CHINA IN CHARGE: The Chinese Communists are Gloating: “Good Riddance Donald Trump”


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
CHINA IN CHARGE: The Chinese Communists are Gloating: “Good Riddance Donald Trump”

CHINA IN CHARGE: The Chinese Communists are Gloating: "Good Riddance Donald Trump" (
20 Jan 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
The Chinese Communist Party is gloating today.
They did it!


BREAKING: DNI Ratcliffe Releases Report Showing China Interfered with the 2020 Election and CIA Management Pressured Analysts Not to Report It
China interfered with the 2020 election based on a report by DNI Ratcliff. Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe issued a report stating China interfered in the 2020 election while CIA management pressured lower level analysts to discount this assessment. The EPOCH Times reported today: Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe assessed …
China is not even hiding their absolute glee that they helped get rid of President Donald Trump!
Democrats are right there with them. So are the Iranians. So is Maduro in Venezuela.
It’s very clear now.

When you declare millions of your fellow countrymen terrorists, because they didn't vote for you and require the force of arms aimed at your citizenry for you to assume power with the support of foreign powers, you are not a legitimate government of the people but tyrannical occupation! Beijing Biden is NOT OUR PRESIDENT!
How soon will Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist Commies begin their genocide of White Americans that they've been aiming for? Rick Klein of ABC and other Quisling Media talking heads are calling for CLEANSING of Trump supporters after the flase flag operation on 1/6. Communists have a taste of blood and they like it. I can see communists putting white genocide on the next ballot, using the Dominion voting system.
Americans have been told to go home in peace and wait for a Marxist/DSA death squad to show up. The Russians at least had courage to fight Civil War after the Bolshevik power grab, they failed after five years but at least they tried.

The right wings latest Boogie Man du jour.
A "Boogie Man" is a fictitious figure used to frighten people.

What is it about China that you think is exaggerated or untrue?

Do you think the genocide of the Uyghurs is somehow not real or used to just
scare people? How far does your idiocy reach?
CHINA IN CHARGE: The Chinese Communists are Gloating: “Good Riddance Donald Trump”

CHINA IN CHARGE: The Chinese Communists are Gloating: "Good Riddance Donald Trump" (
20 Jan 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
The Chinese Communist Party is gloating today.
They did it!

BREAKING: DNI Ratcliffe Releases Report Showing China Interfered with the 2020 Election and CIA Management Pressured Analysts Not to Report It
China interfered with the 2020 election based on a report by DNI Ratcliff. Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe issued a report stating China interfered in the 2020 election while CIA management pressured lower level analysts to discount this assessment. The EPOCH Times reported today: Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe assessed …
China is not even hiding their absolute glee that they helped get rid of President Donald Trump!
Democrats are right there with them. So are the Iranians. So is Maduro in Venezuela.
It’s very clear now.

When you declare millions of your fellow countrymen terrorists, because they didn't vote for you and require the force of arms aimed at your citizenry for you to assume power with the support of foreign powers, you are not a legitimate government of the people but tyrannical occupation! Beijing Biden is NOT OUR PRESIDENT!
How soon will Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist Commies begin their genocide of White Americans that they've been aiming for? Rick Klein of ABC and other Quisling Media talking heads are calling for CLEANSING of Trump supporters after the flase flag operation on 1/6. Communists have a taste of blood and they like it. I can see communists putting white genocide on the next ballot, using the Dominion voting system.
Americans have been told to go home in peace and wait for a Marxist/DSA death squad to show up. The Russians at least had courage to fight Civil War after the Bolshevik power grab, they failed after five years but at least they tried.

Well said. The leftists who helped put Biden in office are going to wish they had studied history when they realize communist regimes ALWAYS turn on their supporters as soon as they run out of dissidents to persecute. Stalin, Mao, and Castro all had jails FULL of their fellow commies who weren't woke enough.

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