless minions who are paid by the government to suck money from the working class.

The working class are the welfare recipients who are forced onto welfare by progressive policies that have destroyed the economy and industry.

Who are now going back to work. Fire all the feds. And get rid of foodstamps altogether. That's the best thing you can do for the working class.
As we speak, the feds are moving towards eliminating able bodied losers from the foodstamp rolls.

It is AWESOME. Hopefully, all the mentally ill and homeless losers who currently are flooding Oregon because of our "sanctuary" status, mild weather (on the coast) and public lands will head down to California. I'm sick of them.
Notice you didn't compare same time period in the presidency. Lol
Trump is doing a great job, and doing exactly what he was elected to do.

"The Trump administration has shed nearly 11,000 federal employees during its first six months, reversing a two year trend of gains throughout the executive branch.

"A July jobs report released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics Friday showed non-postal federal agencies employed 2,188,900 workers at the end of the month, down 2,200 from June and 10,700 from January, when Trump took office. President Trump has prioritized shrinking the civilian workforce, issuing an executive order — and follow up guidance through the Office of Management and Budget — calling on agencies to develop short and long-term strategies to cut employees. Agencies turned in preliminary drafts for those plans on June 30, which also required leaders to spell out what steps they have already taken to trim their rolls."

Trump Administration, Reversing Trend, Sheds 11,000 Federal Employees in Six Months
Still pushing those lies I see.
First of all Obama created more jobs his last 6 months than Trump did his first 6 months.

Trump Is Failing As A Jobs President As Obama Created More Jobs Last June

How Trump compares with Obama so far on jobs

And everyone knows the pussygrabber is stocking the swamp with wall st. types. 189 of his appointments have been directly from the swamp but the dumb ass political chic believes everything the pathological liar tells her..
People started hiring at the end of Obama's reign because they knew he was leaving and the market was going to improve.
Under Trump, Coal Mining Gets New Life on U.S. Lands

Jobs. Jobless and under-achieving lefties hate the coal industry, because it will allow rural people to again support themselves and take control of their kids' education again...and the welfare recipients of the cities will no longer be able to justify their sneering commentary about "white trash" rural people.

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