Wasserman-Schultz Body Count? The Story of 3 Dead Florida Whistleblowers

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
For decades, the county has regularly been a hot zone for election-night chaos in both statewide and national races, including the infamous 2000 presidential election. Years of problems have only slapped additional coats of paint on the county’s sordid reputation as a black hole for ballots. Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes, the target of Scott’s legal action, has been accused in recent years of illegally destroying ballots and mismanagement. –Washington Post

Controversies arise regularly in Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s 23rd district and those who seek justice sometimes meet an untimely demise.

Below are the stories of 3 men who dared challenge the establishment and soon after paid with their lives.

Read more at dcclothesline.com ...

The democrats have attacked our democracy and American taxpaying citizens for decades now. Thank God President Trump and the few righteous Republicans including Lindsey Graham V.2! are doing everything they can to drain The Swamp of these corrupt, grotesque, invariably racist, democrats. The world is laughing at the democrats attacking our voting process yet again. Time for some serious reform! Voter ID, the same ballot system for every state, removing disgusting retards from positions of authority, etc.
We shouldn't be too hard on the generation that fed on gitting rid of unwanted fetuses. Killing a fetus got women their freedom from being mothers. Killing off their detractors using omerta as a get-out-of-jail-free card isn't any different than lying to parents and holding a secret forever It's a different way of life than the Founders forsaw as a certainty of freedom from tyrants. The me generation has different tyrants. Their tyrants are good people who obey the ten commandments and live lives of open books. They don't see themselves as the selfish, cruel human beings that self-centered thoughtlessness molds them into being. The pendulum has swung more than the usual 90 degrees, and they cannot end it. Plus, they are not seeing the anger building up by population levels that demand more world resources than landfills can bear for wasteful ways. Their only out now is massive suicides. We'll see who survives all this graft. Oh, wait, they'll figure out ways to kill off old people that they can justify as "unconscionable." That one word got their favorite Presidents off, and they'll keep inventing safeguards to protect the worst offenders at their pleasure than Charles III did in declaring war on shoeless Americans in the eighteenth century from death orders issued by the British half a world away for all dissenters of unfair taxes that compared to taxes issued by the American Congress in the past decade ain't much. The only difference between them in us is that we have computers and know it. The Founders only had common sense, which we no longer utilize. The real enslavers of today simply buy seats of power in Congress. That way, instead of supporting one leader, the American people inure themselves to 500 Congresscritters and 100 Senators. That's 600 monarchs we have to feed. The colonials only had one monarch and his cabinet of near-relatives and a couple of brilliant pals. All that hot air about letting the common man rule was just a one century reprieve from high taxes. I had no income last year. My county levied a 7,000 dollar property tax on me for owning a small farmstead so they can all be millionaires like the commissioners in the next county. Government is a racket, and elderly citizens have no friends after saving their money for a lifetime so they could enjoy the good life. The tax people are in line to take away our savings accounts through insidious means to the original Constitution of the United States that forbad taxation until 1914. And some of our Founders put it in writing their concern that future people would change the laws with their political influence to reinstate taxes against the common man so they could become wealthy. They couldn't put their minds around people murdering their dissenters, though. After all, they believed that if you killed a man outside of war to become a free people, God would punish you in the next life. Now, women are encouraged to murder their own children if they conceive in puberty, maturity, or old age. There is an "unconscionable" excuse for everything the powerful deem okay for themselves. Rich people can just hire attorneys to let them off the hook and spread wealth where needed to assuage their peers into excuse themselves while scapegoating someone who is disadvantaged financially, all for being a common man or woman who doesn't care to live their life of deceit and cunning to remove wealth from their detractors and the common man alike to furnish themselves a dream life not available to everyone.

/useless rant

Carry on, sweet people. You have a bear on your back we'll never get rid of. It's called the Democrat Party. And they're willing to use every ambition their aparatchiks have like a piece of toilet paper, because they go to college and pay people to teach them the ways of staying out of trouble they make like parts on a factory line. It's done by a system of marginalization they employ against people who are against being incarcerated by an oligarchy.

They have to get rid of Republicans now. All their focus is on getting rid of people who believe in the American spirit of freedom, and placing them into building private pyramids for their elite and hammering down those enslaved into paying for their folly.
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The democrats have attacked our democracy and American taxpaying citizens for decades now. Thank God President Trump and the few righteous Republicans including Lindsey Graham V.2! are doing everything they can to drain The Swamp of these corrupt, grotesque, invariably racist, democrats. The world is laughing at the democrats attacking our voting process yet again. Time for some serious reform! Voter ID, the same ballot system for every state, removing disgusting retards from positions of authority, etc.

Trump is the alligator and all his swamp creatures gather around him. NO SOS should oversee his own election.

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