*Was Robinhood Justified Or Just Common Criminal?*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Was he *Just*?He was *NOT* just, he had no right to take from anyone in the first place.
2. Is it fair, or just, to steal from those who have much, and hand it out to the poor?It is, *Not Fair* if those whom have much are willing to give to the poor, then thats fine, otherwise, its injustice.
3. Should the poor be willing to receive stolen goods or money?Absolutely not, the poor should know that ill gotten gains are worthless, and should be refused, taking stolen things full well knowing they are stolen, is a sin, and it corrupted, better to have nothing than to receive stolen goods.
4. Should a poor person feel fine, knowing that the things they receive are indeed stolen from some other person who had worked for them and had acquired them legally?No they should have integrity, and never receive stolen goods, or money, if its obtained through theft, its *stolen goods*, and not right to obtain and use.
5. Do poor people have a human right to goods or money, if they haven't done whats right to gain them?Yes they have human rights, but not a right to others goods, or monies, they can ask for it, but its not in their rights to demand it.
6. Do politicians break *The natural Law*, by over taxing rich people, to supply the needs of the poor? Its quite possible this happens, the rich are heavy burdened, what part of their American Dream, doesn't belong to them? Really?
7. Is it up to the rich to deliver the goods or monies to the government, in order for the poor to be supplied every need?I think that other organizations can and do a better job than the government on helping the poor, perhaps those groups should be collecting the taxes, to better supply for the poor and needy.
8. All these questions shall be answered right here on *USMB*! by none other than, *CWN*!!!

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From the Sermon on the Mount....

"And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also. And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away."
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=167IhlXnN2Y]How Robin Hoods men really treated the poor - YouTube[/ame]
We need to be clear on which Robin hood do we not...

Errol Flynn the one I grew up watching.
Kevin Costner he wasn't real.He didn't have a good accent. or
That Men in tights one...I don't want to count him,they made fun of the whole Robin Hood thing...
Robin Hood robbed the King's tax collectors and returned the money to the people who had to pay the taxes.

Today he'd be a republican.
From the Sermon on the Mount....

"And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also. And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away."

I missed the part where Jesus said "If a man do not giveth up his cloak, the King shall take it from him and distribute it to the King's favored."
Was Robin Hood Justified Or Just Common Criminal?*

Well , it depends on whom you ask.

If you ask, someone like me , who is over 60, who works 50 or more hours a week since I was 17 y/o then I'd say that any one who steals from me is a common criminal who deserves death.

On the other hand a parasitic tax consumer would love the criminals.

Now the original Robin Hood (1938) starring Errol Flynn was a Libertarian flick since Robin Hood returned TAX MONEY to its lawful owners.

Now , that's my Robin Hood.

Robin Hood is a fictional character based on someone who is lost to history. The question of his being right or wrong is meaningless. The question of the morality of his fictional actions is dependent on how you feel about the concepts of inherited wealth and titles, what constitutes an aristocracy and what options were available to lawfully achieve his ends. The stories paint him as a man forced into robbing by compassion for an oppressed people and loyalty to an usurped king, both virtuous motivations. The story while entertaining has no real application to the modern world except as vehicle to carry the ideal of social justice.
From the Sermon on the Mount....

"And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also. And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away."

Do you notice Chris that compelling "charity" by armed force doesn't appear anywhere in this quote?
From the Sermon on the Mount....

"And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also. And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away."

Do you notice Chris that compelling "charity" by armed force doesn't appear anywhere in this quote?
Nice that Statist will quote the bible when only when it's convenient.
Sorry bout that,

1. Was he *Just*?
2. Is it fair, or just, to steal from those who have much, and hand it out to the poor?
3. Should the poor be willing to receive stolen goods or money?
4. Should a poor person feel fine, knowing that the things they receive are indeed stolen from some other person who had worked for them and had acquired them legally?
5. Do poor people have a human right to goods or money, if they haven't done whats right to gain them?
6. Do politicians break *The natural Law*, by over taxing rich people, to supply the needs of the poor?
7. Is it up to the rich to deliver the goods or monies to the government, in order for the poor to be supplied every need?
8. All these questions shall be answered right here on *USMB*! by none other than, *CWN*!!!


He didn't really exist.
Sorry bout that,

1. Was he *Just*?
2. Is it fair, or just, to steal from those who have much, and hand it out to the poor?
3. Should the poor be willing to receive stolen goods or money?
4. Should a poor person feel fine, knowing that the things they receive are indeed stolen from some other person who had worked for them and had acquired them legally?
5. Do poor people have a human right to goods or money, if they haven't done whats right to gain them?
6. Do politicians break *The natural Law*, by over taxing rich people, to supply the needs of the poor?
7. Is it up to the rich to deliver the goods or monies to the government, in order for the poor to be supplied every need?
8. All these questions shall be answered right here on *USMB*! by none other than, *CWN*!!!


In the story "Robin Hood", the peasants are hard working farmers and the sheriff of Nottingham with Prince John's permission are taking most and in some cases all of their crops, leaving the peasants to starve. Robin Hood steals the "taxes" and gives it back to those who actually "earned" it by raising the crops in the first place. Of course, the land belonged to the King so you could say the crops that the workers raised also belonged to him, I'm sure you would just as you think all profits made by a company belong to the company and none of them belong to the workers.
Sorry bout that,

1. "Who made me a divider or judge over your things?" -Jesus: * so a judge should be deciding huh? *
2. How do you think this applies to the Robinhood story?
3 Does God want to be a divider of mans things?
4. How can a man, say Robinhood properly divide things he's stolen?
5. Would he not, *keep back* some?
6. If American Government is not properly dividing the taxes they collect, who is at fault?
7. If they divide too much towards the poor, and neglect other areas of governance, are they being unjust?
8. Do the poor have a right to monies collected by taxes, and who made Robinhood the judge to divide?

Obama is our modern day Robin hood. Steals from the people who work for their money and give it to the people who dont.
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