We are all gods children including trans people and our Lord Jesus loves everyone.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
I’ve always stood up for equal rights unlike those who stand up for racist job quotas.

I don’t believe that children should be able to get a sex change. Even if their parents approve of it it’s not right. But if somebody is an adult and they want a sex change that’s their right. God will judge the situation not us human beings.

Furthermore I was helped out by a trans person at big lots today. I’m disabled and this translady Natalie went way out of their way to help me. So you know I owe it to her I owe it to her to make this thread.

God bless us all thank you
I’ve always stood up for equal rights unlike those who stand up for racist job quotas.

I don’t believe that children should be able to get a sex change. Even if their parents approve of it it’s not right. But if somebody is an adult and they want a sex change that’s their right. God will judge the situation not us human beings.

Furthermore I was helped out by a trans person at big lots today. I’m disabled and this translady Natalie went way out of their way to help me. So you know I owe it to her I owe it to her to make this thread.

God bless us all thank you
Frankly, no one is supposed to care what you or any other human thinks. We are to apprehend what GOD thinks or may think about a given situation/problem/issue.

It is very bad to hate what God has created, esp vis a vis human beings who are created in His image.. "male and female He created them..."

to want to be something you are not means you hate yourself, to one degree or another (except in the case of trying to overcome your vile human nature to become a better, more Christ-centered person).

A man cannot become a woman. A woman can never become a man. Trying just makes a fool out of a person. . something the devil loves to do
Indeed. God loves us all. It is up to us to earn our wings. Hating others who have no harmed us is not ethical. Protecting the vulnerable is of course.
those who do not believe in mangling nature to become something we are not

are not haters

so there's that
those who do not believe in mangling nature to become something we are not

are not haters

so there's that
But it was our Lord who said he who is without sin cast the first stone. Well I believe that we should love everyone even though so we consider our enemy. That’s in the Bible. Well more so this is what our Lord Jesus preached. I’m not here trying to get out some moral high horse I’m just providing my opinion like you are.
And I stand by what I said that trans men should not be allowed to compete in women’s sports because they have a physical edge. So I see nothing wrong with what I said. You know America claims to be a Christian country why is our government legalizing marijuana and selling it to children. Why do Republicans approve of this ?

I also have said I disapprove Black Lives Matter and I will disagree with a group called white lives matter. So I see nothing wrong with what I said and I imagined 99% of conservatives would agree with me.
those who do not believe in mangling nature to become something we are not

are not haters

so there's that
Are you against people getting tattoos because I heard the Bible says that we should not. I don’t have any tattoos but I’m not gonna judge people who have tattoos. I’ll leave that up to Jesus.
Frankly, no one is supposed to care what you or any other human thinks. We are to apprehend what GOD thinks or may think about a given situation/problem/issue.

It is very bad to hate what God has created, esp vis a vis human beings who are created in His image.. "male and female He created them..."

to want to be something you are not means you hate yourself, to one degree or another (except in the case of trying to overcome your vile human nature to become a better, more Christ-centered person).

A man cannot become a woman. A woman can never become a man. Trying just makes a fool out of a person. . something the devil loves to do
I disagree. I always believe in treating people politely. It’s very important to care about what other people think. I care about what others think about what I say. I care about a white man who might get passed up for a promotion because of some insane racial job quota. I care about some starving child in Africa. I know you do too so it’s probably just a slight disagreement and communication issue to my friend. Thank you for your post
I’ve always stood up for equal rights unlike those who stand up for racist job quotas.

I don’t believe that children should be able to get a sex change. Even if their parents approve of it it’s not right. But if somebody is an adult and they want a sex change that’s their right. God will judge the situation not us human beings.

Furthermore I was helped out by a trans person at big lots today. I’m disabled and this translady Natalie went way out of their way to help me. So you know I owe it to her I owe it to her to make this thread.

God bless us all thank you

And we pretty much agree with you until someone harms a child.

And the Lord knows when He's looking at a demon.

I don’t think there’s any Republican on this form who would actually go up to the face of an LGBT person and called him a freak. And I’ve never believed in talking like that to any person at all. You can look at my post history I’ve always said I stand for equal rights for everyone I think pretty much all Democrats and Republicans agree we should have equal rights for everyone. They just go about different ways of expressing themselves in support of the quality.

And we pretty much agree with you until someone harms a child.

And the Lord knows when He's looking at a demon.

In that case we don’t happen to have a disagreement. Because I said I don’t believe children should be able to get sex change operations. And I don’t believe that children should be groomed by anyone. So I don’t see any disagreement.
I’ve always stood up for equal rights unlike those who stand up for racist job quotas.

I don’t believe that children should be able to get a sex change. Even if their parents approve of it it’s not right. But if somebody is an adult and they want a sex change that’s their right. God will judge the situation not us human beings.

Furthermore I was helped out by a trans person at big lots today. I’m disabled and this translady Natalie went way out of their way to help me. So you know I owe it to her I owe it to her to make this thread.

God bless us all thank you
See "Sodom & Gomorrah" for understanding of the most high God's feelings on the topic! Thats not me judging anyone, its just me pointing out the indisputable, and its indisputable to a believer as to just what took place at Sodom & Gomorrah, and why!
God said man and woman... if he had no problem with transgenderism he would have said so.... sure he loves you but he doesn't love sin... so be humble and sorry when you meet the lord....
In that case we don’t happen to have a disagreement. Because I said I don’t believe children should be able to get sex change operations. And I don’t believe that children should be groomed by anyone. So I don’t see any disagreement.
Can you include the grooming of children to believe in a religion before they are old enough to make up their own minds?

If you can't then is that because there's a risk involved?
For a God that supposedly LOVES us all, that deity’s actions seem to be terribly hypocritical, or at least incredibly inconsistent.
For a God that supposedly LOVES us all, that deity’s actions seem to be terribly hypocritical, or at least incredibly inconsistent.
Rambunctious is religion's most adamant spokesperson.

May I please as an atheist, claim everything he doesn't stand for?
But it was our Lord who said he who is without sin cast the first stone. Well I believe that we should love everyone even though so we consider our enemy. That’s in the Bible. Well more so this is what our Lord Jesus preached. I’m not here trying to get out some moral high horse I’m just providing my opinion like you are.
No, I am not interested in humans' opinions unless their opinions line up with TRUTH and reality aka Christ and His teachings.

The Catholic Church has always taught that mutilating yourself is a mortal sin (who knows what Francis teaches on the topic... he's not Catholic, NOT the pope)

In any case, no true Christian can condone transgendering.

I know... Who cares what God thinks?

not many, apparently. I tend to think more people are going to Hell during this terrible time in history than ever before... and Jesus said 2000 years ago that most people do go to Hell... seems things are 10 times worse than they were back then...


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