CDZ Was the ANTIFA confrontation of neo-clowns meant to put them in a positive light?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
With all the money lost on failed candidates and funding of creating disruption via protests, and the average American public seemingly unwilling to get onboard these anti democratic alt-left; was the entire episode to tangle with a bunch of low-life neo-nazis all meant to put them in a positive light?

These alt-left protested before Trump won and after he won. They protested immigration reform and rallied in support of Sancruary Cities. They have protested against free speech, had professors run in fear, lose their jobs. They've been critical of Israel and religion in general. They despise individuality, pursuit of ones own goals, capitalism and free markets.

In short, they have attacked anyone and anything that American have hold dear. So, it's no surprise that these often well funded campaigns are not nearly as popular or supported as the media likes to present them. Here in lies their problem for them and why the attacks on some deranged wannabes is so key for them.

It's the traditional "sweet spot" for the left to call the right racist and intolerant. What better way to gain some sympathy and support than to confront some dirty fake nazis in combat? It's an attempt to present them as great Americans while knowing it's extremely difficult to criticize them, since the target was so abhorrent. The comparisons to the Beaches of Normandy took the cake in it's audacity.

Consider that the judge didn't allow them to counter protest in a different location, choosing to allow the confrontation. Consider how the media was all over this, and even interviewing a bloody former KKK member in David Duke. A man who hasn't had relevance since 1990's. Some are really eager to divide the country, and the violence has already taken one life. Next time, bring in the National Guard and let them deal with this all while recording those committing crimes.
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The liberals are a cancer on the nation.

If liberals are the cancer of the nation, then the cancer is in remission for the most part.

Today's authoritarian leftists are anything BUT liberal.

Agreed. This alt-left, radical communist movement is not liberal. It poses a massive problem for the Democrats if they want to remain relevant and if they truly care about America. As much as the alt-right are insane, they are a much small group, far less organised and funded (some of the funding of the alt-left is coming from International donors, why this might be is the question).
Does it make that much difference if somebody bashes you over the head because you ain't white or if they do it for any other reason? Maybe they don't like your politics, maybe they don't like your religion or even that you have a religion, whatever. When did we get to the point where it's okay to deny someone else's right to protest a statue being taken down or someone else's right to speak somewhere just because you don't agree with what they have to say? All the outrage over the white supremacist groups is fine, but they're really insignificant until and unless the MSM makes them significant. Or the Antifa groups show up and now we have news.

Frankly, what I'm seeing here is that the bad guys weren't the white supremacists, who as far as I know were not breaking the law and had a right to demonstrate against the removal of that statue. The bad guys were the Antifas who showed up and created a much bigger confrontation than was necessary. Yeah, the nutcase who drove over people and killed that girl was a WSer, he was one of a number of WS nutcases. Hell, they're all a bunch of nutcases IMHO, but that doesn't mean they've lost their rights. And he's going to pay the consequences for his actions, as he should. But you know what else? Maybe that girl shouldn't have been there once things started to get ugly. There was no need to confront anybody, the statue was going to be removed. So there was no real need to be there in the 1st place for the Antifas people; in my view it was they who turned that whole deal into a tragedy.

Freedom of speech can be a bitch sometimes. When some a-hole or a bunch of a-holes start yelling crap that you vehemently disagree with, it ain't easy to let them have their say. But that is the way it is supposed to work in this country, right or wrong we all get to have our say and that is why in this case it was the Antifas crowd were the problem. Because they seem to think, as many others on the Left do, that an opposing view cannot be tolerated. And that ain't right.
With all the money lost on failed candidates and funding of creating disruption via protests, and the average American public seemingly unwilling to get onboard these anti democratic alt-left; was the entire episode to tangle with a bunch of low-life neo-nazis all meant to put them in a positive light?

These alt-left protested before Trump won and after he won. They protested immigration reform and rallied in support of Sancruary Cities. They have protested against free speech, had professors run in fear, lose their jobs. They've been critical of Israel and religion in general. They despise individuality, pursuit of ones own goals, capitalism and free markets.

In short, they have attacked anyone and anything that American have hold dear. So, it's no surprise that these often well funded campaigns are not nearly as popular or supported as the media likes to present them. Here in lies their problem for them and why the attacks on some deranged wannabes is so key for them.

It's the traditional "sweet spot" for the left to call the right racist and intolerant. What better way to gain some sympathy and support than to confront some dirty fake nazis in combat? It's an attempt to present them as great Americans while knowing it's extremely difficult to criticize them, since the target was so abhorrent. The comparisons to the Beaches of Normandy took the cake in it's audacity.

Consider that the judge didn't allow them to counter protest in a different location, choosing to allow the confrontation. Consider how the media was all over this, and even interviewing a bloody former KKK member in David Duke. A man who hasn't had relevance since 1990's. Some are really eager to divide the country, and the violence has already taken one life. Next time, bring in the National Guard and let them deal with this all while recording those committing crimes.

Democrat mayors and governors WANT these confrontations because they can sell it as part of a vast right-wing conspiracy to their low IQ constituents.

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