Washington Post Doxxes Libs Of Tik Tok


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
No one would ever accuse Amazon's Washington post of journalism. The media company owned by Billionaire Jeff Bezos is an activist platform for promoting a far left agenda.

Ethics among the leftist media are slim to none, but the Post found a way to sink beneath even the usual sleaze of the DNC media by engaging in what many view as an act of domestic terrorism by Doxxing the "Libs of Tik Tok" twitter account.

{The Washington Post, the “Democracy dies in darkness” crew, decided to declare war on Libs of Tik Tok this morning, doxxing her, and harassing members of her family. Why? She posted public videos of liberals’ insanity from the app. It’s all public. All she did was post the videos with some witty commentaries. }

The shameful and outrageous behavior by Bezos' Post again illustrates the willingness of the leftist press to endanger lives in their quest to silence those who criticize, or in this case merely expose the insanity of the left.

Florida's magnificent press secretary summed it up nicely;

The point of doxxing her was to invite harassment and physical violence.

Bezo's goon, Taylor Lorenze engaged in terrorist acts to intimidate random strangers;


I condemn the terrorist acts of the Washington Post and of this bitter scumbag, Taylor Lorenze. . I call on Oligarch Bezos and the tabloid hate publication, Washington Post, to immediately fire Lorenze. I encourage @LibsOfTikTok to sue the fuck out of Bezos and his filthy rag of a publication.
I encourage @LibsOfTikTok to sue the fuck out of Bezos and his filthy rag of a publication.
Doxxing is the same thing as inviting or even encouraging some nut to physically harm a person. Whoever made details public should be liable for harm that comes to the person they doxxed. There should be an option to bring CRIMINAL charges when a person is killed or injured as a result of such hateful actions.
No one would ever accuse Amazon's Washington post of journalism. The media company owned by Billionaire Jeff Bezos is an activist platform for promoting a far left agenda.

Ethics among the leftist media are slim to none, but the Post found a way to sink beneath even the usual sleaze of the DNC media by engaging in what many view as an act of domestic terrorism by Doxxing the "Libs of Tik Tok" twitter account.

{The Washington Post, the “Democracy dies in darkness” crew, decided to declare war on Libs of Tik Tok this morning, doxxing her, and harassing members of her family. Why? She posted public videos of liberals’ insanity from the app. It’s all public. All she did was post the videos with some witty commentaries. }

The shameful and outrageous behavior by Bezos' Post again illustrates the willingness of the leftist press to endanger lives in their quest to silence those who criticize, or in this case merely expose the insanity of the left.

Florida's magnificent press secretary summed it up nicely;
View attachment 633145
The point of doxxing her was to invite harassment and physical violence.

Bezo's goon, Taylor Lorenze engaged in terrorist acts to intimidate random strangers;

View attachment 633152

I condemn the terrorist acts of the Washington Post and of this bitter scumbag, Taylor Lorenze. . I call on Oligarch Bezos and the tabloid hate publication, Washington Post, to immediately fire Lorenze. I encourage @LibsOfTikTok to sue the fuck out of Bezos and his filthy rag of a publication.
Wasn't it bad for billionaires to own media companies just yesterday?
Anons have been doxxing the journalists whole family ...

This could get interesting

There is no such thing as domestic terrorism, and I HATE when folks use that term.

The legal term terrorism has been designated as a war term, and an excuse to suspend Constitutional Law, folks should not throw around that term lightly.

Now, with that said?

Yes, this is an attempt to close down society. Let us now turn to the landmark book, The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot to understand how.

10 steps.jpg

Clearly, this is step 7. And, to a certain degree. . . step 3. First, the Deep State establishment identifies key individuals, and then, unofficial groups scare and intimidate them.
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What's she done wrong? All she does is repost videos liberals have made.

Or are you angry she's telling the world what liberals say?
She has worked really hard to become a public figure. Why doesn't she expect to be credited with what she has done?
The conservative lust for freedom from the consequences of your actions is not something I give a fuck about.
If a person is not breaking any law?

Of course a person should have no consequences for exercising their Constitutional rights & freedoms.

Only a statist authoritarian, communist, or unAmerican piece of shit believes otherwise.

Why should a person on the left have those freedoms, and not a person on the right?
If a person is not breaking any law?

Of course a person should have no consequences for exercising their Constitutional rights & freedoms.

Only a statist authoritarian, communist, or unAmerican piece of shit believes otherwise.

Why should a person on the left have those freedoms, and not a person on the right?
She has the same freedoms as everybody else. She has the freedom to say and do whatever she wants. Freedom from consequences is not a right, despite how badly you wish it were. It's legal to create an online movement, just as it's legal to find out who has created an online movement.
There is no such thing as domestic terrorism, and I HATE when folks use that term.

The legal term terrorism has been designated as a war term, and an excuse to suspend Constitutional Law, folks should not throw around that term lightly.

Now, with that said?

Yes, this is an attempt to close down society. Let us now turn to the landmark book, The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot to understand how.

View attachment 633177

Clearly, this is step 7. And, to a certain degree. . . step 3. First, the Deep State establishment identifies key individuals, and then, unofficial groups scare and intimidate them.

Pretty hair raising, ain't it?

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