Washington Post: Some conservatives see “Twitterfiles” as a dud. “It’s not really the smoking gun we’d hoped for,”

So what is the story here, exactly?
The story is that voters shouldn't vote for Hunter Biden because of crack and dick-flashing issues. Twitter sought to help Hunter Biden's quest to become Pope by censoring his immorality. Also Trump will lock Hillary up during his 2016 Presidency.
RE: The Washington Post

"It really sucks ass."

OK, poor poster BackAgain, doesn't read the Post. And it seemingly shows in his language skills.
Got it.

But, and not to overdrive the nail, my avatar's advice still stands ---to not only poor poster BackAgain, but to all USMB contributors. Most especially the GatewayPundit types:

(Read the Post: ------

"And thus be better contributors to USMessageBoard.
Trust me, there is quality journalism outside of your loyalty to Breitbart and Gateway Pundit and Daily Stormer."


Just sayin'.
Hunters CHILD MOLESTING believe it or not is the side story. But because they are CHINESE MINOR SEX SLAVES they don't even qualify for a side story.

The man is the worst of the worst of the worst and DUMBFUCKS like you make light of it.

Child molesting enablers are as bad as the molesters themselves.

RE: The Washington Post

OK, poor poster BackAgain, doesn't read the Post. And it seemingly shows in his language skills.
Got it.

But, and not to overdrive the nail, my avatar's advice still stands ---to not only poor poster BackAgain, but to all USMB contributors. Most especially the GatewayPundit types:

(Read the Post: ------

"And thus be better contributors to USMessageBoard.
Trust me, there is quality journalism outside of your loyalty to Breitbart and Gateway Pundit and Daily Stormer."


Just sayin'.
Nah. You’re just babbling. As usual. Your avatar says nothing. You do the talking. And you are gibberish prone.

The Washington Compost sucks ass.
Like you.
Hunters CHILD MOLESTING believe it or not is the side story. But because they are CHINESE MINOR SEX SLAVES they don't even qualify for a side story.

The man is the worst of the worst of the worst and DUMBFUCKS like you make light of it.

Child molesting enablers are as bad as the molesters themselves.

More MAGAt sex fantasies.

But, as posted previously:
But, as noted previously. The WP sucks ass — like you.

As long as we’re busy offering unsolicited free advice, here is some for you:

For you to be a better USMB “post-er” you should really just stfu, forever. 👍
"For you to be a better USMB “post-er” you should really just stfu, forever."

And from the box seats we hear a loud and clear......'Bazinga'!
Or was it..."Triggered"?

I love this bar.

And from the box seats we hear a loud and clear......'Bazinga'!
Or was it..."Triggered"?

I love this bar.
Zzz. What Chilliconfuzed hasn’t mastered in the realm of dull hasn’t been discovered yet.

I’m sorry you feel triggered, fraud boi. Not really sorry. More indifferent.

And the WP is still a shit rag. 😎
you feel triggered, fraud boi.

This is getting funner and funner.......... 'Bazinga'!!! Again.

Really, trust me......I love this bar.
We've got winners.
We've got ____________.

This is getting funner and funner.......... 'Bazinga'!!! Again.

Really, trust me......I love this bar.
We've got winners.
We've got ____________.
Chilliconcrap ^ thinks he’s in a bar.

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