We all know that Trump is wanting an impeachment charge...give it to him Nancy

The fact that you're pretending we don't have a legitimate president
Who's pretending? He was elected by a hostile foreign government.

Where is the proof. They don’t have any.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Damn I'm getting tired of saying this:

Read The Report.
These people are so boring. They don't say anything. Shit, you and I could debate our own agreed upon argument, find something we do not agree on and a have a more intelligent debate than these Trump clowns. They have absolutely nothing to contribute or debate to the topic. They post up a bunch of brain dead shit that is worthless. We are dealing with a sack full of losers.

I would like to thank all of you for speaking up. Sometimes it feels like I am alone on this. They try and wear down anyone that doesn't toe the party line and just repeat their slogans no matter how insane that slogan is. Once they figure out that they can't get away with this, maybe USMB can get back to being a decent place to have decent discussion. But not until.
Best post I have seen on this forum to date. And I can promise you, if I have the time, wearing them down is my pleasure. It's not hard to do. You have to fight for what is right. It's why I put up with so much of their bs. There's nothing quite like humiliating a bunch of dishonest, lying, unprepared, ignorant, trolls who can't debate past their last fart. They are disgusting, and quite frankly, a danger to this country with all their falsehoods and dangerous ideology that threatens the core fabric of what this country and its founding stands for. Damn them to hell for those who go against it, so bring it on assholes of the world. We're waiting for you sorry ass traitors who will lick Trump's crack, just to defy the rule of law and the Constitution. No decent American is quitting on its country to cowtail to a bunch of Trump criminals and their complicit coward base. That much I can promise you. My family is worth fighting for to maintain what they have, and to achieve better things for them. And these ass holes aren't taking it away.
Trump didn't work or earn a penny. His father gave him $419 million dollars and he pissed it all away on failed real estate operations and gambling casinos. while still stealing from others. Went bankrupt, then started borrowing money overseas. Trump has been a thief, a tax cheat, and a loser his whole life using other people's money.

Delusion reigns.
You're a liar and a coward who debates nothing. Get lost. I've talked to too many losers like you already today.

Awww, giving up already? I notice there's still no attempt on your part to actually debate. But hey, keep trying, you might get there some day.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Give up on what? You haven't said anything. Who wants to debate nothing? Which is what you provide.

Just working with what you give me.
"What I gave you" ? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: No shit! And that's been the whole point. I'm the only one giving. You aren't providing shit. As a matter of fact, every argument that is presented to these Toads is usually accompanied by a link that is either ignored or dismissed. What the hell do you produce besides nothing? Can you do anything with this; ]Trump didn't work or earn a penny. His father gave him $419 million dollars and he pissed it all away on failed real estate operations and gambling casinos. while still stealing from others. Went bankrupt, then started borrowing money overseas. Trump has been a thief, a tax cheat, and a loser his whole life using other people's money.[/QUOTE]? Hell no! I can create a link of each of those proving my point. Can you produce links that can debunk them? Hell no! So no, you aren't working with anything.
The fact that you're pretending we don't have a legitimate president
Who's pretending? He was elected by a hostile foreign government.

Where is the proof. They don’t have any.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Damn I'm getting tired of saying this:

Read The Report.
These people are so boring. They don't say anything. Shit, you and I could debate our own agreed upon argument, find something we do not agree on and a have a more intelligent debate than these Trump clowns. They have absolutely nothing to contribute or debate relating to the topic. They post up a bunch of brain dead shit that is worthless. We are dealing with a sack full of losers.
Those 12 killed in Virginia were losers. Prog losers. They arrested the Prog Pakland Cop loser who did nothing to stop the Prog kid who killed the Prog kid losers at that high school. There is being a loser and then there is being a loser. I am still betting the Vegas killer was a Prog Antifa nut and the government does not want to say anything. I have been on and read threads from many forus ver the years. Progs don't debate. They try to turn others into their way of thinking. When you ask a question about their agendas or anything of interest the response comes back quickly. Your agendas hurt yourselves. There are reasons for misogyny. One of them is a mother can cause it. And since Progs have extremist feminist mothers, well not every son becomes a ballerina. Its not just the deplorable people you know. Anyway Vegas should take odds on the next tragedy and how many deaths. We do know there is a 95% chance it will be in a Prog area. Oh, lets all pray to gaia that plagues start in L.A. Ahhh..to be at war with each other is fun.
The fact that you're pretending we don't have a legitimate president
Who's pretending? He was elected by a hostile foreign government.

Where is the proof. They don’t have any.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Damn I'm getting tired of saying this:

Read The Report.
These people are so boring. They don't say anything. Shit, you and I could debate our own agreed upon argument, find something we do not agree on and a have a more intelligent debate than these Trump clowns. They have absolutely nothing to contribute or debate relating to the topic. They post up a bunch of brain dead shit that is worthless. We are dealing with a sack full of losers.
Those 12 killed in Virginia were losers. Prog losers. They arrested the Prog Pakland Cop loser who did nothing to stop the Prog kid who killed the Prog kid losers at that high school. There is being a loser and then there is being a loser. I am still betting the Vegas killer was a Prog Antifa nut and the government does not want to say anything. I have been on and read threads from many forus ver the years. Progs don't debate. They try to turn others into their way of thinking. When you ask a question about their agendas or anything of interest the response comes back quickly. Your agendas hurt yourselves. There are reasons for misogyny. One of them is a mother can cause it. And since Progs have extremist feminist mothers, well not every son becomes a ballerina. Its not just the deplorable people you know. Anyway Vegas should take odds on the next tragedy and how many deaths. We do know there is a 95% chance it will be in a Prog area. Oh, lets all pray to gaia that plagues start in L.A. Ahhh..to be at war with each other is fun.
Wow dude, you are really fucked up.
The fact that you're pretending we don't have a legitimate president
Who's pretending? He was elected by a hostile foreign government.

Where is the proof. They don’t have any.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Damn I'm getting tired of saying this:

Read The Report.
These people are so boring. They don't say anything. Shit, you and I could debate our own agreed upon argument, find something we do not agree on and a have a more intelligent debate than these Trump clowns. They have absolutely nothing to contribute or debate relating to the topic. They post up a bunch of brain dead shit that is worthless. We are dealing with a sack full of losers.
Those 12 killed in Virginia were losers. Prog losers. They arrested the Prog Pakland Cop loser who did nothing to stop the Prog kid who killed the Prog kid losers at that high school. There is being a loser and then there is being a loser. I am still betting the Vegas killer was a Prog Antifa nut and the government does not want to say anything. I have been on and read threads from many forus ver the years. Progs don't debate. They try to turn others into their way of thinking. When you ask a question about their agendas or anything of interest the response comes back quickly. Your agendas hurt yourselves. There are reasons for misogyny. One of them is a mother can cause it. And since Progs have extremist feminist mothers, well not every son becomes a ballerina. Its not just the deplorable people you know. Anyway Vegas should take odds on the next tragedy and how many deaths. We do know there is a 95% chance it will be in a Prog area. Oh, lets all pray to gaia that plagues start in L.A. Ahhh..to be at war with each other is fun.

And since you equate all Mental Health Issues with Democrats ....... Funny, some of the biggest fruitcakes around here (I live in a deep red area) are all Strump supporters. What that proves is mental geniuses can be any party. A sick puppy is a sick puppy. Since you keep looking the other way that means you qualify as a sick puppy and bear close observation, cupcake.
Delusion reigns.
You're a liar and a coward who debates nothing. Get lost. I've talked to too many losers like you already today.

Awww, giving up already? I notice there's still no attempt on your part to actually debate. But hey, keep trying, you might get there some day.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Give up on what? You haven't said anything. Who wants to debate nothing? Which is what you provide.

Just working with what you give me.
"What I gave you" ? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: No shit! And that's been the whole point. I'm the only one giving. You aren't providing shit. As a matter of fact, every argument that is presented to these Toads is usually accompanied by a link that is either ignored or dismissed. What the hell do you produce besides nothing? Can you do anything with this; ]Trump didn't work or earn a penny. His father gave him $419 million dollars and he pissed it all away on failed real estate operations and gambling casinos. while still stealing from others. Went bankrupt, then started borrowing money overseas. Trump has been a thief, a tax cheat, and a loser his whole life using other people's money.
? Hell no! I can create a link of each of those proving my point. Can you produce links that can debunk them? Hell no! So no, you aren't working with anything.[/QUOTE]

Of course I can do something with your garbage. Your first sentence totally destroyed it. In order for your statement to be true, Trump would have to be broke right now. He quite obviously is not, therefore your entire rant is worthless. Now, please do provide whatever links you think prove that Trump is penniless. I look forward to it.
The fact that you're pretending we don't have a legitimate president
Who's pretending? He was elected by a hostile foreign government.

Where is the proof. They don’t have any.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Damn I'm getting tired of saying this:

Read The Report.
These people are so boring. They don't say anything. Shit, you and I could debate our own agreed upon argument, find something we do not agree on and a have a more intelligent debate than these Trump clowns. They have absolutely nothing to contribute or debate relating to the topic. They post up a bunch of brain dead shit that is worthless. We are dealing with a sack full of losers.
Those 12 killed in Virginia were losers. Prog losers. They arrested the Prog Pakland Cop loser who did nothing to stop the Prog kid who killed the Prog kid losers at that high school. There is being a loser and then there is being a loser. I am still betting the Vegas killer was a Prog Antifa nut and the government does not want to say anything. I have been on and read threads from many forus ver the years. Progs don't debate. They try to turn others into their way of thinking. When you ask a question about their agendas or anything of interest the response comes back quickly. Your agendas hurt yourselves. There are reasons for misogyny. One of them is a mother can cause it. And since Progs have extremist feminist mothers, well not every son becomes a ballerina. Its not just the deplorable people you know. Anyway Vegas should take odds on the next tragedy and how many deaths. We do know there is a 95% chance it will be in a Prog area. Oh, lets all pray to gaia that plagues start in L.A. Ahhh..to be at war with each other is fun.
Now people, this is exhibit A. Did anyone pick up on the fact, that this loser left the debate to attack a bunch of innocent people? This is what I mean about posting up brain dead shit. In one sentence the poster is talking about tragedy in Vegas, and then, praying to God that plagues start in LA. These are the kind of crazy loons Trump has produced.
Last edited:
You're a liar and a coward who debates nothing. Get lost. I've talked to too many losers like you already today.

Awww, giving up already? I notice there's still no attempt on your part to actually debate. But hey, keep trying, you might get there some day.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Give up on what? You haven't said anything. Who wants to debate nothing? Which is what you provide.

Just working with what you give me.
"What I gave you" ? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: No shit! And that's been the whole point. I'm the only one giving. You aren't providing shit. As a matter of fact, every argument that is presented to these Toads is usually accompanied by a link that is either ignored or dismissed. What the hell do you produce besides nothing? Can you do anything with this; ]Trump didn't work or earn a penny. His father gave him $419 million dollars and he pissed it all away on failed real estate operations and gambling casinos. while still stealing from others. Went bankrupt, then started borrowing money overseas. Trump has been a thief, a tax cheat, and a loser his whole life using other people's money.
? Hell no! I can create a link of each of those proving my point. Can you produce links that can debunk them? Hell no! So no, you aren't working with anything.
Of course I can do something with your garbage. Your first sentence totally destroyed it. In order for your statement to be true, Trump would have to be broke right now. He quite obviously is not, therefore your entire rant is worthless. Now, please do provide whatever links you think prove that Trump is penniless. I look forward to it.
I think I fixed your misquote kinda.

Anyhow, They would prefer those who were broke who became politicians only to become rich making deals with Lobbyist and insider trading.
You're a liar and a coward who debates nothing. Get lost. I've talked to too many losers like you already today.

Awww, giving up already? I notice there's still no attempt on your part to actually debate. But hey, keep trying, you might get there some day.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Give up on what? You haven't said anything. Who wants to debate nothing? Which is what you provide.

Just working with what you give me.
"What I gave you" ? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: No shit! And that's been the whole point. I'm the only one giving. You aren't providing shit. As a matter of fact, every argument that is presented to these Toads is usually accompanied by a link that is either ignored or dismissed. What the hell do you produce besides nothing? Can you do anything with this; ]Trump didn't work or earn a penny. His father gave him $419 million dollars and he pissed it all away on failed real estate operations and gambling casinos. while still stealing from others. Went bankrupt, then started borrowing money overseas. Trump has been a thief, a tax cheat, and a loser his whole life using other people's money.
? Hell no! I can create a link of each of those proving my point. Can you produce links that can debunk them? Hell no! So no, you aren't working with anything.

Of course I can do something with your garbage. Your first sentence totally destroyed it. In order for your statement to be true, Trump would have to be broke right now. He quite obviously is not, therefore your entire rant is worthless. Now, please do provide whatever links you think prove that Trump is penniless. I look forward to it.

And one other thing, how would Trump need to be broke for that to be true? That doesn't make sense.
Last edited:
The fact that you're pretending we don't have a legitimate president
Who's pretending? He was elected by a hostile foreign government.

Where is the proof. They don’t have any.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Damn I'm getting tired of saying this:

Read The Report.

Been there done that. They have nothing. It’s a joke.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you can say that you are either lying about reading it or you didn't understand it.
The fact that you're pretending we don't have a legitimate president
Who's pretending? He was elected by a hostile foreign government.

Where is the proof. They don’t have any.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Damn I'm getting tired of saying this:

Read The Report.

Been there done that. They have nothing. It’s a joke.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you can say that you are either lying about reading it or you didn't understand it.
Show me one voting machine these Russians voted on.
All they did was spread malicious gossip. So many people were doing it the Russians didn't even make a dent.
Who's pretending? He was elected by a hostile foreign government.

Where is the proof. They don’t have any.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Damn I'm getting tired of saying this:

Read The Report.

Been there done that. They have nothing. It’s a joke.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you can say that you are either lying about reading it or you didn't understand it.
Show me one voting machine these Russians voted on.
All they did was spread malicious gossip. So many people were doing it the Russians didn't even make a dent.
You believe it.
The fact that you're pretending we don't have a legitimate president
Who's pretending? He was elected by a hostile foreign government.

Where is the proof. They don’t have any.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Damn I'm getting tired of saying this:

Read The Report.
These people are so boring. They don't say anything. Shit, you and I could debate our own agreed upon argument, find something we do not agree on and a have a more intelligent debate than these Trump clowns. They have absolutely nothing to contribute or debate relating to the topic. They post up a bunch of brain dead shit that is worthless. We are dealing with a sack full of losers.

We’ll see in 2020. You losers are stuck on the same shit. Nothing. He is not getting impeached, not going to jail and will win the 2020 election. Call us all the names you want but I can’t wait for your crying. So when you to idiots are done patting each other on the back. Remember this post. Save it. I will be When Trump does win you two girls are going to be blocking a lot of people so you don’t have to hear the I told you so. You guys need to step up your insults. They’re lame.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The fact that you're pretending we don't have a legitimate president
Who's pretending? He was elected by a hostile foreign government.

Where is the proof. They don’t have any.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Damn I'm getting tired of saying this:

Read The Report.
These people are so boring. They don't say anything. Shit, you and I could debate our own agreed upon argument, find something we do not agree on and a have a more intelligent debate than these Trump clowns. They have absolutely nothing to contribute or debate relating to the topic. They post up a bunch of brain dead shit that is worthless. We are dealing with a sack full of losers.

We’ll see in 2020. You losers are stuck on the same shit. Nothing. He is not getting impeached, not going to jail and will win the 2020 election. Call us all the names you want but I can’t wait for your crying. So when you to idiots are done patting each other on the back. Remember this post. Save it. I will be When Trump does win you two girls are going to be blocking a lot of people so you don’t have to hear the I told you so. You guys need to step up your insults. They’re lame.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You better hope you are wrong, because you would be voting for a criminal who has violated the oath, and ignored the Constitution every day. Lawrence's Last Word: another day, another impeachable offense
Who's pretending? He was elected by a hostile foreign government.

Where is the proof. They don’t have any.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Damn I'm getting tired of saying this:

Read The Report.

Been there done that. They have nothing. It’s a joke.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you can say that you are either lying about reading it or you didn't understand it.
Show me one voting machine these Russians voted on.
All they did was spread malicious gossip. So many people were doing it the Russians didn't even make a dent.
They didn't need voting machines. All they needed was Trump paying Kris Kobach to purge voters from the rolls illegally, and closing down 868 polls in the south that were in mostly minority areas. The Election Was Stolen - Here’s How... - Greg Palast

Last edited:

The Clinton Impeachment so "damaged" the GOP that less than two years later they won the White House and kept control of both Houses of Congress

Where is the proof. They don’t have any.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Damn I'm getting tired of saying this:

Read The Report.

Been there done that. They have nothing. It’s a joke.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you can say that you are either lying about reading it or you didn't understand it.
Show me one voting machine these Russians voted on.
All they did was spread malicious gossip. So many people were doing it the Russians didn't even make a dent.
They didn't need voting machines. All they needed was Trump paying Kris Kobach to purge voters from the rolls illegally, and closing down 868 polls in the south that were in mostly minority areas. The Election Was Stolen - Here’s How... - Greg Palast

Your link is a blog. You got one to a reputable news source?
If your talking about them purging dead voters from the roles my response is, so fucking what.
Damn I'm getting tired of saying this:

Read The Report.

Been there done that. They have nothing. It’s a joke.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you can say that you are either lying about reading it or you didn't understand it.
Show me one voting machine these Russians voted on.
All they did was spread malicious gossip. So many people were doing it the Russians didn't even make a dent.
They didn't need voting machines. All they needed was Trump paying Kris Kobach to purge voters from the rolls illegally, and closing down 868 polls in the south that were in mostly minority areas. The Election Was Stolen - Here’s How... - Greg Palast

Your link is a blog. You got one to a reputable news source?
If your talking about them purging dead voters from the roles my response is, so fucking what.

No, nothing about dead people was linked. Your distraction and your inability to challenge the facts proves you are not prepared. You lose. That blog kicked your ass.

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