Was this pandemic a conspiracy between the CCP, DNC, MSM and the CIA to stop Trump ?

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
And don't forget the courts.

You know it's a distinct possibility, but I'm posting it
in the conspiracy theory forum anyway.

Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe issued a report stating China interfered in the 2020 election while CIA management pressured lower level analysts to discount this assessment.

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You know it's a distinct possibility, but I'm posting it
in the conspiracy theory forum anyway.

Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe issued a report stating China interfered in the 2020 election while CIA management pressured lower level analysts to discount this assessment.

CCP and DNC.
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Hurricane Maria was also a conspiracy; created by Chinese machinists to trick Trump into doing basketball tosses of paper towels into crowds of desperate people. Like a game. Those sick bastards.
Hurricane Maria was also a conspiracy; created by Chinese machinists to trick Trump into doing basketball tosses of paper towels into crowds of desperate people. Like a game. Those sick bastards.
Hey Dippy---I live in Florida and had to flee MARIA---TRUMP did a damn fantastic job with dealing Maria. His handling of maria was nothing but outstanding. He had the roads cleaned up and power back in an organized quick manner along with food and water being brought in to help those that were flooded. Don't run your mouth if you don't know anything Augustine.

The Puerto Ricans on the other hand their usually bullshit---------
That's plausible, but I think China f*kd up and accidentally released it in their own country. Once they saw they were screwed, they decided to release it on the world so they wouldn't take the hit alone. With the WHO running cover for them, all they had to do was execute a few whistleblowers and intimidate the rest into silence. It couldn't have worked out better for them.
That's plausible, but I think China f*kd up and accidentally released it in their own country. Once they saw they were screwed, they decided to release it on the world so they wouldn't take the hit alone. With the WHO running cover for them, all they had to do was execute a few whistleblowers and intimidate the rest into silence. It couldn't have worked out better for them.
You should consider, for at least a second or two, that there are many other potential explanations
And don't forget the courts.

You know it's a distinct possibility, but I'm posting it
in the conspiracy theory forum anyway.

Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe issued a report stating China interfered in the 2020 election while CIA management pressured lower level analysts to discount this assessment.

And don't forget the courts.

You know it's a distinct possibility, but I'm posting it
in the conspiracy theory forum anyway.

Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe issued a report stating China interfered in the 2020 election while CIA management pressured lower level analysts to discount this assessment.

You ask me COVID-19 was a full blown Chinese declaration of war on the rest of the world. But it gets even better than that—and even more complicated, too. See, on one hand the Chinese unleashed the greatest biological weapons attack in human history. But on the other hand, every single world leader was ready and willing and all geared up to lockdown their national populations ALL at the SAME time, in lockstep. Which leads one to suspect that all world leaders were in cahoots with the Chinese or the UN or WEF or what the fuck ever evil overlord organization. China initiated the plague attack but even leaders of the Western World jumped all at once to lockdown their people. Thus, it was all one giant global coordinated conspiracy to rob people everywhere of their individual freedom. What a par-tay!
And don't forget the courts.

You know it's a distinct possibility, but I'm posting it
in the conspiracy theory forum anyway.

Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe issued a report stating China interfered in the 2020 election while CIA management pressured lower level analysts to discount this assessment.

What are you smoking and did you bring enough for everyone?
Didn't believe me did you ?
mail (1).gif

I think the plannedemic has done a lot of things for the Cabal. There is a lot of information on it here:

Governments have used psychological warfare throughout history to manipulate public opinion, gain political advantage, and generate profits.

Western governments have engaged in such tactics in the 'war on terrorism' as well as in its predecessor, the 'war on communism'...

In both cases, state-sponsored terrorism and propaganda were used to distort the public's perception of the threats, leading to increased governmental control of society and huge financial benefits for corporations.

It appears that the same kinds of effects are being seen as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Many of the features and outcomes seen in the war on terrorism and the war on communism are evident in this new "war on death."

Therefore, it's reasonable to wonder if the extreme response to COVID-19, and its associated virus SARS-COV-2, could be another psychological operation (Psy-Op) against the public.

Considering facts about the disease and the disproportionate response emphasizes the possibility.

If COVID-19 has been co-opted for manipulation of the public, through hyping the threat and pushing exploitive solutions,

who is behind it and who benefits...?

Let's first review what features and outcomes the "coronavirus scare" shares in common with the "red scare" that drove the perceived threat of communism and the "Muslim scare" behind the perceived threat of terrorism.

Here are a dozen characteristics that these perceived threats share:

1. Fear-based and globally directed

2. Media saturation with bias toward fear

3. Data manipulation and propaganda

4. Censorship of opposing views

5. Intelligence agency control of information

6. Preceded by exercises mimicking the threat

7. Series of claims made that are later proven false

8. Response threatens democracy

9. Large increase in wealth and power for a few; increase in social inequality

10. Increased government control of the public and reduced individual freedoms

11. Response kills far more than the original threat

12. Evidence for manufactured events

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